Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, April 30, 2021

F4F | Debunking Andrew Wommack on How to Become a Water Walker


Who is more invested in politics— Progressive Christians or Conservative Christians?


Liberals say opponents of their internet regulation bill are "extremist"


You Are The Salt of The Earth - Tim Conway


Conservatism and Race: A Positive Path Forward | Christ Chapel Drummond Lecture Series


Cassie Jaye | Men's Rights


MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement | Cassie Jaye | TEDxMarin


This Week in the Heartland Daily News - April 30


The TRUTH About T. D. Jakes - 12 Facts (w/ Voddie Baucham, James White, John MacArthur)


How Will Joe Biden's Foreign Policy Fare Against China? | Guest: Rebeccah Heinrichs


Dr. Michael Brown and Sid Roth: Should You Trust Them?


ICMI20: Ewan Jones - Feminism, Incels, Extinction: What Happens When Society Abandons Traditionalism

I disagree that anything other than a Gods word based system can consistently keep their morals. Gods word is where you get proper traditions. 

I also disagree wholeheartedly that anyone should be having sex outside of the marriage bed. 

People who are having sex outside marriage unless repenting, turning towards God's ways and believing in the Ĺord are on the broad road to Justice in the form of hellfire. 

Some of the elect might not show outward signs if they have some sort of barriers to doing so. Salvation is all of God, but, the behavior sexually in our society in unacceptable. 

I tolerate and love even people that live such a life, but, God will provide them with Justice. Either through them being saved or by receiving the just punishment as cosmic traitors to their creator. 

In addition, Scriptures are God's breathed word and not myths. The creator of this talk will himself if not saved be given cosmic justice in hellfire if he does not himself repent and believe. 

Why I am a Cessationist and why it is the Scriptures stance. A cornucopia of links

The Slave Circle Extra Takes - Kirk (Former Cydcor Account Manager)


The UK-Based Worldwide Charity Scam of Credico, PerDM, Appco, Cobra Group & Granton (With Numbers)


Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners | John Bunyan | Audiobook Video


The Protestant Reformation vs. The New Apostolic Reformation | Costi Hinn


Signs of False Prophets in The Church by Voddie Baucham


Chris Rosebrough - Joyce Meyer Waxes Word of Faith - part 1


"Just Trust Me" Dr. Michael Brown and The New Apostolic Reformation


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Response to Michael Brown's "Truth" About NAR


An Ex-NAR Apostle Tells His Story, with Dawain Atkinson


Talking About Bethel and the New Age: An Interview with Holly Pivec


Richard Rohr, Jen Hatmaker & the Millennial Obsession with Mysticism


Ex-New Age Guru Steven Bancarz Debunks the Universal Christ


On Complementarianism VS Stereotypes

 This post is a small portion from an article from The Gospel Coalition.

In cultures where complementarianism is embraced, it can be all too easy to confuse the essence of masculinity or femininity with one particular expression of it. But marriages and church cultures patterned after complementarian convictions will not always look the same; they take on shape and beauty as expressed through particular personalities, cultural locations, and relationship dynamics. The foundational principles do not change, of course—but the exact feel does. Kathy Keller puts this well in The Meaning of Marriage: “the basic roles—of leader and helper—are binding, but every couple must work out how that will be expressed within their marriage.”

In a recent interview about their helpful book on the topic, Andreas and Margaret Köstenberger put it like this: “Scripture doesn’t give a lot of detail as to how God’s design for man and woman is to be worked out, so a traditional division of labor (women in the kitchen, changing diapers; men at work letting women do all household chores) doesn’t square with the biblical design.”

For people who have grown up in a home in which the wife tends to do the dishes, laundry, and cleaning, and the husband tends to work a job, mow the lawn, and get the oil changed, it can be only too natural to simply assume that this is what complementarianism should always look like. So we should be careful to clarify for people—most of whom have not studied this issue in depth—that embracing complementarianism need not always require embracing these kinds of culturally conditioned roles.

