Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

HOPE2019 Champion of Hope and Closing

HOPE2019--Prayer for the Restored Hope Board

HOPE2019--Keynote Panel

Full speech: Erin O'Toole's first speech in the House as Conservative Leader

How I was tempted by Satanism via Objectivism.

When someone learns of the Randian philosophy one usually does not see how they are being used by the devil himself. However, Antony LeVay the self named leader of the Church of Satan and founder of LeVay Satanism states in his own words that he preached Rand with Ritual Magick.

What is the first and main temptation that the evil one used? That you will get to make your own code of ethics and be like God. Rand in her works is teaching the same thing although without realizing she is doing his bidding.

Objectivism starts with questioning all morals and asking why you should follow them. This is the same original sin Adam and Eve made masked as a good thing. From here you are skillfully intellectually walked through why you no less an animal then any other should not act according to your innermost nature which is to do what you need to survive. From there she and her adherents just like all emminations of Lucifarian and Satanist thought guide you to the ultimate place. One of radical individualism and autonomy of the kind the Evil One wants you to be.

You see he wants you to be nothing, but, selfish. Rand preaches the very thing he does. To be your own God with decisions being made based on self centeredness VS following God whom wants you to love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.

Satan wants chaos and Rand when taken to its conclusions breads an extreme chaos of dog eat dog and everyone for themselves without empathy at all. It makes Earth the embodiment of Hell itself. People crying out for mercy only to have no one lend their hand to help them out.

Objectivists do not realize they are veins used by the Devil, but, they are. Their complete contempt for not only the Father, but, extreme antichrist views are a red alert that they are more than just general atheists.

I hold that Objectivism with its roots in Lucifrianism lite is not an allie of the Conservative movement. Nor compatible with Christians whom simply want smaller and smarter government. It is time the Right denounces this disguised strand of Satanism as not being a philosophical view any should follow.

Praise Holy Jesus Christ that I made it through the minefield and back to him.

The Sun Also Warms: Dr. Willie Soon Shows the Sun-Climate Connection

Kimberley Strassel | The Resurgence of Socialism Today

Whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan Exposes the Chinese Communist Party’s COVID 19 Coverup

Trump's Plan For Election Night Riots & The War On Police | Jeanine Pirro | POLITICS | Rubin Report

BLM Co-Founder’s Ties to Pro-Communist China Group—Mike Gonzalez | American Thought Leaders

Butch Lesbian-Erased

I agree with not stigmatizing boys and girls that are not stereotypical. However, sexual immorality is still immoral and I hope she realizes that she should abstain from acting on her sexual temptation.

The Origins of Western Civilization

"The Origins of Western Civilization: What it is, and Where did it come from" is the first in an 8-part series on "The Odyssey of Western Civilization" by the Freedom Academy, hosted by Victor Davis Hanson. The West arose in a particular time and place, Greece in the eighth century B.C., during the dark age that followed the collapse of Mycenaean civilization. An agricultural revolution gave rise to the autonomous yeoman farmer, backbone of the democratic city-state. Their innovations included constitutional government, free-market economics, private property and individual liberty - concepts unknown in Mycenae, not to mention Egypt and Mesopotamia. Here the West begins.

Global Warming: Fact or Fiction? Featuring Physicists Willie Soon and Elliott D. Bloom

Trump discusses coronavirus testing in US

Gutfeld on the phony outrage over Trump’s tax returns

Ingraham: Tonight's fiery debate highlights America's divide

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

LINGER Conference 2020 // Shane & Shane + Davy Flowers

LINGER Conference 2020 // Shane & Shane

Recorded Live at Linger Conference in Dallas, Texas // 2.15.20 To learn more about Linger Conference, visit Setlist: Psalm 90 Psalm 23 (Surely Goodness, Surely Mercy) Psalm 63 (Better Than Life Psalm 34 (Taste and See) Psalm 13 Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts) Psalm 45 (Fairest of All) Psalm 8 Learn these songs and hundreds more at Performed by Shane & Shane

American Gospel: Christ Alone (1 Hour Version)

Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books

Islam Destroyed A to Z

Roman Catholicism Fully Refuted

Shocking Proof Abortion is Satanic

This video documents the satanic nature undergirding the pro-abortion movement. It will show numerous shocking examples of how depraved the culture has become on this issue of murdering unborn children. All credit for this video goes to the Created Equal YouTube channel:

Evolution's Fatal Flaws

5 Common Rumors About the Bible that Aren't True

Mystery Babylon: Who is the Scarlet Harlot of Revelation?

