Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, April 30, 2021

ICMI20: Ewan Jones - Feminism, Incels, Extinction: What Happens When Society Abandons Traditionalism

I disagree that anything other than a Gods word based system can consistently keep their morals. Gods word is where you get proper traditions. 

I also disagree wholeheartedly that anyone should be having sex outside of the marriage bed. 

People who are having sex outside marriage unless repenting, turning towards God's ways and believing in the Ĺord are on the broad road to Justice in the form of hellfire. 

Some of the elect might not show outward signs if they have some sort of barriers to doing so. Salvation is all of God, but, the behavior sexually in our society in unacceptable. 

I tolerate and love even people that live such a life, but, God will provide them with Justice. Either through them being saved or by receiving the just punishment as cosmic traitors to their creator. 

In addition, Scriptures are God's breathed word and not myths. The creator of this talk will himself if not saved be given cosmic justice in hellfire if he does not himself repent and believe.