Moreover, household divisions of labor are not the only area where this principle applies. To take just one more example, consider the potential for stereotype with respect to personality or temperament. Among those operating with a more traditional mindset, one often hears claims like these:

  • guys are less sensitive or less emotional than girls
  • guys are less talkative than girls
  • guys like sports more than girls

And so on and so forth. It is unfortunate when people stumble over complementarianism because they associate it with such assertions; they are stereotypes, not biblical mandates

Beware of the Belonging


6 Reasons You Should Stop Listening to Beth Moore


Race, Injustice, and the Gospel of Critical Race Theory, With Monique Duson


Is your church teaching New Age Ideas? With Melissa Dougherty


Jen Hatmaker: Fierce and Free Or Full of The Feels?


The Deconstruction of Christian celebrities and what we’re missing, with Shelby Abbott


Leaving Critical Race Theory For Biblical Unity | Guest: Monique Duson


Perennialism: The Most Common False Teaching That No One's Ever Heard Of, with Marcia Montenegro


Joe Biden Has Made Illegal Immigration Easy | Chad Wolf on Fox Business


"The Kings Value" - Mark 6:1-6




Fireside Chat — Getting Real With Nikki Haley


The President’s Plans


Does Purgatory Exist? | Q&A


Lindsey Graham: Joe Biden 'scared the hell out of me tonight'


Why Jenner is the Wrong Choice for Conservatives


'The Five' slams liberal's media's 'glowing' review of Biden's speech


Sen. Tim Scott: 'The Closest Thing to Magic in America Is Quality Education'


Gospel Of Luke - The Harsh But Good News - Mike Fabarez


Christians, Birth Control, and the Blessing of Children | with Michael Rowntree


Calling Out False Teachers By Name | with Justin Peters


Cursing In A Sermon, Postmillennialism, & Theonomy | with Jeff Durbin


The Corruption of Wealth in America | with Jimmy Song


Men Are Disposable! - Full HD Version (ManWomanMyth) mirror

Note please that I do not support treating anyone as any kind of object period. However, the point is the double standard and that we have to stop thinking it is OK as long as it is a man. Also, I denounce the horrific behavior and content in the movie clips I did not make the video. 

America Is Exasperating Its Sons


Is it divisive to call out false teachers? With Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager


Is There a Climate Crisis? The Science Says Not Now and Not in the Future | William Happer


The Future of Darwinism | Doug Wilson and Dr. Gordon Wilson


How is God's Personhood Displayed in the Biological World? - Dr. Kurt Wise


INTERNET FIREWALL IN CANADA? Rachael Harder: PM's content censorship bill must be stopped


Senior Adult Sunday School Class


America Is Exasperating Its Sons


Rome in the Twentieth Century


New age practices the Bible warns you about!


Cultural Marxism | Dr. Voddie Baucham


Scott Swain, The Trinity


'No self-respecting conservative' should flirt with 'regressive identity politics-focused policies'


There needs to be ‘transparent conversation’ about transgender athletes


Essentials of Christian Maturity


Ingraham reacts to congressional address: Facts don't matter to Biden


God the Only Conquerer | Jared Longshore


Bible Study


Wednesday Devotional - 4/28/201


ROPC Wednesday Evening Bible Study


The Gospel and Justice | Panel Discussion


There are only truly 2 consistent options for Biblically solid Christians with SSA.

If you are Born Again and been regenerated by the Holy Spirit you cannot be acting on same-sex attraction and be living the life God's Word calls us to. In a previous post I shared a video on the 4 views on sexual identity/behavior in the Church. The last two on the list were listed as either renounce acting on/identifying with your attractions or rebuilding.

These are the only two truly Biblical options and consistently Christian way of working through ones attraction issues. The answer is holy chaste singleness or marrying the opposite sex. 

Renounce is agreeing with the Lord to never act out in a sexually immoral way by not acting sexually period it is totally equal to the Biblical moral law for people without SSA. 

Rebuilding is working on ones mental health and dealing with any traumas which could include sexual trauma, but, not necessarily. With the outcome being a whole healthy mental framework and in the process if the issues worked on caused the SSA the eventual continuum of possible sexual attraction changes. 

These are the only two options for anyone with same-sex attraction because they are under the same moral law around sexual activity outside the marriage bed as those whom never experienced such attraction. SSA does not give you some special pass on needing to be in a marriage for sexual activity.