This in-depth Bible study seeks to uncover the identity of the enigmatic harlot of Revelation 17 & 18, Mystery Babylon. While Mystery Babylon is the primary topic, many other intriguing subjects are delved into. For example: The Beast, the Antichrist, the beasts of the book of Daniel, the timing of end times events, and much more. Section Index - times & links Part 1: Rev. 17.1-3 | 1:30 Part 2: Rev. 17.4-6 | 22:54 Part 3: Rev. 17.7-11 | 43:16 Part 4: Objections | 1:14:31 Part 5: Rev. 17.12-18 | 1:34:45 Part 6: Rev. 18.1-7 | 2:00:14 Part 7: Rev. 18.8-18 | 2:21:34 Part 8: Rev. 18.17-24 | 2:51:38 All credit for this video goes to Chris White:

The Dark Past of the Jehovah's Witnesses

This video explores the origins and teachings of the cult known as the Jehovah's Witnesses, exposing their many false prophecies and teachings up till modern times. The end of this documentary even contains actual scans of JW official publications as proof that the seemingly absurd claims of this video are indisputable facts of history

The Sacred Name Movement Debunked

The Sacred Name Movement Debunked - This video attempts to prove that the Sacred Name Movement (often associated with the Hebrew Roots Movement) is teaching falsehood. Dozens of Biblical arguments are given for why requiring people to say God/Jesus' name in Hebrew is false. Also addressed are the claims of Sacred Namers that the English versions of divine names are mistranslated or taken from pagan religious figures like Zeus. Many other arguments are addressed and refuted also. All credit for this video goes to Chris White. Below are the links to both of his channels: Chris White VerseByVerseBT

Masonry's Satanic Connection

This film exposes how the roots of Freemasonry go straight back to ancient witchcraft and paganism. Hear experts on Masonry and even former 33° Freemasons reveal the dark secrets of the craft, and show the various similarities it shares to ancient occultism. All credit for this video goes to Jeremiah Films. Visit their website at the following link:

7th Day Adventism Exposed

This eye-opening documentary exposes the false teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist church, reveals its sinister origins, and shows the changes which have occurred throughout the years. It examines the claims of the religion's founder, the supposed "prophetess" Ellen G. White, and proves that her teachings clash with both the Bible and reason. This film contains a number of former high-ranking Adventist church leaders, many of whom are 4th generational members, who tell their stories of why they embarked on a journey to uncover the truth about their organization and what information caused them to leave. All credit for this video goes to Jeremiah Films. Visit their website at the following link to purchase this film and others:

Exposing the Mormon Cult

This in depth video reveals the LDS cult of Mormonism and its many bizarre beliefs. Nearly every major doctrine of Mormonism, as well as its best arguments are addressed and disproven one-by-one in this detailed documentary. Simultaneously, a case is made for actual Biblical Christianity, the reliability of the Bible, the Christian God, the Jesus of Christianity and the Gospel taught by Christianity, as opposed to Mormonism. See below for each individual topic covered in the video and the time when it is discussed. TOPIC INDEX & TIME LINKS (links for desktop users only). Brief Summary of Mormonism - 00:32 Was Joseph Smith a false prophet? - 5:02 Joseph Smith's religious background - 7:53 The character of Joseph Smith - 10:30 How did Joseph Smith come up with Mormonism? - 13:15 The bizarre history of Mormonism: Kirtland, OH. - 16:27 The bizarre history of Mormonism: Missouri - 19:13 The bizarre history of Mormonism: Nauvoo, IL. - 22:10 The bizarre history of Mormonism: Splinter Groups - 25:04 The bizarre history of Mormonism: Salt Lake City, UT. - 28:09 Did Smith really have a vision of God? - 31:02 Importance of Smith's vision - 34:41 Did the Golden Plates really exist? - 37:22 Translating the Golden Plates - 40:21 What's the Book of Mormon about? - 43:22 Anachronisms in the Book of Mormon - 46:02 Was the Book of Mormon plagiarized? - 48:45 Why you shouldn't pray about the Book of Mormon - 51:41 Changes made to the Book of Mormon - 54:18 Lack of proof for the Book of Mormon - 57:48 Other false writings of Mormonism - 1:00:42 The Biblical God vs the god of Mormonism - 1:03:31 The Mormon priesthood - 1:06:19 Mormon temples and rituals - 1:09:40 Racism in the Mormon priesthood - 1:13:32 Polygamy in Mormonism - 1:16:31 More strange Mormon teachings - 1:20:09 Mormon salvation vs Christian salvation - 1:23:04 Is the Bible reliable? - 1:26:00 How Mormons misuse the Bible - 1:28:50 What does the Bible say about Mormonism? - 1:34:08 Did Mormonism restore the true Church? - 1:36:42 Does Mormonism resemble the Biblical Church? - 1:39:50 The true Gospel message of salvation for Mormons - 1:42:59 All credit for this video goes to the ldsvideoencyclopedia YouTube channel: Please visit ldsvideoencyclopedia's website for more proof and references to all the claims made throughout this video:

The Untold Truth about 👿 Satan & Fallen Angels

I do not agree with the more conspiracy minded sections, but, this is very well made regardless.

