Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

How I was tempted by Satanism via Objectivism.

When someone learns of the Randian philosophy one usually does not see how they are being used by the devil himself. However, Antony LeVay the self named leader of the Church of Satan and founder of LeVay Satanism states in his own words that he preached Rand with Ritual Magick.

What is the first and main temptation that the evil one used? That you will get to make your own code of ethics and be like God. Rand in her works is teaching the same thing although without realizing she is doing his bidding.

Objectivism starts with questioning all morals and asking why you should follow them. This is the same original sin Adam and Eve made masked as a good thing. From here you are skillfully intellectually walked through why you no less an animal then any other should not act according to your innermost nature which is to do what you need to survive. From there she and her adherents just like all emminations of Lucifarian and Satanist thought guide you to the ultimate place. One of radical individualism and autonomy of the kind the Evil One wants you to be.

You see he wants you to be nothing, but, selfish. Rand preaches the very thing he does. To be your own God with decisions being made based on self centeredness VS following God whom wants you to love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.

Satan wants chaos and Rand when taken to its conclusions breads an extreme chaos of dog eat dog and everyone for themselves without empathy at all. It makes Earth the embodiment of Hell itself. People crying out for mercy only to have no one lend their hand to help them out.

Objectivists do not realize they are veins used by the Devil, but, they are. Their complete contempt for not only the Father, but, extreme antichrist views are a red alert that they are more than just general atheists.

I hold that Objectivism with its roots in Lucifrianism lite is not an allie of the Conservative movement. Nor compatible with Christians whom simply want smaller and smarter government. It is time the Right denounces this disguised strand of Satanism as not being a philosophical view any should follow.

Praise Holy Jesus Christ that I made it through the minefield and back to him.