Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, January 31, 2022

Heated Vaccine Debate - Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz


Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of using "RNA as a drug" and core mRNA and DNA vaccine technologies.


Opposing Views: Are Vaccines Safe? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Amesh Adalja


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #370

I do not condone the hosts language nor the idea at the end of pesticides being dangerous nor that Vaccines cause Autism. However, this is great food for thought on COVID-19 and the response to it.

Attacks on the NKJV Translation: A Critique of David Daniels (Chick Publications) | MEGIDDO TV


What is the Difference in the KJV and NKJV?


Apologia Lite: Pierced For Our Transgressions


Optional Translations for TR Advocates

The translations are: The KJV The 21st Century King James The KJVER The NKJV The MEV JP Green's Literal Version/KJVII with the interlinear The Scriptures Version is not a main stream version but was an interesting translation.

The Problem with Texual Criticism: NKJV vs MEV and ESV


A Plea to Face Tyranny Together | MEGIDDO TV


Hebrews 1:5-14: Christ Superior to the Angels (Rev. Michael Grasso)


Canada's Freedom Convoy, Media Myths & the End of COVID?


Romans 2:1-11: God’s Righteous Standard


God Entrusts Children to Parents - Answers News: January 31, 2022


January 30, 2022 PM Worship


PM Service - 2022-01-30 (Rev Shin LD 48)


The Creation Order is still the way God made it.

We are going through weird days in these times when it comes to the Creation Order question. People dead in trespasses and  sins want to enforce Ungodly ideas of Creation on those whom God had saved via his Sovereign Grace. Through using legislation decrying His order as a Myth. However, The Word of God stands forever and His law is the law we must follow as His Children. 

I do not condone rebeling in the streets or causing a scene. However, God created them male and female whom are to join in marriage becoming One Flesh. This is an Absolute Truth of His Word and can be seen even by the unbeliever in how Nature works. Our Kind reproduces via sexual reproduction which requires an egg and sperm. 

Biology, even in a secular world, determines sex and sex dictates if you make the sperm or egg which determines your being male or female. God or to The unbeliever "Nature" determines your sex and how you in your sex function in the process of sexual reproduction. (Which determines how you are meant to use your sexual organs.) 

The Creation Order or "order of nature" shows there is a sexul and biological sex norm for being a male or female. This does not make it OK to actually harm those whom are acting outside of it. However, it also means that those are deviations from the norm of our Kind and while they should be humanized and not mistreated in anyway normalizing these deviations was not the answer to bullying or other issues faced. 

God's rule for sex is in a marriage between a male and a female for life. Nature mirrors that being the best option because God is sovereign over everything and made Nature. While I am AGAINST coercing people that deviate from the norm there is a norm and people that agree with that should be free to live following their value system. 

The Vax Pass needs to be abolished

As a follow up to my last article I will present my views on the Vax Pass we currently have in Canada and other Nations. I am on the side that wishes it to be removed as a form of Public Health Regulations. However, I also realize that God is using everything including the Vax Pass system for His own ends.

It was never an ethical idea to have the Government force citizens to police others Vaccine Status. If people and businesses decided to do so without coercion from The State that would be a different story. However, forcing organizations to be the Vax Police is crossing a line that The State ought not to cross. It is a form of State imposed segregation no different than enforcing pre civil rights codes on people with different levels of melanin. 

It is making society into a modern day feudal system where the vaccinated get to have freedom, but, the unvaccinated are disallowed their charter rights. However, as Christians we need to remember that God is Sovereign over even this and His will is going to be done through even these tough times.

No, we should not mandate people's medical decisions

In a previous article I mentioned that Christians should follow Public Health Order guidelines such as wearing masks during worship in person and social distancing while at Church. However, I intentionality left out being vaccinated with COVID-19 shots. This is because I do not support mandating someone's medical options for dealing with the virus. 