A marriage is based on the creation of male and female in the Garden of Eden. This is clearly taught by Jesus and his Apostles in the New testament and began in the Moral laws set out in the Old. SSA experiencing Christian's are in fact treated the exact same as those whom never experience them and are not discriminated against by having to live by sexual standards we all need to abide by according to God's holy Word.

CRBC Wednesday Service | April 28, 2021


By What Standard? God's World...God's Rules (CINEDOC)


Why I am a complementarian and disagree with the official stance of the CRCNA.

Yesterday I posted a ton of videos and links about the complementarianism view vs the egalitarianism view. I am a complementarian and not an egalitarian because that is what is taught in God's breathed word. 

This means I do not agree with the CRCNA denomination view that it is appropriate to have female pastors, deacons and so forth. I instesd side with the United Reformed Churches of North America denomination because they are being Biblically consistent and grounded in the Word. 

I think this article from The Gospel Coalition website explains my view the best. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

PJI Testifies Against Nevada Bill That Would Remove "Mother" & "Father" from Birth Certificate


GOP senator rails against Biden tax plan reminding Americans: Nothing is free


Trudeau wants to regulate what you post online


The Church is God's Will for Your Life | Josh Buice


Thinking Biblically About Homosexuality (Selected Scriptures)


Lecture 03: Biblical Theology of Manhood and Womanhood - Dr. Wayne Grudem


Lecture 02: Biblical Theology of Manhood and Womanhood - Dr. Wayne Grudem


Lecture 01: Biblical Theology of Manhood and Womanhood - Dr. Wayne Grudem


Sermons - Matt Chandler - The Complementary Roles of Men and Women


God's Created Order: Living Justly as Man and Woman | Jared Longshore


The Unifying Power of the Cross | Josh Buice


Justice, Kindness, Humility - Micah 6:8 | Dr. Tom Ascol


What Complementarianism is VS the Myths: a cornucopia of links.

Complementarianism in an Egalitarian Age | Dr. Josh Buice


How to Depict the Beauty of Complementarity


The Beauty of Biblically Broad Complementarianism


What's (Not) Essential to Complementarianism?


Does rejecting Bible's teaching on women mean accepting LGBTQ revolution? - Albert Mohler


Darrin Patrick on Becoming Complementarian


1 Timothy 2, Men and Women in the Church, then a Full Review of Shapiro/Craig


Complementarianism and Egalitarianism - Tim Conway


God Created Man Male and Female: What Does It Mean to Be Complementarian?


Complementarianism: Essential or Expendable? (Panel)


Why Is The Gospel Coalition Complementarian?


The roles for men and women are not hard to figure out.


Roles women in the church can take - Ask Pastor Tim Conway


God's Design for Human Sexual Behavior - Dr. Robert Gagnon - Pt 2


God's Design for Human Sexual Behavior - Dr. Robert Gagnon - Pt 1


Robert Gagnon - Homosexuality & the Bible


Robert Gagnon | The Bible and Same S*x Unions


Jason Lisle | Science Confirms Scripture


Andreas Wiget | Digging Deeper


Wayne Grudem: A Theology of Work/Vocation


Are continuationists heretics?


The Role of Women in Ministry


Female Pastors?


Why Does God Choose Some and Not Others? // Ask Pastor John


The World Needs Women Ministers // Ask Pastor John


Are Men Superior to Women? // Ask Pastor John


Can a Woman Preach If Elders Affirm It? // Ask Pastor John


Wayne Grudem- What Are Your Thought's on Women in Church Leadership?- The Revangelical Connection


Wayne Grudem on Biblical Inerrancy | Systematic Theology, 2nd Edition


Wayne Grudem - Why a Solid Biblical and Theological Foundation is More Important than Ever Before


Question Period – April 28, 2021


Polite Leader on the RZIM


Tom Buck | Courage Under Fire


Mental Illness: Sickness or Sin


The Believer’s Glorious Inheritance


Check Your Resentment | Doug Wilson and George Gilder


What does it mean to backslide? |


Providence URC - April 27, 2021 Online Bible Study (Lesson 1)


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Redeemer Bible College Stream


The New Socialism with Dinesh D’Souza


Exploring Conservative Solutions to Support Families


Navigating the World of Astrology, Pt. 2


The Candace Owens Show: The Lies of Modern Feminism


Can Someone Be a 'Christian Witch'? | Q&A 


How To Test Your Faith: The Mark Series 


Banks profit. Taxpayers lose. Economy debtonates.