The Reign of the Antichrist ⛔ What will it be like❓

Top 5 New Age Teachings in the Church w/ Melissa Dougherty

Sunday, September 27, 2020

An old article from 2011 on A Voice For Men provides an excellent definition of manhood/masculinity.

Normally I do not actually go onto A Voice For Men, but, I was on another site which linked to it. So, I began looking through the articles by a fellow whom got into a huge argument with the Alt-Right homo darling Jack Donovan. He was arguing that the colors on the Male Studies home page back in 2011 was not Queer against Jack whom called the program a home for "sissy faggots." It was an old article, but, I was interested to see what else B. R. Merrick had written for the site.

Low and behold I came across a ton of articles over the years on various different topics of note. One of them was just simply entitled, "What is Masculinity?" I found myself intrigued as his interaction with Jack showed whatever his definition would be it would not be what the Barbarism movement of Donovan wanted to release on the world. Much to my surprise I found a very well written article all about essentials and concept formation more or less.

This much broader and yet still fundamental definition was as follows;
The existence of manhood; and the perception, recognition, and application of reality through it. 
This frees up men to both have a broad brush, but, also still have fundamental differences to women in many ways. It essentializes; thus separating masculine from feminine. Yet, it does not render a man against any particular desire, interest or trait that might be within the man.

He continues on in his article after asking a trick question of whether the more emotionally contemplating music or the aggressive music above is by a man. The trick being that both are by a man writing his music about different topics and in different moods. He follows from this to explain what he means in more detail VS what he does not mean.
 ....both musical examples above fit nicely within this definition, as both were written by one who existed in manhood, and who perceived, recognized, and applied the principles of the universe in which he lived to create his music. His contribution is different from a football player’s, from Jack Donovan’s, from mine, and from every other man who ever walked upon this earth, or whoever will, but it is still masculine.
Least you think his brush is still not broad enough he goes onto describe his Men's Group Therapy sessions which included many Gay and Bisexual men. In which he says the following;
Over the next several months, or perhaps it was longer than a year, this group of men became my lifeline, my outlet, my anchor, and my friends. They were the genuine article..... I wasn’t the only masculine entity walking around on that campus that initially dismissed them as less-than-manly.  I’m sure I am not the last to have been proven wrong. The masculine qualities these guys expressed were different than most. But there was no mistaking that each of them had a penis and testicles, and that the unavoidable, external acknowledgement of the possession of those members, along with the internal surging of testosterone, had its influence on their behavior and their manly bodies. None of these guys wore a dress. None of these guys wanted a sex change. None of them was under the impression that he wasn’t really a man. 
Masculinity, whether we choose to define it or not, will continue. It’s natural law.  What is required at this point in time is not to abandon the word, any more than I think we ought to abandon the word “honor.” What will benefit us the most is understanding, whenever we encounter it, those aspects of manhood that have been left behind, ignored, derided, or simply misunderstood. 
I think this is one of the best descriptions of a definable, but, yet less perfectionist driven version of masculinity. It lets us men be men, but, also does not deny men access to full humanity in the name of being masculine as opposed to feminine. It also lets into the masculine club if you will lots of men that get labelled by society as womanly or effeminate even if they do not match the actual Biological or Psychological definition of that term in anyway at all.

It is both defining and freeing all at the same time. By defining masculinity as a definite objective thing. Yet, does it in a way in which one is also acknowledging not everyone that tosses around that term knows what it in fact means. The answer to the man or boy that is "different" is not to make him feel like he is less than his sex. Is not to label him "effeminate," but, to understand this might be just aspects of "masculinity" miss-labelled as"feminine," It is instead once more as B. R. Merrick put it so well;
....... those aspects of manhood that have been left behind, ignored, derided, or simply misunderstood. 

The Shack & 5 Other "Christian" Books Exposed

Hollywood's War On God (Full Movie)

