Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, January 31, 2022

The Vax Pass needs to be abolished

As a follow up to my last article I will present my views on the Vax Pass we currently have in Canada and other Nations. I am on the side that wishes it to be removed as a form of Public Health Regulations. However, I also realize that God is using everything including the Vax Pass system for His own ends.

It was never an ethical idea to have the Government force citizens to police others Vaccine Status. If people and businesses decided to do so without coercion from The State that would be a different story. However, forcing organizations to be the Vax Police is crossing a line that The State ought not to cross. It is a form of State imposed segregation no different than enforcing pre civil rights codes on people with different levels of melanin. 

It is making society into a modern day feudal system where the vaccinated get to have freedom, but, the unvaccinated are disallowed their charter rights. However, as Christians we need to remember that God is Sovereign over even this and His will is going to be done through even these tough times.