Cost of Regulation


Stop Censorship--defeat Bill C-10.


Why Christians Should Avoid The Enneagram | with Doreen Virtue


The border crisis is even worse than you think. Here’s what we uncovered.


Rose McGowan responds to backlash from FOX News interview


How Does Genesis Impact Our View of Time, History, & Science? - Dr. George Grant


LBCF Chapter 5: Divine Providence | Lesson 1


JAMES 4:7-10. Study 17. Submitting to God.


Question Period – April 27, 2021


McEnany points out liberal media's double standard on Kerry and Iran


Voddie Baucham - How to Pursue BIBLICAL Justice (vs Social Justice)


Calvinism vs Arminianism: What the Bible Teaches


The TRUTH About Hillsong - 12 Facts (w/ Voddie Baucham)


Talking FREE WILL with Michael Preciado




Christian Relationships | HOPC Morning Sermon 4/25/2021


How to Share With Your Muslim Neighbor


God Is a Mighty Warrior | HOPC Evening Sermon 4/25/2021


Resistance to Revolution - Peter Hammond


Earth Day Roundup: Undue Climate Haste


Is Cursing a SIN for Christians?


Biden Administration's Hypocrisy on Border Crisis Is Stunning | Mark Morgan on Newsmax TV


Stories of Us: Kevin Sorbo


CNN exposes grave threat of voting fraud


Questions from Leviticus and the Ceremonial Law


Gun rights could expand after upcoming Supreme Court case


Is it biblical to ask Jesus into your heart? |


Bob Glaser | The One Page Epistles of the Apostle John - Week 3


Charismatic and Hyper-Charismatic, Whats the Difference? w/ Melissa Dougherty


What Is Hell Like | Charles Lawson Sermon Jam


How Do We Defend Spiritual Warfare to Empirically-Minded Believers?


Paul Washer - Are we taking the Scriptures seriously?


The Father’s Discipline (Part 1 of 2) — 04/27/2021


Rose McGowan denounces the Democrat party in FOX News exclusive


Democrats are in a 'deep cult'


Biden took issues that were bipartisan and made them polarizing: Thiessen


'DECIMATING our economy': How big government made it IRRESPONSIBLE to work


The Gospel of John : The Visual Bible


Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, PhD talks about the Case for Intelligent Design


Becket Cook: Homosexuality & Culture [AS Lecture Series]


The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016) HD


Evolution Destroyed


Evolution's Fatal Flaws


Bizzle Responds To Macklemore's "Same Love"


Germaine Greer: Transgender women are 'not women' - BBC Newsnight


Shocking Proof Abortion is Satanic


Strongest Arguments Against Abortion


Was Homosexuality Not a Sin in the Bible Until 1946?


The Pedophile Agenda


The Gay Agenda


Can Christians Be Gay?


The "Gay Christian" Movement: A Response Part 2


The Gay Christian Movement: Part I (Audio Begins at 1:26)


The Invincibility of God's Gospel


Everlasting Arms - Animation


False Prophets Exposed by the Election


Satanic Origins of the Sexual Revolution


HELL'S BELLS 2: The Toll Continues


SuperHeroes: Satan's Counterfeit Saviors


Bruce: 'Extreme left' is unleashing most 'diabolical' power grab in history


Monday, April 26, 2021

My Disagreements with IF:Gathering, John MacArthur & Beth Moore


What's Wrong With the IF Gathering?


Church, Heresy, Cults, & The Occult


Why Police Officers Urge the Public to Comply During Traffic Stops | Larry Elder


President Biden's “Infrastructure” Plan


Sunday Evening Service - April 25, 2021


CRCNA is in a serious discernment struggle.

I decided to check The Banner again today to see if I would see any push back to the previous articles I saw pushing a far left Agenda into the CRCNA denomination. Much to my dismay I found an article showing that 20 some odd percentage of CRC church members are in favor of Same-sex marriages. As well as finding a CRCNA YouTube Channel literally taken over by Social Justice extremists that had bought into the lie that North America was Systematically Racist. 

