Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Fiscally Austrian/Free (d) Market and Socially conservative/Traditionalist

The ideal economic system in a Christian Society (free and Godly) is the most Biblical one. This economic system is a free(d) market or as freed as possible. This free or free(d) market is what is often maligned by using the term "unregulated" Capitalism. Or called "dog eat dog." The truth is that Capitalism as used in the Austrian sense or Biblical sense is simply an 'Ism' to say a free(d) market economy without using as many words. It is also called Free Enterprise. 

All of these are another way of saying that the people privately get to own and use their property the way they wish to without State Central Planning. In opposition to The Current and historical Command Economy. An economy where certain people and organizations get to have the government to use legislation to grant them monopolies and then regulate their competition. Or to grant them special status by granting them Incorporation backed by the force and power of the State.

This means I align fiscally with the Austrian School of Economics and economically in large part with libertarians, but, not at all socially. Or when it comes to legislating morality not at all. As I have previously stated I am in favor of General Equity in law making using God's Moral Law. Which means I would not legalize prostitution, I would Crack down on sex work in the community, I am against the legalization of Drugs, want to reinforce true Natural and Biblical marriage and so forth. 

Where I can agree with libertarians is that it would be best to do a lot of this legislating at the local, and, State or Provincial level. Some things such as the banning abortion though would be Federal as that is a law against murder. Which means I am socially very, very conservative and Austrian fiscally. Currently, The Conservative Party of Canada is becoming more open to freer markets and also more prolife depending on whom gets in. No one will be the ideal balance of non-reconstructionist moral law and economic freedom. 

I follow the Biblical standards and from that end up partly in both fiscal Libertarianism and social Conservatism. At least of the old-school paleo-theoconservative variety. I would want any community or Nation I belong to, to follow those two streams of thought. The argument at this point is how best to make that possible with a world filled with unregenerate people.