This is the entire epic full length film, Hollywood's War On God. Hollywood's War On God is a mind-blowing, eye-popping documentary that reveals how satanic forces are using Hollywood's most memorable movies and most popular actors to propagate an ancient lie in fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Learn how these movies are initiating the masses into a Gnostic worldview that will culminate in a 'strong delusion' as the world joins Satan & the final Antichrist in their war on God. Some of the movies addressed in this film are: The Da Vinci Code starring Tom Hanks The Matrix & Constantine starring Keanu Reeves Fight Club starring Brad Pitt Truman Show starring Jim Carrey Pleasantville starring Toby Maguire Total Recall starring Arnold Swarzenegger From Hell starring Johnny Depp League of Extraordinary Gentleman starring Shawn Connery Harry Potter starring Daniel Radcliffe Bladerunner starring Harrison Ford Vanilla Sky, Eyes Wide Shut & Minority Report starring Tom Cruise and many others. SECTION LINKS & TIMES 0:00 - Introduction 1:26 - The Da Vinci Code 8:06 - Gnostic Background 14:59 - The Da Vinci Code Continued 19:54 - V for Vendetta 40:54 - The Matrix 1:07:46 - Donnie Darko 1:09:08 - Fight Club 1:11:28 - Dark City 1:14:40 - Stigmata 1:19:04 - Pleasantville 1:24:56 - Eyes Wide Shut 1:27:15 - Minority Report 1:28:56 - Vanilla Sky 1:33:40 - Battlefield Earth 1:36:58 - 2010: The Year We Make Contact 1:37:19 - Harry Potter 1:42:55 - A.I. Artificial Intelligence 1:44:30 - Total Recall 1:46:29 - League of Extraordinary Gentleman 1:47:28 - Truman Show 1:59:12 - X-men 2:01:26 - Closing Message of Hope This film was produced by Good Fight Ministries. All credit goes to Good Fight Ministries for this film. If the film edified you, please consider buying it on DVD or donating to Good Fight Ministries:

Word of Faith Cult Roots with Justin Peters

n this lengthy exposé Justin Peters reveals the deep roots the Word of Faith Movement has in a cultish background. From the little-g gods belief, to believing you can speak things into existence, to speaking gibberish and rolling around on the ground, the Word of Faith movement is full of doctrines that come straight from cults of the past and present. SECTION LINKS & TIMES 0:00 - Intro 0:30 - Session 1: Dangerous Doctrines 1:01:55 - Session 2: Unbiblical Spirituality 2:12:46 - Session 3: Healing or Hurting? All credit for this video goes to Justin Peters of the Justin Peters Ministries YouTube channel:

Gender & Sexuality - Andrew Rodriguez Speaking at UVF 3/4/19

Therapy for Unwanted Homosexuality/Same-Sex Attraction - Andrew Rodriguez Speaking at UVF

Why are Women’s Bible Studies filled with False Teachers?

Tranzformed - Finding Peace With Your God Given Gender (full documentary)

How Do You Like Me Now? (Full documentary)

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Such Were Some Of You (full documentary)

“Such Were Some of You” (A Documentary) was inspired by the passage in 1st Corinthians 6:11 that declares that in Jesus’ day there was a population who had been so transformed by their relationship with Him that they were no longer “same-sex attracted” or at the very least, actively homosexual. They had found such a measure of healing from the brokenness and strongholds associated with what we now call homosexuality that they no longer considered themselves homosexual, nor did they act in that way. “Such Were Some of You” features interviews with a “cloud of present-day witnesses” who testify to the same life-transforming power of Jesus Christ. They describe the development of their same-sex attractions, what the gay lifestyle was like, what their conversion process was like, and the various ways that Jesus has brought healing to their broken places. “Such Were Some of You” lays out the facts about healing homosexual confusion and rejoices in the reality that Jesus Christ can heal anyone from anything while providing grace for the journey.

Free To Love (full documentary)

Does sexuality change? How and why? Free to Love is a documentary that delves into the lives of four men in their search for sexual authenticity. In a world that promotes sexual freedom, except when it comes to those seeking to leave homosexuality, this eye-opening film explores the cultural, political, and personal contradictions that present obstacles to an overlooked segment of the population. It's a story of conflict, individuality, hope, and freedom.

Uplifted Praise & Worship Songs Collection

Special: Arrested While Singing To God In Public

Jagmeet Singh props up the Trudeau Liberals again

Paul Washer | 1 Thessalonians 4:1-3 | Abstain from Sexual Immorality | 2014-04-10

Paul Washer | 1 Thessalonians 1 | 2013-12-29

Paul Washer | The True Servant of Christ - 1 Thessalonians 2:1-6 | 2014-01-08

Paul Washer | The True Servant of Christ - 1 Thessalonians 2:6-12 | 2014-01-15

Paul Washer | 1 Thessalonians 2:10-12 | 2014-01-29

Paul Washer | 1 Thessalonians 2:13 | 2014-02-05

Paul Washer | 1 Thessalonians 2:14-20 | 2014-02-19

Paul Washer | 1 Thessalonians 3:1-8 | 2014-02-26

Paul Washer | 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 | The Results of Selfless Love | 2014-03-19

Paul Washer | 1 Thessalonians 4:1-3 | 2014-04-02

Paul Washer | 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 | 2014-03-26

A Wise Love (Faithbridge)

Divorce and Remarriage: EVERYTHING the Bible Says about It.

