Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, January 29, 2018

The use of classification and differences to dehumanize and the manosphere

If you have ever listened to a video from the Skeptic Community online you will sometimes hear words that seem out of place. You will hear these same words in various places within the broader manosphere as well. I am referring to terms like beta, omega, cuck and among the PUA's "everyday chump." Often, when someone disagrees with someone else usually a man they will start calling them these sorts of terms as a way of saying "these men are not men at all."

Instead of saying that person is wrong or even evil as an individual and has bad ideas. Instead of rebuking their grey matter and attacking their ideas they make things personal. They make claim that if you do not think like me your manhood is in question. Or in some scenarios these folks will attack the man's orientation as if that matters. Or they will call them something like Soy Boys or such things. I am surprised they are not using the term sissy. It would do the same thing and create a similar split between men.

I very much am not in favor of using these terms for anyone you disagree with. Even if you think someone can be a beta male disagreeing with you is not the determination of that. Hell, even being a vile far left peace of shit is not being a beta male. These men are making things personal and attacking other men's very gender identity as a man by making it seem like their identity is warped or defective because of their views. To them alpha, beta and omega are not just different classifications for places in the social hierarchy they are the differences between being able to speak as a man or not.

Alpha males are not just men with specific traits which have a human constructed label placed on them based on the behavior of animals of certain kinds. To them Alphas are the only real men the only men that are not deformed and even disordered in their thinking. That Betas are the programmed and surfs of the left and or downright evil depending on the person if you have a penis. That Omegas are useless, a genetic dead end and so you should just go kill yourself. Oh, and dare not be a cuck which is not even reserved for an actual cuck as in participating in cuckholding an actual fetish some men and women have.

This is downright disgraceful and shows how little labels and their definitions actually mean to so many people and especially in certain places online. Someone not being an Alpha Male does not equal being evil, bad, wrong or disordered as a man. So, no one should be calling people with bad ideas these names. Further more it helps to push a narrative that dehumanizes men that do not fit into certain labels and definitions. It pushes the idea that men, and maleness is not simply being biologically male, but, requires more. It paints a picture that breaks up into groups that can be harmed because after all they are not human they are not men.

Dehumanization of men is already pushed by the far left progressive authoritarian groups and a great deal of the mainstream. One does not want that to continue even more into some groups of men that are human and some that are not. Just because someone disagrees does not make them evil that has its own definition. Some of the men called these names might actually be evil,  but, if they are it is their ideas that are evil. They could be adopting these ideas out of ignorance and be perfectly fine people that just need to learn the truth. However, even if they were in fact evil in their politics does not mean you are justified in dehumanizing them and basing that on their status as a true man.

You do not need to be an "Alpha" to be a real man. You do not need to be a high status male to be worth value. You have value where you are doing whatever productive work you are engaging in by virtue of producing value in the world through your production in it. Going even further a homeless man with no job and no friends whom requires help through voluntary charity to get on his feet is still a man of possible immense value. All humans that are not truly evil and even those whom are evil by ignorance have the possibility of great value in the future. A man whom seems to have no skills at all can still and often will find something that they can outright master that thing which brings joy to as the old saying goes their very soul. Men do not need to be at the top to be worth your respect.

If you find men espousing evil ideas do not attack their humanity or their manhood. Attack the fact they hold evil ideas and find out why they hold those ideas. They maybe misinformed and ignorant a kind talk might just set them on the correct path no need to dehumanize and treat them unjustly. However, if you do inform them the truth and they do not want to the right thing than you can call them truly evil. Yet, this does not mean they lack being human and that does not mean that if they are not threatening to initiate harm to others or their property there is no right to be lower case evil. There definitely is such a right it is called freedom of conscious and as long as they are evil in peace even this level of person does not deserve to be dehumanized. Call them evil and not less than a man. There are plenty "real men" that have been in favor of evil and vile ideologies in this world.

Individuals that are betas, omegas and cucks do not deserve to be tarred with the brush of all being evil and vile people by associating them with people that hold bed or downright evil ideas. Being into cuckholding is not necessarily evil you need to know the motivation behind living the lifestyle. Being somewhere other than the cock of walk at the top does not make you less of a man. Being not good with women or other men if you like them as well does not make you less than a man. Being someone that does not fit into some specific place in some label does not make you less of a man. It definitely is not the equivalent of being evil and to think you have anyway of taking others man cards because of differences between you and that individual man is thinking you can play God. Essentially you are no better than the SJW's that want to take away men's man cards for not being in lockstep with Feminists