Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

An update on my life lately for you dear readers

A lot has been happening in my life lately. With my mom's passing I never know what adventures I will experience.

I have been talking with a social worker at QEH to assist in handling my grieving. She is a really great lady I am glad I met her.

It has really helped having someone to talk to about everything and what is going on inside my head.

Tomorrow will be my longest day at my apartment since Mom died. I will leave my aunt's after breakfast and be there until around 830pm. This will give me more time to myself. It means I will be able to share more videos.

I also plan on resting as much as possible after everything that has been happening. I am also seriously considering joining a Political Party. I am trying to find one that is closest to my principals in policies and it is harder than one might imagine.

I am going back and forth between The Freedom Party of Canada or rejoining the Libertarian Party of Canada. At the same time the Conservatives and People's Party are more likely to get into government.

I do still miss Mom at times and I probably will for a while. After all she did just die not too long ago. I went waking Felix; my mom's dog today and he enjoyed seeing me again. I took a look at Mom's room as I left the bathroom while I was there. I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes. I will love my Mom despite her being dead till the day I die myself.