He Tells Kirk Cameron It's OK to Rape Little Kids for Fun | Way of the Master

Being a Christian When Society Thinks You're Irrelevant and Extreme | Gabe Lyons

ERLC-TV "The Church as a Family"

A Night with New Room (Seedbed)

ERLC-TV "Caring Well"

01 Genesis:8-9 - Pastor Chuck Smith - C2000 Series

01 Genesis:6-7 - Pastor Chuck Smith - C2000 Series

01 Genesis:4-5 - Pastor Chuck Smith - C2000 Series

01 Genesis:2-3 - Pastor Chuck Smith - C2000 Series

01 Genesis:1:19-31 - Pastor Chuck Smith - C2000 Series

01 Genesis 1:1-18 - Pastor Chuck Smith - C2000 Series

Friday, September 25, 2020

Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality (Selected Scriptures)

Divorce and Remarriage by David Pawson

20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 5)

In the Trenches for School Choice ft. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos | Ep. 52

LINGER Conference 2020 // Shane & Shane

The Pedophile Agenda

This video addresses the current culture's inevitable move to normalize the practice of pedophilia. This is so because the same exact arguments put forth by the culture to justify the normalization of the rest of the LGBT movements beliefs equally justify pedophilia. Evidence is offered in the video that this type of pedophilia agenda is already underway. All credit for this video goes to TheFuelProject YouTube channel:

The Gay Agenda

This video addresses many of the problems with the modern push to normalize homosexual, lesbian and bisexual tendencies. Many of the arguments from the LGBT movement are addressed head on. Historical reasons are also considered for why this modern agenda is not a wise idea. All credit for this video goes to TheFuelProject YouTube channel.

The Dark truth about Kinsey and the sexual revolution

Can Christians Be Gay?

The "Gay Christian" Movement: A Response Part 2


The Gay Christian Movement: Part I (Audio Begins at 1:26)

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Claire Berlinski -- Margaret Thatcher and More

Michael Behe: Darwin Devolves

Phillip E. Johnson on Darwinism

Breach from the Throne

Did your family get $40,000 in COVID relief?

LIVE: President Trump holds campaign rally in Florida...

Collusion Confirmed: How Obama Sabotaged Trump | Glenn TV

BRAINWASHED: How Black Lives Matter Hijacked Our Schools | Glenn TV

INSURRECTION USA: Exposing the Radicals' Dangerous Agenda to Burn America | Glenn TV

Where Is #MeToo for Tara Reade? | Glenn TV

The True Purpose of the Coronavirus Wargame | Glenn TV

Glenn Beck Presents: The Democrats’ Hydra

The MSM is LYING to you about the Breonna Taylor story

Satan's Strategy to Accuse and Paralyze You With Doubt - Ask Pastor Tim

Leighton Flowers Review of the Depravity Debate with Joel Webbon

Don't Be Deceived About Sexual Immorality - Tim Conway

How far can a False Convert go? Ask Pastor Tim

Satan's Methods of Attacking the Christian's Assurance - Ask Pastor Tim

Die to Self, Surrender to Christ - Paul Washer

Are You Doing God's Will or Your Own? - Paul Washer

Revelation 21:1-4 (ESV)

Worst PlayStation Classic Ever - Rerez

Dr. Peter Jones - The Great Opponent of Contemporary Christianity (Special Lecture - Oct 19, 2015)

"The Justin Trudeau Show" was a total dud

The Trudeau government said they were going to "reimagine Canada" ahead of the Speech from the Throne. The Prime Minister's Office told media outlets that Trudeau's address to the nation was of "national importance." Many Canadians were expecting big changes. Lo and behold – the throne speech was a dud and Trudeau's address to the nation was just a partisan speech. True North's Anthony Furey says Trudeau just wants the spotlight on him.

How Young Apologists Can Effectively Engage Today's Culture | Interview on the Clear Lens Podcast

New NHS Covid Test and Trace app ‘may wrongly tell third to self-isolate’

Former Bethel Prophecy Teacher Reveals Inside Information about BSSM

Conservative Leader O'Toole reacts to Prime Minister Trudeau's address to Canadians

CIVIL WAR: The Way America Could End in 2020 | Glenn TV

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Civil War: The Left's Revolution Playbook EXPOSED | Glenn TV

2020 FMMA Virtual Conference

Canada's 2020 throne speech in under five minutes

Why SOZO is dangerous

David Berlinski: Rebelious Intellectual Defies Darwinism

A Nation Under God? (John MacArthur)

I disagree with the Theocratic tone at times in this sermon. However. Brother John is correct that Christ is the true King of the Christian. 