I was quite saddened to see articles stating that Creation was never meant to be taken literally. Why would Jesus be needed to save us from hell and death if the Garden of Eden was not historical fact? The New Adam in Christ is only needed because of the literal fall of the first Adam in the Garden. 

Things like the accepting of SSA behaviors, denying Biblical Creation and letting Critical Race theory into churches is not something that should be seen as on the periphery. SSA behavior and denying Biblical Creation goes against God's word. It does not matter what you think of the issue only what the God breathed Word says on the subject. In addition, Black Lives Matter has openly called for the abolition of the Family and has leaders engaged in admittedly Satanic worship.

The CRCNA as a Reformed denomination; if it accepts these precepts is in serious trouble. The Word of God comes first as it is the foundation of our entire Christian walk. 

Question Period – April 26, 2021


Newsom’s move to ban California fracking permits ignores science, facts: Expert


Are Minority Babies Targeted? - Answers News: April 26, 2021


The Only Jesus There Is (John 1:1-51) | John 1 Overview | Jon Benzinger


The Signs of the Times (Mark 13:9-20) — A Sermon by R.C. Sproul


Ken Mbugua: Here We Stand in Africa


W. Robert Godfrey: Here We Stand by Grace Alone


Nathan W. Bingham: Here We Stand in Asia and the Middle East


Sinclair Ferguson: Here We Stand in Christ Alone


Michael Reeves: Here We Stand in Europe


Derek Thomas: Here We Stand through Faith Alone


Sugel Michelén: Here We Stand in Latin America


Burk Parsons: Here We Stand on Scripture Alone


Stephen Nichols: Here I Stand


Steven Lawson: Here We Stand for the Glory of God Alone


What Are Emotions For? Talk for West-Mont Christian Academy Chapel and Small Groups


The Brokenness of Wokeness


The Satanic Conspiracy of the Sexual Revolution and the War against Therapy for Sexuality


Therapy for Unwanted SSA Q&A Part 2: Strong Support Webinar


Therapy for Unwanted SSA Q&A Part 1: Strong Support Webinar


More Therapeutic Approaches to Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction: Strong Support Webinar Part 2


Trends in Therapy for Unwanted Same-Sex Lust: Strong Support Webinar Part 1


Babbling with Ex-Gay Minister Stephen Black!


No Unity without Integrity


Unity with the World? A Christian Response to the Call to Unify with the Authoritarian Progressives


In support of consenting adult sexual reorientation


I fully support the right of any gay man or woman to freely choose to obtain sexual reorientation therapy. Any grown up man or woman of appropriate age and within the context of consent should have the ability to change to being straight if that person is able to and wishes to do so.

Religious fundamentalism is not the only means nor source of sexual reorientation. In truth sexuality reorients itself and changes naturally overtime for many people whom has acquired same sex erotic desires in the past. In Longitudinal studies of the same populations of people whom have at some point acquired same sex erotic feelings ended up by the Wave 4 as being mostly or completely heterosexual and straight having more or less lost or dropped said same desires naturally without any therapeutic assistance from a properly standardized psychologist or psychotherapist.

One can no longer say people are "born predetermined to be Kinsey 7 Gay." Same sex erotic codes are acquired after birth and they often subside in a lot of people for a replacement by a heterosexual based orientation. I fully support equality under the law for all people in society. However, the science of orientation is that it is an adaptation. It is not some immutable, hardwired and unchanging life time attribute of peoples identity.

Even those that did maintain some same sex erotic codes still obtained an opposite sex erotic code and the largest of the LGBT lifelong demographics is bisexuality. Which is essentially a heterosexual with a cherry on top not a homosexual orientation. With most of them ending up in straight long term relationships. In all long term studies of the LGBT demographics over time the most coherent thing is the most stable identity is a heterosexual one. Not stable as in mentally ill or disorder, but, stable as in same over time without changing. Meanwhile in the same demographics gayness or exclusive homosexuality was the least stable and the most likely to go away was a persons obtained same sex eroticism not their opposite sex attraction.