I am in total opposition to forcing people to get any medical treatment against their will it is a major breach of our rights. People should be able to use the options that best fit them for finding ways to stop infection or spread of the virus in their own body and their own circle. If that means having the vaccine for them it does. If it means using some other alternative that is their decision.

One does not need to be a conspiracy theorist or anti vax to be against forcing people to be vaccinated against their wishes. I have two COVID-19 shots and plan on getting the booster in February as well. However, I should not be forced to take any of them. This was my decision based on my level of comfort with the vaccines that exist. If I had decided against them that would have been my decision and not the government of Canada's. 

Do I think the vaccine helps, yes I do. Do I think it is my place to impose that view on other people? No. There is nothing in The Word of God about COVID-19 vaccine pro or against. We do not have any command from God to take a vaccine or not to take the vaccine. So, that leaves this decision to be part of Christian Liberty and gracious charity. 

Jesus is Lord of Creation - PM January 30, 2022


Sunday, January 30, 2022

A Good Soldier


Just Don't Go To Hell Trilogy: Steve Lawson Sermon Jams


Doctrines of Grace | Steve Lawson Sermon Jam Pentalogy


Our Sovereign God: Steve Lawson Sermon Jam


The Narrow Way: Steve Lawson Sermon Jam


The Prosperity Gospel: David Wilkerson Sermon Jam


Six Flags over Jesus: Paul Washer & David Wilkerson Sermon Jam


When Foundations Crumble: Sermon Jam Featuring Dr. Steve Lawson


Theology on Fire: A Sermon Jam by Dr. Steve Lawson


Pride Sermon Jam


Holy Anger Sermon Jam


Smithers CanRef Live Stream January 30, 2022 AM


PG Canadian Reformed Church Livestream - January 30, 2022 - 10:00AM


Jan 30, 2022 AM


VernonCanRC Live Stream


January 30, 2022 AM Worship


1/30/2022 AM - “What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?” - Matthew 8:18-27


Cloverdale URC Live Stream 1/30/22 AM Service


Lord's Day Morning Worship from Bethany ARP Church, January 30, 2022


Lord's Day Morning Worship January 30, 2022


9:30 AM Service


God's grace restores the unity in God's covenant


Providence URC - January 30, 2022 AM Service

2022.01.30 AM Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church


January 30, 2022- (Sunday Morning Service) Pastor Bulut Yasar


Jan 30th, 2022, 2nd Service


"Kingdom Loyalty" - Mark 10:1–12


LWRC - January 30 (10:30 AM)


Jan. 30, 2022 AM


Working Together in Joy and Fellowship


Geelong Reformed Presbyterian Church Live Stream - 30 January 2022 PM


2022-01-30 Rev T Donachie Morning Service


Healing of the Leper (Luke 5:12-16) — A Sermon by R.C. Sproul


Ben Shapiro and John MacArthur debate Jesus (AMAZING)




The Message "Avoid It!"


Jordan Peterson's Gnostic Bible Deception...


URC of PEI / January 31 2022 / Morning Sermon and Prayer


The Divine Summons


The Wuhan Corona Virus and the Secret Rapture of the Church


The trouble with tribbles...I mean the Tribulation


Saturday, January 29, 2022

I Belieive in a "Not so Secret" Rapture


The What, When, Where and Why of the 1000 Years


Has The PCUSA Become A Synagogue Of Satan?


What Does The Bible Say About the Enneagram? - Spencer Smith


Geelong Reformed Presbyterian Church Live Stream - 30 January 2022 AM


Rich Wilkerson Jr. Declares... it's "Tip Toe" Season!


David Hogan At Bethel Church December 2021: The Stinky Lady And The Leper


Is Activating Angels Like Activating Charcoal?


Critical Grace Theology | Ceasar LeFlore


A State Sponsored Cult


Where Did Humility Go in Evangelicalism? | Pride & Humility Series


The Church of the Fresh Start, or a Neo-Pentecostal K-mart?