Meet the SCOTUS nominee who 'scares' Sen. Mike Lee, and the nominee he’d pick

Abusive Autogynephilic Men Have Taken Charge

Finding the Narrow Way to Heaven (John MacArthur)

The Bizarre Search For Cracks: Sesame Street's Lost Nightmarish Short | blameitonjorge

Menno - Gays Against Gender (G.A.G.) Part 3 of 3

Doreen on Instagram Live answering FAQ’s about her new book

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Should Christians vote for Biden or Trump?

Top Christian scholar calls out Richard Rohr on his view of the Atonement

What's with all the deconstruction stories? With Sean McDowell

Goodies, HERESIES, FALSE TEACHERS And Progressive Christianity

Is Progressive Christianity and New Age the Same Thing?

Progressive Christianity and the New Age - Alisa Childers

What the Bible says about Following Your Heart and your feelings

The Shocking Truth about Psychics and Mediums

Memorize the Bible with Music 🎶🎵

I disagree that all of Contemporary Christian music is from False Gospels. Just because some are attached to questionable sources. 

Why Black Lives Matter is Helping the Trump Campaign | Larry Elder

What Does ‘Black Lives Matter’ REALLY Want? | Larry Elder

Republicans Roll Forward | Ep. 1100

Supreme Court Apocalypse | Ep. 1099

Press Sec. Triggers Media MELTDOWN When She Reveals Trump’s Plans for Filling SCOTUS Seat

Sexual immorality is very much real and does have consequences.

It is very common this day and age to deny sexual immorality and sin. As if sexual immorality does not exist anymore because we are living in a highly sexualized time.

However, sexual immorality is real and has tangible consequences in life. Everything from unwanted pregnancies to rape are the consequences of a world that sees sex as something that is purely about selfish needs being met without any thought to the outcome.

Sexuality is sacred and should not be defiled. Sex is not to be seen as it is these days as some sort of meaningless way to pass your time. Sex is the means of two humans literally becoming one flesh and it includes so much more than the physical pleasures. Our society neglects this important fact.

Sex is something that should be kept for someone whom you love. For someone with whom you are committed. Sex is meant to be the joining of two flesh into one in the marriage bed. I, however, know that this is not how most people see sex in this day and age.

I think this is a mistake for both sexes. These days our society has been thoroughly desensitized to sex. We are in a post-hook up culture that no longer sees sex as an important act of commitment to one mate. No one thinks anymore it seems about after effects like attachments or STDs.

From a theological stand point no one at all thinks about the eternal consequences especially if one is not saved by Christ. There is clear teaching in God's Word about different levels of experiencing hell. It also clearly states that the sexually immoral will go to and experience hell if not repented believers. Regardless which of the 3 main Christian views on hell you hold the sexually immoral and uncovered person is a hellhound individual. Yet, this message is not even taught or mentioned by certain churches these days.

I do believe, however, in moment of death conversions and repentance. So, one hopes upon death the sexually immoral will repent and be spared going to destruction or refining.

This sexual immorality includes any sort of sex outside of a two sexes marriage bed. I cannot find anything in the Bible that let's me continue in my belief I used too hold that same sex use are moral ways of using ones sexuality.

This does not mean that I support the Westboro Baptist church or their kind of ilk. It does mean that I urge my same sex friends that they should invite Christ into their life if he is not already. That they repent to God and become Born Again as to be covered by His Blood for your sexual immorality.

The same plea goes out to any of my friends or blog followers; please look into and I bag you come to Christ if you have not already. I want to see you when I am in heaven and for us to be together when Christ comes back to Earth.

The False Teachings and Lies of Joo-Cheol Kim (Pastor of the Church of God)

Pop-Atheism and Its Problems

How Free Will Conflicts with Atheism (Dr. Tim Stratton)

Dr. Tim Stratton presents his case that free will is evidence for God. Tim has spent a good deal of time refining this argument in his PhD studies and we're going to get an accessible breakdown of how it works. Now, Tim doesn't normally have an eye patch but since he didn't send me over a better photo I'm punishing him... and really, I just thought it was funny. I hope this breakdown of the "free will argument against naturalism" will be not only personally enlightening and convincing to you but will become another tool in your own intellectual toolbox of ways to help others see the truth of Jesus Christ. Here's Tim's web site and specifically an article on the problem of evil and how he answers it. Tim has TONS of free articles you may be interested on his site in addition to this one. Another article from Tim on "unjustified suffering" Tim's YouTube channel, which he intends to utilize more in the future, has a video he asked me to share with you on how he handles divine determinism which many Calvinists affirm.

Christopher Wellman: Immigration and the Right to National Self-Determination

Maxime Bernier | Compelled conformity, the far-left media, a pause on immigration

Bill Whittle on legal VS illegal Immigration

Bill looks at the critical distinction between legal and Illegal immigration, and how apologists for illegal immigration end up hurting the legal immigrants that have always been the backbone of America. This video was made back in 2010 prior to Trump raising the concerns.

