Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Sexual immorality is very much real and does have consequences.

It is very common this day and age to deny sexual immorality and sin. As if sexual immorality does not exist anymore because we are living in a highly sexualized time.

However, sexual immorality is real and has tangible consequences in life. Everything from unwanted pregnancies to rape are the consequences of a world that sees sex as something that is purely about selfish needs being met without any thought to the outcome.

Sexuality is sacred and should not be defiled. Sex is not to be seen as it is these days as some sort of meaningless way to pass your time. Sex is the means of two humans literally becoming one flesh and it includes so much more than the physical pleasures. Our society neglects this important fact.

Sex is something that should be kept for someone whom you love. For someone with whom you are committed. Sex is meant to be the joining of two flesh into one in the marriage bed. I, however, know that this is not how most people see sex in this day and age.

I think this is a mistake for both sexes. These days our society has been thoroughly desensitized to sex. We are in a post-hook up culture that no longer sees sex as an important act of commitment to one mate. No one thinks anymore it seems about after effects like attachments or STDs.

From a theological stand point no one at all thinks about the eternal consequences especially if one is not saved by Christ. There is clear teaching in God's Word about different levels of experiencing hell. It also clearly states that the sexually immoral will go to and experience hell if not repented believers. Regardless which of the 3 main Christian views on hell you hold the sexually immoral and uncovered person is a hellhound individual. Yet, this message is not even taught or mentioned by certain churches these days.

I do believe, however, in moment of death conversions and repentance. So, one hopes upon death the sexually immoral will repent and be spared going to destruction or refining.

This sexual immorality includes any sort of sex outside of a two sexes marriage bed. I cannot find anything in the Bible that let's me continue in my belief I used too hold that same sex use are moral ways of using ones sexuality.

This does not mean that I support the Westboro Baptist church or their kind of ilk. It does mean that I urge my same sex friends that they should invite Christ into their life if he is not already. That they repent to God and become Born Again as to be covered by His Blood for your sexual immorality.

The same plea goes out to any of my friends or blog followers; please look into and I bag you come to Christ if you have not already. I want to see you when I am in heaven and for us to be together when Christ comes back to Earth.