Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The reckless Wreck of Godless Libertarianism

People whom ate finding all the mainstream parties to be lacking any courage and to be pushover for massive governmental control are currently looking for an alternative. Some Conservatives are also fed up with how not conservative the official party has become. 

It is easy to think the answer lies in the most extreme fringes of our politics and get involved in the movement known as Libertarianism. We have several Libertarianism parties in Canada with the most extreme being the Federal Libertarian Party of Canada and the more moderate being The People's Party of Canada. However, saved believers need to watch out for one nasty political trap.

Libertarianism would be in favor of things such as smut being free expression, same sex marriages being fine, making all drugs legal and ultimately a very immoral and Godless laissez-faire society that is not compatible with God's Word or Rule in anyway.

Christian Conservatives that look to God's Laws to govern their life need to realize that this movement is home to some of the most Pagan and Godless Heathens in North America. A home to perversion and in some cases contains admitted Satanists among their fold. 

This does not mean every Libertarianism proponent supports these things, but, keep in mind they will also never call out the Godlessnes of their fellow Libertarianism proponents. I am not afraid nor ashamed to say that Christians should be weary of getting involved in this movement as a result of government overreach.

Do We need an alternative to the current Conservatives that are not conservative at all? Yes, but, do not make the mistake that the enemy of your enemy is your friend.