Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Manhood and masculinity exists minus women. If you call someone a cuck you promote a males as utilities view of men.

There is a growing word being used in the manosphere especially on YouTube when it comes to criticizing feminist men. It is the use of the word cuck which is short for cuckold. It basically means a man whom has his cock in a device while having to watch their female partner being banged by another man. It paints any man that is not getting women as being less of a man. A man that is not in a position where he is giving sexual pleasure to a woman he is not a man.

I find the use of such a word to be totally asinine for the manosphere. It makes it seem like men have no value when women are not involved. Do not worship at the lips of the vagina and you are not a man. Does this mean bisexual and homosexual men that do not give women pleasure are not men? That men that are going their own way (even if not associated with the MGTOW movement) are not real men? That masculinity and manhood does not exist as having its worth outside of women?

This is not helping men being looked at as more than utilities or boy toys for women's pleasure. It is not helping men be able to live their life as they see fit. As fully human men away from the need to please and do for women. Men need to be able to liberate themselves from needing to live for women. They need to learn to have themselves as their own mental point of origin. To live a life filled with their own virtues and values. To go towards their own happiness without needing to think about women as some huge hive mind they need to give a fuck about.

Men should be living for themselves and not for the need for sexual gratification or the need to be in a relationship with some woman. They need to be able to not be with women and be happy. They need to live not for women. but. for themselves and making their life the best that it can be. Men should not be called cuckold for being SJWs or feminists. As evil and I mean evil as both ideologies actually are. It does not mean people get to make it seem like men are defined by women in order to be men. Such an idea is insane and stupid. Masculinity is psychological and biological, and women can change nothing about that.

In fact, by being so concentrated on women as ones view on the world. So obsessed with pussy or needing a woman around is putting women you have not even and might never meet in charge of your happiness. As well as in charge of considering yourself a man. It is to suffer from grave shame for not meeting the requirement of getting laid or a girlfriend. It is all very men as utilities to others and it needs to stop. It is utter bullshit! Men need to stop making women the center of their manworld and make their manworld center on the man himself.. on them.