Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, January 21, 2022

A loving, but, yet somewhat critical review of Spencer Smiths "Third Adam."

I want to start off by saying Spencer Smith provides a valuable resource for explaining paganism and the Satanic false religions of The World. However, I do have some issues with his Third Adam series. 

The first one being his incorrect definition of Amillenial eschatology of which I fall into. Amillenial views do not consist of expecting a Godly World Leader to usher in the Second Coming. Amillenialism is the view that the Millennium is not a literal 1000 year reign on Earth. That is symbolic of a long period of time. As well that usually there are numerous Antichrist forces all throughout history from the time of Jesus Ascension until his return in glory. There are also multiple views of things like the existence of a Final End Antichrist within Amillenial eschatology.  

The view he labels amillennialism is actually what he calls in his later two documentaries as Kingdon Now Theology. The two are not the same at all. Due to Amillenial eschatology acknowledging the existence of Antichrist forces they are not his enemy in the uncovering of the Occult all around us. He is making premillenialism a requirement for being a Christian when it is not one. 

The second issue I have with all three movies is that they tend to veer off into Conspiracy Theories way too much. As much as they are interesting he is constantly pushing a defeatist viewpoint which includes The Evil One actually being allowed to setup his New World Order. As opposed to pointing to the Sovereignty of God over his creation. 

It is great to point out things for Christians to be aware of, but, being obsessed with these things does not do any Christian any good. We need to concentrate on God and his Word. We need to concentrate on the good, the true and the beautiful. To concentrate on God and his Sovereign Control of all things to rest in that knowing everything is within His Mighty Hands.