Powerful Sermon On Fake Christianity


Unscrambling the new worldview - Dr Peter Jones


"Does The Bible Have Errors?" by Dr. Norman Geisler


Neopaganism Inside the Church / Peter Jones


Peter Jones: A Gnostic Gospel


Only Two Religions: A Google Hangout with Peter Jones


Dr. Peter Jones - The Great Opponent of Contemporary Christianity (Special Lecture - Oct 19, 2015)


Dr. Nicolosi Answers Your Questions

 1. Four phases of gay identity 2. Preceding scenario to homosexual enactment

Debunking the Force of Faith


"Jesus Was Rich!" What Does the Bible Say?


Comparing a 220 Year Old "Revival" With the Toronto Blessing


Are You Hearing God's Voice? The Dangers of Christian Mysticism


Azusa Street: Revival or Frenzy?


"God Is Not In Control" What Does the Bible Say?


Tongues Before Parham: The Dangerous Cult Leader Frank Sandford, With Kozar and Long


Friday, January 28, 2022

Why God's Generals Can't Be Taken Seriously (With Kozar and Long)


The Bethel, Frisbee, Dedmon Connection (With Kozar and Long)


Does God Speak Through Numbers?


Yes, You Should Judge False Teachers!


Why You STILL Shouldn't Read The Passion Translation


Creation’s Blueprints - God’s instruction manual | Martyn Iles Live at The Download


The Life and Scandals of Kathryn Kuhlman


Zeitgeist (Copycat Christ Theory) Exposed

I disagree with their anti Christmas view and there are good reasons for Christ's birthday being celebrated on December 25th. It was not some Romanist conspiracy to create Christmas. 

The Strength of Gentleness


Salvation through the Cross - Dr. David Mackereth Preaches Spurgeon Sermon


Abraham Offers Isaac Part 2/2 - Kenneth Stewart Sermon


God's Judgement on the Church - Reverend William Macleod Sermon


Abraham Offers Isaac Part 1/2 - Kenneth Stewart Sermon


Our Weapons are not Carnal - Dr. David Mackereth


Heaven and Hell - Charles Spurgeon #shorts


SHOCKING Sermon | Paul Washer | Inspirational & Motivational Video


True Repentance - Reverend Romesh Prakashpalan Sermon


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Return Unto Me And I Will Return Unto You - Reverend Romesh Prakashpalan Sermon


‘I oppose today’s so-called capitalism’ ‒ Ron Paul on free-market economy


IVF, Embryo Adoption & Surrogacy: Answering the Hard Questions | Guest: Jennifer Lahl

COVID-19: A Second Opinion


Freedom Convoy 2022 - Live Update Thursday


L2 Purity in the Leadership, Titus 1:5-9


What's So Wrong With Church By The Glades? Heresy Hunter Bingo


The Beauty of Once Saved Always Saved | Eternal Security


Why Are Charismatics So Weird? Holy Spirit Activate!


Did Pterosaurs Really Have Feathers?


Is the Love of God Unconditional?: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul


"Testing the Prophets" When They Delete Their Own Videos!


Dr. David Sorenson - The Traditional Text: It's History & Manifestation


Dr Lance Ketchum - Inspiration, Inerrancy, and Infallibility


Dr David Sorenson The Critical Text vs The Traditional Text


Wescott and Horts Occult Connections - Dr. Phil Stringer


Neither Oldest Nor Best - Dr. David Sorenson


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

MEV-KJV comparasion video


Dr Gary Mann The Reasons Translations Are Not Inspired


The MEV: The Newest Effort to Replace the KJV - Dr. Dan Haifley


What the Editors of the ESV Teach us About the Majority Text - Dr. Phil Stringer


James White's Fatal Flaw Argument Against the TR Utterly Refuted


Textus Receptus, Critical Text and the Preservation of God's Word | MEGIDDO TV


Transgender Debate: Dr. James White vs. Dr. Drew


Jeff Riddle and Dane Johannsson Discuss Jan Krans On Why The TR Should Not Be Accepted


