Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Monday, January 31, 2022
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #370
I do not condone the hosts language nor the idea at the end of pesticides being dangerous nor that Vaccines cause Autism. However, this is great food for thought on COVID-19 and the response to it.
Optional Translations for TR Advocates
The translations are: The KJV The 21st Century King James The KJVER The NKJV The MEV JP Green's Literal Version/KJVII with the interlinear The Scriptures Version is not a main stream version but was an interesting translation.
The Creation Order is still the way God made it.
The Vax Pass needs to be abolished
As a follow up to my last article I will present my views on the Vax Pass we currently have in Canada and other Nations. I am on the side that wishes it to be removed as a form of Public Health Regulations. However, I also realize that God is using everything including the Vax Pass system for His own ends.
It was never an ethical idea to have the Government force citizens to police others Vaccine Status. If people and businesses decided to do so without coercion from The State that would be a different story. However, forcing organizations to be the Vax Police is crossing a line that The State ought not to cross. It is a form of State imposed segregation no different than enforcing pre civil rights codes on people with different levels of melanin.
It is making society into a modern day feudal system where the vaccinated get to have freedom, but, the unvaccinated are disallowed their charter rights. However, as Christians we need to remember that God is Sovereign over even this and His will is going to be done through even these tough times.
No, we should not mandate people's medical decisions
In a previous article I mentioned that Christians should follow Public Health Order guidelines such as wearing masks during worship in person and social distancing while at Church. However, I intentionality left out being vaccinated with COVID-19 shots. This is because I do not support mandating someone's medical options for dealing with the virus.
I am in total opposition to forcing people to get any medical treatment against their will it is a major breach of our rights. People should be able to use the options that best fit them for finding ways to stop infection or spread of the virus in their own body and their own circle. If that means having the vaccine for them it does. If it means using some other alternative that is their decision.
One does not need to be a conspiracy theorist or anti vax to be against forcing people to be vaccinated against their wishes. I have two COVID-19 shots and plan on getting the booster in February as well. However, I should not be forced to take any of them. This was my decision based on my level of comfort with the vaccines that exist. If I had decided against them that would have been my decision and not the government of Canada's.
Do I think the vaccine helps, yes I do. Do I think it is my place to impose that view on other people? No. There is nothing in The Word of God about COVID-19 vaccine pro or against. We do not have any command from God to take a vaccine or not to take the vaccine. So, that leaves this decision to be part of Christian Liberty and gracious charity.
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Dr. Nicolosi Answers Your Questions
1. Four phases of gay identity 2. Preceding scenario to homosexual enactment
Friday, January 28, 2022
Zeitgeist (Copycat Christ Theory) Exposed
I disagree with their anti Christmas view and there are good reasons for Christ's birthday being celebrated on December 25th. It was not some Romanist conspiracy to create Christmas.
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
The reckless Wreck of Godless Libertarianism
People whom ate finding all the mainstream parties to be lacking any courage and to be pushover for massive governmental control are currently looking for an alternative. Some Conservatives are also fed up with how not conservative the official party has become.
It is easy to think the answer lies in the most extreme fringes of our politics and get involved in the movement known as Libertarianism. We have several Libertarianism parties in Canada with the most extreme being the Federal Libertarian Party of Canada and the more moderate being The People's Party of Canada. However, saved believers need to watch out for one nasty political trap.
Libertarianism would be in favor of things such as smut being free expression, same sex marriages being fine, making all drugs legal and ultimately a very immoral and Godless laissez-faire society that is not compatible with God's Word or Rule in anyway.
Christian Conservatives that look to God's Laws to govern their life need to realize that this movement is home to some of the most Pagan and Godless Heathens in North America. A home to perversion and in some cases contains admitted Satanists among their fold.
This does not mean every Libertarianism proponent supports these things, but, keep in mind they will also never call out the Godlessnes of their fellow Libertarianism proponents. I am not afraid nor ashamed to say that Christians should be weary of getting involved in this movement as a result of government overreach.
Do We need an alternative to the current Conservatives that are not conservative at all? Yes, but, do not make the mistake that the enemy of your enemy is your friend.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Monday, January 24, 2022
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Friday, January 21, 2022
A loving, but, yet somewhat critical review of Spencer Smiths "Third Adam."
I want to start off by saying Spencer Smith provides a valuable resource for explaining paganism and the Satanic false religions of The World. However, I do have some issues with his Third Adam series.
The first one being his incorrect definition of Amillenial eschatology of which I fall into. Amillenial views do not consist of expecting a Godly World Leader to usher in the Second Coming. Amillenialism is the view that the Millennium is not a literal 1000 year reign on Earth. That is symbolic of a long period of time. As well that usually there are numerous Antichrist forces all throughout history from the time of Jesus Ascension until his return in glory. There are also multiple views of things like the existence of a Final End Antichrist within Amillenial eschatology.
The view he labels amillennialism is actually what he calls in his later two documentaries as Kingdon Now Theology. The two are not the same at all. Due to Amillenial eschatology acknowledging the existence of Antichrist forces they are not his enemy in the uncovering of the Occult all around us. He is making premillenialism a requirement for being a Christian when it is not one.
The second issue I have with all three movies is that they tend to veer off into Conspiracy Theories way too much. As much as they are interesting he is constantly pushing a defeatist viewpoint which includes The Evil One actually being allowed to setup his New World Order. As opposed to pointing to the Sovereignty of God over his creation.
It is great to point out things for Christians to be aware of, but, being obsessed with these things does not do any Christian any good. We need to concentrate on God and his Word. We need to concentrate on the good, the true and the beautiful. To concentrate on God and his Sovereign Control of all things to rest in that knowing everything is within His Mighty Hands.
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Monday, January 17, 2022
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Aquarius: The Age of Evil (Original Classic)
While I do not agree with everything in this movie it is an excellent expose of Antichrist worldviews and ideas.
The Gospel is About Christ Not You - John MacArthur
The Gospel is About Christ Not You - John MacArthur