I know from actual research that has been done following people over time that people with same sex erotic codes can and do go straight without even a single visit to a sexual reorientation therapist. If the people involved are not coerced grown ups then I see no problem with such therapy being available to give gays even more assistance with wanting to change their orientation. I am talking about consenting, fully informed and self-determined grown up homosexuals and bisexuals wanting to cultivate their straight ability.

However, I hear you also shout such efforts do not work and I used too think so too. Before I found some research that showed this is not the case some forms of efforts do in effect work and are in fact humane, and not dangerous. There are forms of sexual reorientation that are not harmful and have actual results behind them. I will link to them at the end of this discussion as well as to all the evidence that sexual orientation is not what people seem to think it is.

If you think I am full of it about homosexual/bisexual desires disconnecting from ones erotic code for a predominantly or fully heterosexual orientation even without external therapy I give you the following quote from a meta-analysis of all of the Longitudinal Studies of people with same sex erotic codes. It is not being reported by another straight person such as myself. Just to make sure you cannot say I am some nutty breeder this is written by an openly Lesbian Feminist Psychologist Dr. Lisa Diamond.

We review scientific research and legal authorities to argue that the immutability of sexual orientation should no longer be invoked as a foundation for the rights of individuals with same-sex attractions and relationships (i.e., sexual minorities). On the basis of scientific research as well as U.S. legal rulings regarding lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) rights, we make three claims: First, arguments based on the immutability of sexual orientation are unscientific, given what we now know from longitudinal, population-based studies of naturally occurring changes in the same-sex attractions of some individuals over time. Second, arguments based on the immutability of sexual orientation are unnecessary, in light of U.S. legal decisions in which courts have used grounds other than immutability to protect the rights of sexual minorities.

The best and most reliable data on “naturally occurring” change in sexual orientation come from studies that have longitudinally tracked large, population-based samples of heterosexual and sexual-minority individuals … Several such studies have now been completed, and they unequivocally demonstrate that same-sex and other-sex attractions do change over time in some individuals. The degree of change is difficult to reliably estimate, given differences in study measures, but the occurrence of change is indisputable.
Savin-Williams et al. (2012) analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), which has been regularly tracking same-sex attractions and sexual identity in a random, representative sample of more than 12,000 adolescents since 1994. We focus here on changes in attractions reported between the third wave of data collection (when respondents were between 18 and 24 years old, with a mean age of 22) and the fourth wave of data collection (when respondents were between 24 and 34 years old, with a mean age of 29). …
At the third and fourth waves of data collection, respondents were asked to describe themselves as 100% heterosexual, Mostly heterosexual, Bisexual, Mostly homosexual, or 100% homosexual. Of the 5.7% of men and 13.7% of women who chose one of the nonheterosexual descriptors at Wave 3, 43% of the men and 50% of the women chose a different sexual orientation category six years later. Of those who changed, two-thirds changed to the category 100% heterosexual. … 8% of the exclusively homosexual men and 26% of the exclusively homosexual women who initially considered themselves exclusively gay changed categories six years later.
However, she is not alone in finding the evidence for innate lifelong gayness in most people with some bisexual or homosexual behavior to be scientifically lacking. Take for instance LGBT Advocate John D'Emilio whom says;

The idea that people are born gay—or lesbian or bisexual—is appealing for lots of reasons. Many of us experience the direction of our sexual desires as something that we have no control over. We just are that way, it seems, so therefore we must be born gay. The people who are most overt in their hatred of queer folks, the religious conservatives, insist that being gay is something we choose, and we know we can’t agree with them. Hence, again, born gay. Liberal heterosexual allies love the idea. If gays are born that way, then of course they shouldn’t be punished for it. …
What’s most amazing to me about the “born gay” phenomenon is that the scientific evidence for it is thin as a reed, yet it doesn’t matter. It’s an idea with such social utility that one doesn’t need much evidence in order to make it attractive and credible.

Furthermore we now have a Longitudinal study of men over a year out from having secular and non religious based sexual reorientation therapy which shows at least a good portion of the clients achieved some level of heterosexual shift successfully with 0 evidence of harm done. As presented in the Peer Reviewed online Journal "The Journal of Human Sciences."