Thomas Friedman accepts the Border Wall and so do I.

I recently came across a bunch of articles talking about how a prominent Democrat has decided the Border Wall is needed. This is excellent news that some on the left might be able to come to compromise with a common cause on the centre or right.

Ironically, if you look at older Democratic administrations they supported legal immigration only and even building a boundary at the border. Even the Clinton administration did during the 90s.

My readers might wonder where I stand on the Border wall. I am myself fully on board with the Wall now. Once I looked with open eyes at immigration issues and I now support it. I equally support Canada getting serious about the borders and having a strict, yet, fair and compassionate stance on borders/illegal immigration. As well as being more serious about immigration from places with serious ties to terrorism and also for us to have proper vetting at all border crossings.

I have not in anyway changed my Global Capitalist view on matters of free trade and economic globalization or international economic liberalization. I am for both strong immigration, border controls and proper regulation while keeping the flow of Global Capitalism spreading worldwide.

Dear Mr. Prime minister on the issue of trade

So-called fair trade is a fraud - a cover story for cronyism. Hong Kong and Singapore got rich through unilateral free trade. So can Canada And...

The poorest countries have the highest tariffs. Trade barriers cause poverty.

Plus, history shows that increasing tariffs causes trade wars. Higher tariffs do NOT work as levers to negotiate freer trade later.

The Trump trade war is paving a path to economic calamity. We must chart a different course. Eliminate all tariffs and subsidies immediately. Make us rich through unilateral free trade!

Dear Mr. President on the issue of trade.

You proposed getting rid of all tariffs and subsidies at the G7 meeting. I like the sound of that. I want to hear it more often. If the purpose of your trade war is to leverage negotiations in the direction of free trade, please do two things...

* Make it clear that free trade is your real goal, by constantly saying so
* Speed-up negotiations so as to limit the damage caused by your current trade war

And keep these facts in mind...

*Protectionism is cronyism.
*Hong Kong and Singapore got rich through unilateral free trade.
*The poorest countries have the highest tariffs. Trade barriers cause poverty.
*History shows that higher tariffs do NOT work as levers to negotiate freer trade later.

So your trade war is running against the tide. It will work better if people know what your goal is. It will also help if you negotiate faster. Go for a quick result to prove your point.

Sexual Disorientation is a very real phenomenon and it should not be dismissed as a Myth.

I am a survivor of male rape multiple times by the same man and I am also a survivor of years of sexual disorientation. I wanted to once again although in a much more condensed form tell my story as an example of the very real phenomenon known as sexual disorientation from rape. Most people have probably never heard of the term, but, it is known in the literature related to male survivors of male rape. It is when a man whom was a victim of another man starts living as a homosexual or bisexual from assumptions around their victimization.

It is not uncommon for boys and men to make connections in their brain over their reactions during their rape. If the boy or man happens to get erect or even orgasm during his rape his brain codes it as being something he must have somehow enjoyed. Thus he must actually be gay or bisexual and this "incident" or "incidents" is actually showing him who he is. He will from here either think he might be gay or bi, but, hide this idea. Or he will come out as gay or bisexual to others around him.

However, what he is experiencing is not a realization of his sexual orientation, but, instead he is experiencing sexual disorientation due to his rape. Usually at an age in which development is happening in the boy or young man. Although any rape where the man becomes erect or orgasms during their assault the disorientation could get a hold of the survivor. This is what happened to me I was just turning 19 when I was raped, not once, but, for an entire week night after night alone and cold as they say in British Columbia. I had no friends, no family, I was alone and he was all I knew at the time in the Province. I essentially was this other 18 year old's Prisoner.

However, I had orgasm and maintained erect when he gave me Oral whether I wanted the incidents to begin or continue or not. When I told him that I did not want to have him have Anal sex with me and I did not want to swallow his seed he made me do it. He forced his manhood into my mouth by putting it in despite the fact that I did not want to. He kept thrusting into me despite my telling him I did not want to. This kept up for an entire week. However, that week also contained constant erections when he put his mouth on me, and orgasms as well. In the confusion of my experiences and possibly for my own maintaining of sanity my brain wired the orgasms into my brain as the sign I was bisexual or gay either one.

So, one week of horrific, but, confusing incidents made me convinced I was bisexual and I came out as such as soon as I made my escape from him and returned to PEI where I was safe and sound. Since I convinced myself I was bisexual I acted and behaved as if I was. I would search for LGBT events and I would start going to them first as bisexual, then gay, then bisexual again back and forth over the years. However, as I got older my attraction quote un quote to men slowly faded away as I found myself getting up there in years. It was natural and it just happened over time. During this time I slowly began to come to terms with what happened when I was in BC. That I was neither bi nor gay I was and am straight. The victimizer raped me before I even had a single date, kiss, let alone sex with a woman. So,  I had taken my reaction to my rape as a sign I was gay or bi.