Dr. Jeff Riddle "A Major Shift Has Taken Place In Text Criticism"; A Response To Dr. Gurry


Tips For Reading The King James Version


James White and the Confessional Text Position


The Dueling Theologies of Protestant Bibliology


John 6 Rescued from Leighton's Scissors, then Jordan Peterson's Amazing Statement


What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?: Born Again with R.C. Sproul


Pastor Robert Truelove responds to Todd Friel and KJV Onlyism


Lead Us Not into Temptationm


The reckless Wreck of Godless Libertarianism

People whom ate finding all the mainstream parties to be lacking any courage and to be pushover for massive governmental control are currently looking for an alternative. Some Conservatives are also fed up with how not conservative the official party has become. 

It is easy to think the answer lies in the most extreme fringes of our politics and get involved in the movement known as Libertarianism. We have several Libertarianism parties in Canada with the most extreme being the Federal Libertarian Party of Canada and the more moderate being The People's Party of Canada. However, saved believers need to watch out for one nasty political trap.

Libertarianism would be in favor of things such as smut being free expression, same sex marriages being fine, making all drugs legal and ultimately a very immoral and Godless laissez-faire society that is not compatible with God's Word or Rule in anyway.

Christian Conservatives that look to God's Laws to govern their life need to realize that this movement is home to some of the most Pagan and Godless Heathens in North America. A home to perversion and in some cases contains admitted Satanists among their fold. 

This does not mean every Libertarianism proponent supports these things, but, keep in mind they will also never call out the Godlessnes of their fellow Libertarianism proponents. I am not afraid nor ashamed to say that Christians should be weary of getting involved in this movement as a result of government overreach.

Do We need an alternative to the current Conservatives that are not conservative at all? Yes, but, do not make the mistake that the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

The Law, the Gospel, and Sanctification | Theocast


Jesus Forgives Sin -- Mark 2:1-12


John Stossel - The Conservative's Case Against Liberty


John Stossel and Ann Coulter on the Legalization of Drugs


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

"Rules for Christian Radicals Part 2" - Mark 9:38-50


Every Christian should be both conservative and radical; conervative in preserving the faith and radical in applying it.


"Rules for Christian Radicals Part 1" - Mark 9:38-50


Powerful Prayer - Reverend William Macleod Sermon


Raising the Next Generation in Turbulent Times - Voddie Baucham


Cultish: Overview Of Classical & Zen Buddhism, Pt. 1


Gospel Coalition VS @Woke Preacher Clips | 2 Corinthians 10:5


sermon on Hebrews 4 part 2 Jesus our compassionate High Priest!


Do People That Never Hear the Gospel Go to Hell? #shorts


I Am the Way


He Has Risen -- Matthew 28:1-10


Monday, January 24, 2022

Kim Iversen: FEND FOR YOURSELF! Fauci & CDC Haven ABANDONED The Covid+ In A Crime Against HUMANITY


How do you help people who struggle with the doctrine of predestination?


Enter Abraham's Bosom Through Tithing


The Narcissistic Women of Bethel: "It's Gonna Get Worse!"


John MacArthur on Hillsong and Bethel: Aberrant Movements With Aberrant Theology




Bethel Church Exposed False Gospel - Heresy Compilation - Demonic


The Dark Side of Bethel...


Bethel Church Is Demonic!!! Proof!!!


Apologia Lite: Freedom From Sexual Sin


Dingbat Prophets! Episode 2 "Speak Unto Us Smooth Things"


Reformed Funny Moments - Part 25


Pam Takes Two Creation Series

L2 Genesis-The Origins Story-Time Begins, Genesis 1:1-5


False Teachers Exposed


New Apostolic Reformation Exposed (short version)


The Kundalini Spirit has Invaded The Church Masquerading as The Holy Spirit !!! BE VIGILANT!