We are presented with a group of self-determined and self-directional men whom together with their own efforts and assistance from a licensed, proper therapist become some level of straight from an exclusively gay starting point. Yes, I said exclusively with them rating themselves The Klein Grid equivalent of a Kinsey 7 homosexual at starting point with going towards anything ranging from some to complete heterosexuality at the end point and the year followed after the therapy.

Following up with Lisa Diamond she has gone on record as saying the Born This Way Hypothesis is wrong and should be thrown out. That it is scientifically not accurate and furthermore that in her mind Attachment Theory plays a much larger role in the process of developing a homosexual or bisexual orientation. Also, she is not the only one that says this. The only official American Psychological Hypothesis is not even that you are born a Kinsey 7 gay identifying person. Instead you are born with certain temperaments.

According to the APA when these temperaments are combined with specific environmental and nurture related forces you at puberty develop an erotic code based on the exotic nature around your own sex due to your temperament differences from other people of your sex making your own sex the exotic turned erotic ones. Essentially it is an overwhelming and devouring Fetish for your own sex that subsumes you. It is in essence a Fetishistic Psychological Adaptation. In other words it is an adaptation that can be, could be, but, is not predestined in your future based on your temperament differences and how you learn to identify and fit in with the sexual world and your sex/gender at a young age.

This hypothesis is the only one that makes sense with all the other data we have. Including the fact that in 2012/2013 the only Non-Biased and Non-Michael Bailey associated Gender non-conformity study showed 85-90% of them were heterosexual. What does this mean? Simple, that only when mixed with certain other conditions does one develop the Adaptation of a bisexual or homosexual erotic code while having unique temperaments. Specifically, if you are unique and atypical, but, do not see your own sex as the exotic one than you are less likely to develop an erotic code around puberty which is aimed at your own sex and more likely to develop heterosexually at that time. Regardless of if your favorite color is Pink or your favorite band is The Spice Girls or whatever.

It also explains why sexual reorientation towards heterosexuality can and often does happen naturally over time and without therapy. It is after all a Fetish that is overwhelming and not an innate and immutable, unchanging thing. So, all you do is reorient yourself, so, the Fetish is diminished or gone. Restore in a sense the Erotic code you would have gotten if you did not obtain the other one by thinking of yourself as the Exotic sex as a child. This could be done without even trying at all just like the original exotic becomes erotic code was formed without being done consciously.

The young time frame of when the code begins to take shape and the memories of being different explains why gays, bisexuals and lesbians assume they were "born this way." They are remembering their different even if as simple as being sensitive as over rough and tumble play. They are not recalling something called being born "gay," but, being born unique and feeling not like the other the true Origin of the Exotic Becomes Erotic Fetishism towards their same sex/gender. They are in effect recalling being born in the state of the actual causes and not the end point of those causes direction.

So, where does this leave the LGBT? I am arguing that most can change and that it is not immutable, or innate, or hardwired for you to be "exclusively gay." Most people whom have such Erotic Codes are not even Gay when you remove the Mostly Heterosexuals. They are still a variant of bisexual and thus they still retain their opposite sex Erotic code as well.

I am not saying that you should be coerced to be heterosexual. I will argue that people by their very nature as crested by God have heterosexual possibility in them. However, I love my gay and lesbian friends just as much despite not agreeing with their sexual behavior per the Word of God.

In the APA Handbook, Dr. Diamond states, “Hence, directly contrary to the conventional wisdom that individuals with exclusive same-sex attractions represent the prototypical ‘type’ of sexual-minority individual, and that those with bisexual patterns of attraction are infrequent exceptions, the opposite is true. Individuals with nonexclusive patterns of attraction are indisputably the ‘norm,’ and those with exclusive same-sex attractions are the exception” (v. 1, p. 633). Most people who experience same-sex attraction also already experience opposite-sex attraction.

“Although change in adolescence and emerging adulthood is understandable, change in adulthood contradicts the prevailing view of consistency in sexual orientation” (Rosario & Schrimshaw, 2014, APA Handbook, v. 1, p. 562).

