Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Any existence of a law code reqiuires force or it is not a law.

I was watching a Libertarian video from a UK Libertarian that made once again liberty all about the freedom to do anything you want at all. Using his defense of freedom makes it impossible to reward good and punish evil. It is the same defense that pedophiles use that want the ability to rape kids and get away with it because we are forcing them to not pursue their happiness. It is the defense of the Mafia boss whom decries how dare the government not let him go around killing off his opponents. 

If freedom is equal to this radical and rugged individualism why do we outlaw slavery? After all the collective is stopping an individual from using his property the way he wants. How dare we forbid murder or theft? After all a murderer is using his weapon which is his property the way he wishes to. A thief is using his or body the way he or she wants. Capitalism is not a free for all. 

Laws need to exist. Furthermore, they need to be enforced in a regular and stable way. This requires the sacrifice of rugged individualism for peace and voluntary cooperation. Even if we were to abolish the State we would have Market based courts and an agreed upon legal code for them to follow. The fact they would then be enforcing this legal code is a use of force and a justified use of it as well. 

Force must exist if we are to not have chaos. The question is what is it moral and ethical to be laws and backed by force. Even Mr. Anarcho-Capitalism, Murray Rothbard himself, agreed with the need to use force when it was justified for the protection of life, liberty and property. Individualism must be impeded for someone anytime someone wants to harm their neighbor. By attacking them or dumping waste in their water etc cetera. Your individual rights does not extend to literally anything that comes through your head. 

It is not whether force will exist, but, what kind of force and for what purpose. Is it being used to enforce God's Moral Law or used to defend man's law? Even if you agree with the Non Aggression Principle, which I do not, you are enforcing a moral code. You are enforcing a legal code based around that principle and worldview on your Nation or localities. Thus removing the rugged individualist dogma of do what you want. 

Law equals forcing some individuals to do something against their will. Even in the NAP Paradise any individual that wants to break it is forced not to break it against their will. This is because we are totally depraved and our depravity is only being held back by God Himself. You cannot with human nature just let things be a free for all or the world would be even more of a nightmare than it is now at times.