Christian Leaders Admit They Have Kundalini Spirit


Kundalini in the Church Masquerading as the Holy Spirit


L1 Genesis-The Origins Story-Time Begins, Genesis 1:1-2a


Did God create Evil? ft. Jeff Durbin


Walk in Light (Part 2 of 4) — 01/24/2022


Pride Leads to Destruction -- Matthew 27:3-10


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Exposing the Mormon Cult


7th Day Adventism Exposed


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Divine Election (Part 10) | Tom Pennington | Romans 9:6-29


Christian Rapper "Phanatik" Renounces His Faith!


True Repentance - Reverend Romesh Prakashpalan Sermon


The saving message of the gospel - Voddie Baucham


Lou Engle: He Sees Girls In Gold And Hears Songs From Heaven


"Family Ties," Exodus 18:1-12. Pastor MacLaren, First Church OPC Perkasie, PA, 01/16/2022


Geology and the Genesis Flood – Patrick Nurre


Answering Objections to Presup


Is the Trinity a Heaven or Hell issue?! | @Sum Body For Christ Joins to Discuss


Friday, January 21, 2022

A loving, but, yet somewhat critical review of Spencer Smiths "Third Adam."

I want to start off by saying Spencer Smith provides a valuable resource for explaining paganism and the Satanic false religions of The World. However, I do have some issues with his Third Adam series. 

The first one being his incorrect definition of Amillenial eschatology of which I fall into. Amillenial views do not consist of expecting a Godly World Leader to usher in the Second Coming. Amillenialism is the view that the Millennium is not a literal 1000 year reign on Earth. That is symbolic of a long period of time. As well that usually there are numerous Antichrist forces all throughout history from the time of Jesus Ascension until his return in glory. There are also multiple views of things like the existence of a Final End Antichrist within Amillenial eschatology.  

The view he labels amillennialism is actually what he calls in his later two documentaries as Kingdon Now Theology. The two are not the same at all. Due to Amillenial eschatology acknowledging the existence of Antichrist forces they are not his enemy in the uncovering of the Occult all around us. He is making premillenialism a requirement for being a Christian when it is not one. 

The second issue I have with all three movies is that they tend to veer off into Conspiracy Theories way too much. As much as they are interesting he is constantly pushing a defeatist viewpoint which includes The Evil One actually being allowed to setup his New World Order. As opposed to pointing to the Sovereignty of God over his creation. 

It is great to point out things for Christians to be aware of, but, being obsessed with these things does not do any Christian any good. We need to concentrate on God and his Word. We need to concentrate on the good, the true and the beautiful. To concentrate on God and his Sovereign Control of all things to rest in that knowing everything is within His Mighty Hands. 

Was There Really A Land Before Time?


Stay Faithful to Jesus -- Matthew 24:1-14


Divine Election (Part 9) | Tom Pennington | Romans 9:6-29


Top Five New Age Teachings in the Church


Counterpoint Series 35 - Heat 4


Tranzformed - Finding Peace With Your God Given Gender


Such Were Some Of You


Thursday, January 20, 2022

EWTC Presents: WOKE SBC Compilation.


'Big Fertility' & The Truth Behind The Surrogacy Industry | Guest: Jennifer Lahl 


Historical Evidence That Jesus Existed


Manuscript Evidence for the Bible


ATHEISTS DON'T EXIST | The Irrefutable Argument Against Unbelief


Forbidden Dinosaur History


Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (Full Movie)


The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016) HD


The Atheist Illusion


The Holes in Theistic Evolution


Evolution's Fatal Flaws


Evolution Destroyed


Beth Moore Takes The Road To Rome!


Jesus was NOT a "Progressive Christian" | 3 Lies About Jesus DEBUNKED


Such Were Some of You (John MacArthur)


Patricia Engler Helps Christian College Students Thrive


L1 Purity in Our Redemption, Titus 1:1-4


1 John 1:5-10


The Bread of Life | John 6:25-40 | Dr. Myers | 1-19-2022 | Chapel


Wednesday Evening Bible Study


Revelation 2:8-11 "To the Church in Smyrna"


Did Giraffes Evolve or Demonstrate Design?


