Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, January 31, 2022

No, we should not mandate people's medical decisions

In a previous article I mentioned that Christians should follow Public Health Order guidelines such as wearing masks during worship in person and social distancing while at Church. However, I intentionality left out being vaccinated with COVID-19 shots. This is because I do not support mandating someone's medical options for dealing with the virus. 

I am in total opposition to forcing people to get any medical treatment against their will it is a major breach of our rights. People should be able to use the options that best fit them for finding ways to stop infection or spread of the virus in their own body and their own circle. If that means having the vaccine for them it does. If it means using some other alternative that is their decision.

One does not need to be a conspiracy theorist or anti vax to be against forcing people to be vaccinated against their wishes. I have two COVID-19 shots and plan on getting the booster in February as well. However, I should not be forced to take any of them. This was my decision based on my level of comfort with the vaccines that exist. If I had decided against them that would have been my decision and not the government of Canada's. 

Do I think the vaccine helps, yes I do. Do I think it is my place to impose that view on other people? No. There is nothing in The Word of God about COVID-19 vaccine pro or against. We do not have any command from God to take a vaccine or not to take the vaccine. So, that leaves this decision to be part of Christian Liberty and gracious charity.