Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Psychologies of Masculinites and the APA's Guidelines for men/boys are institutionalized Radical Feminist Theory.

Not too long ago the American Psychological Association released what they considered guidelines for working with men and boys. What some people might not know is that it was nothing more than institutionalizing within the American Psychological Association of radical feminist Patriarchy theories about masculinity not being a name for certain traits, but, instead an oppressive ideology. Supposedly, masculinity is a socialized for violence male. 

Actually, the full preamble or summary states; 
"Traditional masculinity-- marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression-- is on the whole, harmful." 
So, being stoic is somehow pathological as is being competitive. Not only that they are completely socialized and there is no human nature aspects to any of these things. They also lump those things in with being domineering or aggressive. When both men and women can be aggressive or feel the want or desire to take control depending on how they deal with lack of control issues. Oh no, it is traditional masculinity that somehow forces aggressive men to be aggressive or domineering. This is not factually accurate. Nor is it scientifically accurate.

In the words of Steven Pinker on this issue;
"The ludicrous new APA report on masculinity embraces Men and Women differ only due to socialization & the false romantic theory that stoicism and self-reliance is pathological."
What can be seen here is an embracing by the APA of the feminist theory of masculinity being some oppressive top down ideology that men are brainwashed into. Just like the APA has now accepted that you can be something other than your biological sex and the Trans Activist narrative on gender identity. They are applying the socialization narrative and pointing the finger at masculine traits as being somehow harmful socialized behaviors. However, I bet if any of them are ever hurt the first thing they will call for is a stoic rescue-person which will statistically more than likely be a man whom is acting in a traditionally masculine behavior of protecting and providing for their safety with unflinching water-less eyed stoicism.

Also, the report does not understand stoicism and what that term refers to. A man being stoic does not mean he is not emotional nor that he never cries. It just means when push comes to shove and the heat is on, when life is happening he does not stop and ball over it well the action is happening. You can be both stoic during most things in life and yet still break down crying around the right people and at the right time.

Similarly, one can be competitive and yet still co-operate with others. In fact this is how people behave when free under Capitalism all the time. Sure people try and compete, but, there is often co-opetition. In which people co-operate together in order to compete to provide the best goods or services at the lowest price. Capitalism or markets in general work because in competing they without even knowing it as if guided by an invisible hand (as Adam Smith would say) they are co-operating with people most of which they do not know and do not personally care about in anyway or shape or manor. Yet, they depend on them. I recommended reading Laurence Reed's Seminal I Pencil for understanding this. Or watch The Movie on YouTube.

Self reliance does not mean you are treating life like living on a desert island that would just be ridiculous and get you nowhere in life. Hell, dominance is not even always negative either. Dominating life for example and taking the bull by the horns VS being domineering over others is a very admiral way of living. It also could very well be that the APA is mistaking assertiveness in males for Dominating behavior.

As is aggression not necessarily a bad thing. For example if someone tried to harm you or the people you are with you might need to use aggression including violent force to defend yourself from the attacker or attackers. Traditional masculine aggression is why we are alive as a species now and others are dead. It is why the human bloodline even still exists. If not for the aggressive and violent force used in defense of our ancestors by aggressive mainly men the current generations would be dead by hoards of savage thugs. During our ancient past.

Traditional masculinity might be stoic, competitive, be misunderstood to be dominant and be in certain instances aggressive. However, that does not make it a bad thing let alone to be considered a pathological way of living in the world. Nor does saying so addresses all of the women that are aggressive in an abusive way or dominating over men. Nor does it address stoic women and whether that too is a pathology as well. It simply smears masculinity and masculine traits in the name of wanting to make men like women, just like women and removing their sense of individuality for a collective borg of their own making. It is Feminism of the most radical and anti-male variety institutionalized into American Psychological Guidelines and it is fucked the hell up.