Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Good, The Bad and the Downright Ugly from "The New Libertarian."

Recently a big controversy was spurned on within the broader liberty movement by a speech done by Jeff Deist the most recent President of The Ludwig Van Mises Institute in the US. It was entitled, "For The New Libertarian." It was an incredibly long speech coming in at a total of about 40 minutes.  It covered many topics, but, some at more length than others. Why was it so controversial? Two words, "blood and soil."

The speech ended in the following line;

In other words, blood and soil and God and nation still matter to people. Libertarians ignore this at the risk of irrelevance.

One might wonder why such a line at the end of a speech would cause such fuss and it is a good question. I am sure most people would see this line and not think anything of it. However, those whom know their history were quick to come to the forefront with the origin of the words blood and soil. You see the term goes back a long time to Germany right before the rise of The Third Reich and the Nazis.

Blood and soil (GermanBlut und Boden) is a slogan expressing the nineteenth-century German idealization of a racially defined national body ("blood") united with a settlement area ("soil"). By it, rural and farm life forms are not only idealized as a counterweight to urban ones, but are also combined with racist and anti-Semitic ideas of a sedentary Germanic-Nordic peasantry as opposed to (specifically Jewishnomadism. The contemporary German concept Lebensraum, the belief that the German people needed to reclaim historically German areas of Eastern Europe into which they could expand, is tied to it.
"Blood and soil" was a key slogan of Nazi ideology. The nationalist ideology of Artamanen and the writings of Walther DarrĂ© guided Nazi agricultural policies which were later adopted by Adolf HitlerHeinrich Himmler and Baldur von Schirach.

This has lead many libertarians to jump on Jeff Deist calling him out as being either Nazi or dog-whistling to Nazis that they have a home aligned with the libertarian movement. In addition to the massively unnerving ending I saw something else which was just as eerie and also just as dangerous. That was a call to replace a Constitutional Representative Republic called the United States of America with a new America based on decentralized and secession built around "family, God, society." So, instead of a limited government with a separation of Church and State the society itself becomes consumed by family and God. There is a word for this sort of society it is called a Theocratic Wet Dream.

In truth it was a call to several vile ideas. It was a call to ditch anything coming in between the Church brainwashing everyone and or coercing those whom are not. On top of that much was made about tribes and clans. About extended families and extended kinship. Not as to extend the kin to others, but, whom would you be willing to fight for. A call to barbarism and a return to us going back into clans and tribes. That it are these tribes that stop people from doing immoral things as these clans represent civil society and civilization not a bunch of individuals co-operating. That it is either get with a "voluntary" tribe or you have Statism and oppression.

What might you ask of those whom do not want a tribe? Those whom want to just be individualized human beings co-operating with other individuals in a free market alone or in groups, but, with the individual being primary? Well, that kind of person is vile a moral nihilist, not libertarian. According to Jeff Deist a free society will in fact cause the world to be less libertine and not more. His future sees a world where cultural conservatism thrives because "libertine" is a outgrowth of the state breaking up things like the family and faith. That "they" want you to think of yourself as an individual without a tribe.

Whom is "they?" The Evil ones, the ones that want a World Supra-national State and the ones that are Pro-Globalism. The Globalists that believe in those horrid Free-Trade Deals and whom are supposedly conspiring towards a Global Central Bank which was kick-started by the creation of the IMF. The EU, NATO, NGO's all with the same One World Agenda. They want you to feel like you do not have a tribe, they want to remove Faith from humanity and they want us to not see pride for those especially in the same clan or tribe. "They" want this and that according to the speech. "They" want us to be pushed towards sexual expression and the list goes on.

"So of course it attempts to break down families by taking kids away from them as early as possible, indoctrinating them in state schools, using welfare as a wedge, using the tax code as a wedge, discouraging marriage and large families, in fact discouraging any kind of intimacy that is not subject to public scrutiny, encouraging divorce, etc. etc."

OK, I am no fan of how Welfare has taken a toll on families myself. Nor, do I agree with tax codes or welfare being used as wedges which they are often these days. Hell, I am not even against large families if that is what two people consent to take part in. However, the idea that there is some over-arching Globalist "Illuminati" or "protocols of Zion" level conspiracy that is making the world less culturally conservative is insane and beyond words. The idea that if you got rid of the State or State intervention the world would be mainly conservative is as silly as a a culturally liberal or libertine person saying it would be come majority their lifestyle. Blaming the lack of your personal values in the world on like an Empire Style Jedi Mind Trick on the masses by the Globalists is beyond retarded.

From here he goes on to increasingly more and more talk about self-determination, and secession being the main goals of the libertarian movement. With smaller and more local being better. With also taking nodes to working with those we have most in common with and creating a clan or tribe with those most like us. That we are closest to this group over some other group. He also asserts that politics is not universal and one should not care that gays get killed in Saudi Arabia and so forth. That universalism is a siren song of Globalists. That in fact universalism is an affront to nature and to natural rights itself.

He finishes off by telling the listener to think about what they would think was worth fighting for. No, he does not mean metaphorically. He means really fight with actual violence and talks about once again your kin, your family, your community, your religion, and also includes the nation. He finishes off this bluster about fighting for your people with the quote I mentioned earlier. However, it is not all horrid and vile. There is one section that contains an insight most libertarians do not want to confront often.

He does mention that we do have human nature and that libertarian institutions need to take this into account. He actually talks about the fact in various other words we are animals and this ironically is the best defense for the limited government style of libertarian thought which Jeff himself loves to hate on. He is a complete anarchist and thus his hate for all things United States and his love for secession. For his hatred of the separation of Church and State as well. He protests the idea that some libertarians have that simply instituting libertarianism will make Non-Coercion man qua man's tendency. I entirely agree, but, it is man's not adhering to said principle so often that makes it so important to uphold Objective rules of law and individual rights. Thus why a limited representative government is required.

The one decent section of his speech actually disqualifies his own notion of a free society being Stateless and based on something other than government. Which means anything else he says passed it by his own logic is a delusional utopia, or as I see it dystopia of the worst order. He also is obsessed with size of the government due to his anarchism over what it is doing. Is it protecting rights? Or invading them? If it is protecting rights than it is a moral government. Not only that, but, secession does not equal non-aggression either. Secession was the siren call of those whom wanted to keep Slavery legal.

When it comes to Jeff Deist and his ideas that he likes to call so-called libertarianism. Well, there is a small, small sliver of admitting to human nature which is the good. However, the rest of his views are running from the bad to downright nightmarish. Is he a Nazi though? He never really said anything about the Jews and he never said anything about White power or anything. However, he did rally up the fire for a tribe like us, a community like us and a clan of those most like us. He never mentioned they had to be the same color or even the same religion. He did make needing a religion pretty present though and sure does not like the idea of individualism at all.

I think Nazi is actually too kind of a word as it is only stating one form of what this really is. A return to tribal, barbarism surrounded by any key component. It is nothing, but, pure collectivism of the worst kind. The kind wrapped up in a so called freedom bow. The call goes out to everyone to form collectives and defend them with violence if needed. To consider themselves Sovereign over their own land and to seceded in their minds from any USA even existing. To form as he calls it a Nation of Consent among tribes all over the World. To fight those whom are willing to break up said tribes. To breed at a high rate within said tribes and to overpopulate those outside of your tribe. Including overpopulating all the non-libertarian tribes. All those evil Statists that believe the Government is real and has authority.

This is the talk of someone that can spread very, very dangerous views, but, the majority of people can see them for the crazy they really are and just like me denounce them for the scum they are.