The APA Handbook reviews a highly regarded study by gay researcher Savin-Williams and colleagues (Savin-Williams, Joyner, & Rieger, 2012; Rosario & Schrimshaw, 2014, APA Handbook, v. 1, p. 562) that followed the sexual identity of young adult participants when most were ages 18 through 24 and again at ages 24 through 34, about 6 years later. Participants indicated whether their sexual identity was heterosexual, mostly heterosexual, bisexual, mostly homosexual, or homosexual. The bisexual group was larger than exclusively gay and lesbian groups combined. But the largest identity group, second only to heterosexual, was “mostly heterosexual” for each sex and across both age groups, and that group was “larger than all the other non-heterosexual identities combined” (Savin-Williams et al., 2012, abstract). 

“The bisexual category was the most unstable” with three quarters changing that status in 6 years (abstract, emphasis added). “[O]ver time, more bisexual and mostly heterosexual identified young adults of both sexes moved toward heterosexuality than toward homosexuality” (p 106, emphasis added). Similar change is found in other population-based longitudinal studies, and rates of change do not appear to decline as participants get older (Diamond & Rosky, 2016, p. 7, Table 1). 

For both sexes, a heterosexual sexual orientation identity was the most stable” (SavinWilliams 2012, p. 104), as Diamond reports is true in all of the large-scale prospective, longitudinal studies (2014, in APA Handbook, v. 1, p. 637). For women who shifted away  from exclusive heterosexuality in the Savin-Williams 2012 study, the greatest increase was to mostly heterosexual (Rosario & Schrimshaw, 2014, APA Handbook, v. 1, p. 562). 

In the APA Handbook, Diamond says, “In every large-scale representative study reviewed thus far, the single largest group of individuals with same-sex attractions report predominant—but not exclusive—other-sex attractions” (v. 1, p. 634). Kleinplatz and Diamond say (v.1, p. 256), “Historically such individuals [mostly heterosexual] have been treated with skepticism and suspicion by laypeople and scientists alike. They have been viewed as either closeted lesbian, gay, or bisexual individuals (who cling to a mostly heterosexual label to avoid the stigma associated with same-sex sexuality) or as confused or questioning “heteroflexibles.” Heteroflexibles refers to individuals who, given our culture, have had infrequent same-sex fantasies or experimented with same-sex behavior but are not really gay or bisexual (v.1, p. 256). Kleinplatz and Diamond urge that “it is critically important for clinicians not to assume that any experience of samesex desire or behavior is a sign of latent homosexuality and instead to allow individuals to determine for themselves the role of same-sex sexuality in their lives and identity” (p.  257) (emphasis added). Mostly heterosexual individuals do not identify as LGB, and LGB activists have not recognized or represented them well. Some have had therapists wrongly assume they are really homosexual and would be happier leaving their marriage and family for a gay life.  
Readers can hear Dr. Diamond review research in her YouTube lecture for an LGBTaudience at Cornell University (2014). She said that excellent and abundant research has now established that sexual orientation—including attraction, behavior, and identity self label—all three—is fluid for both adolescents and adults and for both genders, and exceptions for LGB individuals are a minority.

Further underscoring that sexual orientation is changeable, Diamond reports that some say choice was involved for them, and she says one may choose a context or circumstance that may influence sexual orientation change, such as choice of roommate (2008, pp. 249-250), deciding to live in an ideological, political, or social reference group —as in “political lesbians” (2014, in APA Handbook, v.1, p. 632)

Dr. Diamond has publicly gone on record that she opposes psychotherapy that is open to sexual attraction change. (See Rosik, 2016 for a penetrating critique of her position as expressed in Diamond & Rosky, 2016.) Nevertheless, she says in her book (2008, p. 252) that some same-sex attracted individuals may have more capacity than others to channel the direction of their sexual fluidity in response to their context, and they may for that reason modify it in psychotherapy.

Ten percent of kids defy gender norms before age 11, a new study published in the journal Pediatrics found. Boys considered "girlie," because of their activity choices and interests, and girls deemed "boyish" are more likely to face abuse -- both physical and sexual -- and experience post-traumatic stress disorder by early adulthood. According to USA Today, parents or other adults in the home were mostly responsible for the abuse.
Andrea Roberts, lead author of the study and research associate in the department of society, human development and health at the Harvard School of Public Health, told USA Today that children under 11 are very likely to display behavior that has nothing to do with their future sexual orientation -- of 9,000 young adults studied, 85% of the 10% considered gender-non-conforming children identified as heterosexual.