Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Why I no longer support PEI Pride nor watch their Parade

The last two years I have not watched the Pride Parade and there is a good reason for it. Pride endorses and supports misinformation as well as just plain junk science.

They have embraced the idea that biology does not exist; that your maleness or femaleness is not a matter of biological sex. That transgenderism/transexual  feelings of being something other than your natal sex is normal as opposed to being a mental state incongruent of the facts of your sex. Gender Dysphoria or gender identity disorders are not normal. They are a serious mental condition of distress an illness or disorder.

I fully agree with those whom disagree with the T being associated with or being in anyway a natural ally of the LGB.
LGB are sexual orientations or preferences. They are not being delusional and thinking you are something you biologically are not is a delusion. There is 0 evidence of any such thing as being born in the wrong body.

Gender Dysphoria is a very real mental illness and we have plenty of evidence of this. It should be humanized, but, not normalized as being OK to want to mutilate your own body or pump it full of dangerous cross sex drugs.

We need to be looking into ways of getting people over their Dysphoria and ways to have them accept and learn to love even their natal sex. Most kids with the conditions desist and get over their Dysphoria using watching and waiting techniques.

In the insightful words of one of the panelists at the Concerns from the left event about transgender ideology, "it used too be the religious right tried to change your preferences to suite your body, but, now even worse the left supports life changing body modifications to match your traits."

I cannot attend events giving them moral sanction whom supports a movement that is so dangerous for peoples mental health. I have great compassion for gender identity issues, but, that does not mean it should be lifted up as a harmless when it is not.