This is a very real phenomenon and it is not just a myth. Yes, it is a myth that every boy that is sexually harmed will end up living as something other than heterosexual. However, it is not a myth that being sexually abused or raped as a boy or man can make you act out or behave in a gay or bisexual manor. Sexual disorientation will make a person act and behave just as if homosexuality or bisexuality is their nature.

Dr. Joe Kort is a Ph.D. whom has worked with male survivors of rape and other sexual misconducts for sometime, years in fact. He knows all too well that this is not a Myth and writes the following in an article on Sexual disorientation at Psychology Today.

"In my psychotherapy practice, I’ve been addressing the many-faceted issue of straight men who have gay sex—how easy it may be to conclude that such men are gay or bisexual and simply in denial of their true sexual orientation, but that this may not be the case. What we find, instead, is that memories about the abuse from another male can become eroticized for a man, which then compels him to seek out same-sex encounters or porn. This does not mean that he is gay or bisexual, though he may have enduring fantasies about gay sex.

Childhood or other sexual abuse of boys or men, perpetrated by another male, may lead a man to again and again seek out sexual encounters with men in an unconscious effort to resolve the guilt and shame he feels around the original encounter.

A boy/or man who has become traumatized from such an event usually becomes quite adept in at compartmentalization—so much so that he may even “forget”.... I encounter more of these situations in my office than you might imagine. I have found that the first step is to see the man who has been abused in individual therapy, working through his grief and his anger at the loss of innocent sexual development, helping him understand how his own sexuality was eclipsed by the sexuality of the perpetrator, leaving him sexually disoriented. He knows that he is straight, but continues to try to unconsciously resolve the tension between his fantasies and his sexual identity by seeking out these gay sexual encounters.

         A man returning from encounters that don’t match his core sexual identity may struggle for hours or days (or years) over such questions as “Am I gay or bi?” when, in fact, he is neither. Nor is he a “sex addict.” Rather, he is compelled to return to the scene of the sexual crime, becoming the little boy/victim trying to figure out why it happened:

Was it something about me that made him pick me?Did I want it?Was there something I did or said to get him to do this to me?Did this make me gay or bisexual, and am I suppressing it?

Sexual abuse might impact his erotic interests, but this is not the same as orientation.

Bringing the compulsion out of the shadows can help put the man in conscious control instead of under the unconscious control of the compulsion. This is not to say that the fantasies will then go away. They are early imprints that have become eroticized, and will likely be with him for life. The goal is to take mastery of the behavior so that you’re not acting out anymore against your own will.

The next step in therapy is to get the client into a men’s sexual abuse group. I often find that men who have experienced childhood sexual abuse have been silent about it throughout their life. Being able to openly talk about with other men helps reduce the shame, which is huge. Victims of childhood sexual abuse will typically carry the shame of the perpetrator, as well as their own. Getting out from behind the veil of secrecy is necessary if one is to successfully shed this shame."

A person whom is acting out of disorientation can and often does change over time. Some of them have their same sex thoughts gone or some remain with the eroticized thoughts. The goal of the therapy for such a person does not require that they drop said thoughts. Only that they understand why they have them and deal with them in a way that is not harmful to themselves or others. The change can come far before the person even goes for help. Or it can happen while the individual is in therapy for their issues. However, it is the dealing with the Trauma and knowing the truth about your own identity/your own past that is president and not the change as such.

In my case the reorientation to what was before being disoriented happened before I ever sought help with my issues as such. In this way the two things were not related the change and the therapy. If the change happens in therapy it is a recovery of the true self and a working on removing the eroticized imprints of the rape/abuse.

"And finally, in most instances some parts of the eroticization of the abuse remain. In other words, something that was introduced to him during the abuse has now become part of his sexual fantasies and preferences. Many therapists believe that if the male survivor continues to eroticize anything that came from the abuse they are unhealed.

This is wrong.

From a sexual-health perspective, even after healing from trauma one goes from trauma reenactment to trauma play. The origin of the fantasy might come from abuse, but now it is about play and mastery. I help clients learn to enjoy these fantasies, and eliminate the shame around them. This doesn’t mean they must act them out behaviorally."

In conclusion sexual disorientation is very real. Sexual abuse and rape of men can and often does effect their view of their sexual identity. This does not mean that every single man or boy that is abused will act out in a bisexual or homosexual way after abuse from a male. It just means it is one of many outcomes to horrific events that should never have happened in the first place.