The Trans-Minded Client | Erin Brewer | Ruth Institute 4th Annual Summit


John MacArthur Censored From YouTube for "Hate Speech"?!?!


Atheists Predict a Cold End - Answers News: January 19, 2022


Lord I'm Nothing Without You/Gospel Country Music By Lifebreakthrough Music/Best of Kriss Tee HAng


Ephesians 6:10-20 "Lead Us Not Into Temptation"


The Ridiculously Poisonous Manchineel (Article Podcast)


Bethel Schools Putting Children At Risk


“Let No One Deceive You” (Part 2 of 2) — 01/20/2022


Climate change: Who's to blame? (part 1)


The Prince of Darkness Grim: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul


2022-01-19 Midweek


How to Blow an Atheist's Mind | Eric Hovind


A Ministry of Forgiveness and Righteousness


This Will Help You Share the Gospel | WRETCHED


Is Everyone a Child of God?


Beware of These False Teachings from False Teachers by David Wilkerson


The Demonic Signs and Rituals That Many People Take Part by John MacArthur


Once Saved, Always Saved


The Wrath of God Revealed - Romans 1:18-32 (January 16, 2022)


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Election is no Discouragement to Seeking Souls - Charles Spurgeon Sermon


Divine Election (Part 8) | Tom Pennington | Romans 9:6-29


Spurgeon and Hyper-Calvinism Special Guest Phil Johnson


Did Lauren Daigle Just Come Out Of The Occult Closet?!?!


Selah - One Name (Ek Naam) [Official Music Video]


RC Sproul Are Arminians Christian?


Are Arminians saved?


Five Calvinistic Answers to the Five Errors of Arminianism


John MacArthur: Calvinism vs. Arminianism


If you believe in Arminian doctrine, can you be saved?


Watershed Differences Between Calvinists and Arminians


Calvinism vs Arminianism: What the Bible Teaches


James White Responds to Mike Winger: Arminianism Isn't Truly "Grace Alone"


The Big Debate by Voddie Baucham: Arminianism VS Calvinism | Pelagius VS Augustine (Must Watch!!!)


Soteriology 101: Pelagianism, Semi-Pelagianism, Arminianism, and Calvinism


4 Point Calvinists - Dr RC Sproul


Are Arminians Saved? Coffee With RC Sproul


Arminianism and Roman Catholicism - R.C. Sproul


Are Catholics Saved? Robert Barron vs John MacArthur, James White, Durbin, Washer, Baucham, Sproul


Dr. Michael Brown vs. Dr. James White on Predestination, Election, and the Will of God


Dispensationalism, J. N. Darby and Powerscourt


Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism and Hypo-Calvinism


Specialists now agree on endemic ending


Calvinism; Hyper-Calvinism and Arminianism


REFORMCON2016 | James White on Hyper Calvinism


Has God predetermined every detail in the universe, including sin?


Romans 11:7-10 "Double Predestination" 10/31/19


Matt Slick Live - Double Predestination


John MacArthur on Predestination (2010 Shepherd's Conference)




Is God equally active in causing the salvation of the elect and the damnation of the reprobate?


Does God predestine people to hell?


Dr. R.C. Sproul - Reformed view on "Double Predestination"


God, Greed, and Godlessness with Braxton Hunter


How God Uses Sin, Sinlessly | Wretched Radio


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Noah's Flood Evidence Talk (Dr. Biddle, Genesis Apologetics)


Christ's Lordship Over Sexuality


LGBTQ Theophilus Most Excellent

NIV Audio Bible Non Dramatized

Man, Economy, and State, Murray Rothbard

Mark Thornton: The Skyscraper Curse

Canada's Ban on Conversion Therapy - John MacArthur | James White


The Wrath of the Lamb | Steven Lawson


Cultish: Tactics Of Manipulators w/ Michael Foster, Pt. 2


The Earth Needs More Babies, Not Fewer


"A Voice & The Word," Matthew 3, Pastor MacLaren, First Church OPC Perkasie, PA. 12/26/2021


Divine Election (Part 7) | Tom Pennington | Romans 9:6-29


Have You Found Your Scapegoat?


