Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, April 26, 2021

CRCNA is in a serious discernment struggle.

I decided to check The Banner again today to see if I would see any push back to the previous articles I saw pushing a far left Agenda into the CRCNA denomination. Much to my dismay I found an article showing that 20 some odd percentage of CRC church members are in favor of Same-sex marriages. As well as finding a CRCNA YouTube Channel literally taken over by Social Justice extremists that had bought into the lie that North America was Systematically Racist. 

I was quite saddened to see articles stating that Creation was never meant to be taken literally. Why would Jesus be needed to save us from hell and death if the Garden of Eden was not historical fact? The New Adam in Christ is only needed because of the literal fall of the first Adam in the Garden. 

Things like the accepting of SSA behaviors, denying Biblical Creation and letting Critical Race theory into churches is not something that should be seen as on the periphery. SSA behavior and denying Biblical Creation goes against God's word. It does not matter what you think of the issue only what the God breathed Word says on the subject. In addition, Black Lives Matter has openly called for the abolition of the Family and has leaders engaged in admittedly Satanic worship.

The CRCNA as a Reformed denomination; if it accepts these precepts is in serious trouble. The Word of God comes first as it is the foundation of our entire Christian walk.