Jesus Predicts His Betrayal


Cindy Jacobs' Money Grubbing Prophecies for 2022


New Kingdom, Old Battle | HOPC Evening Sermon 1/16/2022


In the Beginning | HOPC Morning Sermon 1/16/2022


Andy Stanley's Church Opens With Song About Lucifer...


Voddie Baucham: Are There Black Christians and White Christians? | WRETCHED


Sermon: The Transcendent Answer For The Lowly, Originating Beyond Time And Space


Divided because of Christ - Mark Fitzpatrick Sermon


It Is Finished / 2 of 2 - Kenneth Stewart Sermon


Wynn Thompson - Story of a Prodigal


Dr. Ryan Anderson: Marriage Equality and Marriage Reality at the Supreme Court


Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse - Marriage Without Adjectives: Explaining Natural Marriage


What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?


Franciscan University Presents: The Transgender Moment


Jennifer Roback Morse | Same Sex Marriage Affects Everyone


Dr J on SSM and the End of Gender


The Harms of Homosexual 'Marriage' - Dr David van Gend


"Same Sex Marriage: Why Not?" - Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse (full lecture)


The Sexual State: Why the Government is Wrong, and Why We Were Right All Along


Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse "The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims"


Family Breakdown and the Economy (Jennifer Roback Morse - Acton Institute


Monday, January 17, 2022

John Piper - Wealth Is Almost Always a Curse, Not a Blessing


Jay Richards: Money, Greed & God


Jan 16th , 2022, 2nd Service


9:30 AM Service


"Without a Vision?" Totally Twisting the Bible (On Purpose!)


Questioning Your Salvation? | Theocast


Cloverdale URC Live Stream 1/16/22 PM Service




5:30 Service


Evening Worship


Gone for Good?


"Our Great High Priest" January 16, 2022 PM


Recognize the Right Relationship


Should Christians Listen to Jordan Peterson?


Canadian Parliament vs. God’s Word - Answers News: January 17, 2022


An Explanation of the Sovereign Gospel


An Introduction to the Sovereign Gospel


Cloverdale URC Live Stream 1/16/22 AM Service


Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Promise of Impossible Deliverance


Divine Election (Part 5) | Tom Pennington | Romans 9:6-29


Sunday Gathering - January 16, 2022 PM


Romans Bible Study- 1:1-7


Geelong Reformed Presbyterian Church Live Stream - 16 January 2022 PM


Geelong Reformed Presbyterian Church - 16 January 2022 - AM




2022-01-16 Mr K Stevenson Morning Service


The Gospel of the Kingdom (Luke 4:42-44) — A Sermon by R.C. Sproul


Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God - Classic Audio Sermon / Jonathan Edwards (excerpt) #shorts


A PERSON CANNOT CHANGE SEX - Dr. David Mackereth #shorts


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Divine Election (Part 4) | Tom Pennington | Romans 9:6-29


The Textus Receptus and the Gideons ESV


The Gideon ESV: A Textus Receptus Bible (English Standard Version Bible) in verse-by-verse


Cindy Jacobs At Trinity Church: Are You Crunchy or Juicy?


KJV Spurgeon Study Bible!!! Let's Go!!!


Aquarius: The Age of Evil (Original Classic)

While I do not agree with everything in this movie it is an excellent expose of Antichrist worldviews and ideas. 

Gods of the New Age (Original Classic)


The Gospel is About Christ Not You - John MacArthur

 The Gospel is About Christ Not You - John MacArthur

Let the One Who Is Thirsty Come


TD Jakes says that LGBT Community and Church Can Coexist


Family or Christ? - Rich Moore Original Song Excerpt #shorts


Maria Keffler Ruth Institute Presentation


It Is Finished / 1 of 2 - Kenneth Stewart Sermon