Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
What all Religious Fundy groups have in common with Social Justice warriors and Feminists.
I have been pondering Christians and Feminists lately how they are similar in so many ways. Also, how GBLT communities are also similar as well two sides of the same coin. You see they are all based on Learned Helplessness and on collectivism/Prosecution complexes. You see the GBLT activists need gays and straights to be at war in a heteronormative culture that hates them to survive. The same exists for Christians and Feminists.
Both of these groups are built on a persecution complex. If the world is not out to get them they are not following Christ that talked about being oppressed in the material world. It also means that patriarchy is not real if women are not oppressed. Christians are not under attack for their views being shown for the bullshit they are and their secret friend in the sky being called out for the delusions they are.
At the same time the GBLT communities speaking heads need to be oppressed everywhere even in the free first world and Western civilization. Even when they are not due to that same prosecution complex Canada and North America, and Europe and even Israel in the Middle East. Within the core of all of these activist movements and most activism in general is the Negative need to keep fighting a war of all against all.
Such groups tend to never look on the bright side and decide to fill the Positive need if you will. Of seeing how great things really are in most places now. For women, GBLT, and Christians. There is an old saying "I will never be part of an anti-war movement, but, I would support a pro-peace movement." All activist movements without a clear goal that is objective are dangerous like this. None of these groups like GBLT or Feminism have an end goal because oppression is subjective not objective.
For example the liberty movement wants Limited government that is a concrete goal with an end point. Movements that are based "preferably on reason and reality" are good and ones based on delusion are not. Objectivism is a movement that has an end point and is not based on prosecution as it is based in reason. The MHRM is a movement that unlike Feminism has an end point that is real and definable. One could point to numerous views that are not negative, but, could still be considered movements. Activists tend to be though outside of some exceptions prone to become tribal and due to this become obsessed with prosecution.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Globalism is Good and Promotes Western Values to the world!
I am seeing way too many people conflate globalism to some sort of elite conspiracy against the masses. Globalism is good and is in fact the core of living in a modern world that is integrated and not at constant strife. People whom trade will not kill each other if they know they are dependent on those other people to keep living their life in the way they wish to. The answer to making poverty actually slowly go away is globalism it is Global Capitalism embodied in unilateral free trade with any peaceful group./organization/individual.
Currently the trend is to conflate worries about national security and the Islamic Threat with nationalism and anti-globalism. Somehow being Pro-National security means also being anti-immigrants that are peaceful and not criminal. It has been conflated with being anti-free trade. It has become conflated with being alt-right or with being Xenophobic. When wanting The West to deal with Islamic Terror in a proper way that is successful has nothing to do with being anti-globalism at all.
I know that Islam is a threat and I want our Governments to deal with it. I am all for finding credible threats and dealing with them accordingly. Protecting individual rights and citizens is what a Government is intended to do and it is not intended to remove individual rights. By stopping Globalism you are stopping people and companies from engaging in peaceful global trading. You are not in fact stopping the people that are wanting to destroy Western Civilization. In fact you make it worse by stopping the exporting of Western Culture to other places in the world.
I think Europe and Canada are being pussies when it comes to the War Islam has declared on the Non-Islamic world. I think even the US is not really doing what needs to be done really. However, that does not mean one sacrifices economic freedom for security. One does not shut oneself from trading with people or with doing business because there is an Anti-Capitalist and Fascist group that wants you dead. There is much more that can be done about Islamic threats than we do, but, those things do not include infringing peaceful citizens rights.
For example; known radicals should be picked up as soon as they are on the radar and either housed in our own prisons and possibly deported elsewhere for housing if from a different Country. Our Countries need to get serious about the Mosques and dealing with them. Getting rid of the mosques which are linked to groups like The Muslim Brotherhood or other terrorist groups. This is not infringing rights as these people would be known threats and not peaceful citizens. Also, none of these possible prescriptions are anti-immigration nor anti-globalist. While I supported the idea of Trumps Travel suspension I do not support his idea of banning immigration from Mexico nor the Trump Wall.
I am Pro-Peaceful and civil immigration for anyone not linked to the Islamic threat, a known criminal, has infectious diseases nor has linked to any other Terrorist group other than Islamic radicalism. I am ant-letting dangerous individuals into any plot of land, but, I am also all for civil individuals coming into and out of Countries. I am Pro-Globalism and I am not a Nationalist I am the opposite of Nationalistic. I am internationalist and globalist. I am for individual rights and their protection being spread world wide and governance based on that globally over all the Earth for all people.
All people should have governance based on recognition of individuals and their rights to live free provided they harm no one else or their property. The Non-initiation of harm principle or force should be ideally stretched to all people everywhere and they should be governed accordingly. How this will be done can be debated and argued at length. However, globalism is a key component to that and a global maximizing of peace/prosperity/happiness pursuance for all people. We need globalism to export our values which are better and more civilized to the world and make Western Culture the mainstream view based on recognition of individual rights for all.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Friday, May 26, 2017
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Monday, May 22, 2017
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Pro-Life Club is being censored in Pennsylvania is bad news for all Americans.
Right now Pennsylvania has laid the framework for more censorship in the Public Indoctrination Centers known as Public Theft Funded Schools. A Pro-Life club request was made to a High School only to be met with a rejection to the club existing saying it was too political. However, this same school has a Gay/Straight Alliance (psychos and abusers-r-us). So, how is being pro-life too political, but, being a school with such an alliance is not political. They have an actual club called the Political Club for Gods sake. For those wondering about the (), yes, the High school level GLBT is just as toxic if not even more so than the older generation of Pride communities.
One can have "Feminist clubs," and lying gender studies classes. One can have Sex-Ed courses that push young people into access to chest binders for girls and push heterosexuality as somehow being an original sin. Yet, one wants to have a club for being pro-life and get teenagers with child whom do not have the ability to take care of their babies help. This sort of club is somehow not allowed? This makes no sense even if you are not pro-life/anti-abortion. Teen girls with child being able to have access to information and medical help is a good thing. Regardless of your views on abortion.
One does not let peoples expression be squashed no matter if you agree with that individual. That individual has the right in a proper and moral society to express any idea. I mean any idea they want and shall not be silenced for the sake of controversy and political correctness. PC is code for your ideas are too different than mine to let you speak. The ill-liberal and regressive PC police are pushing an agenda that wants all different ideas gone. Look at the Democrats recent attack on the idea of choice and fluidity in sexuality. With their wanting to BAN ADULT CONSENTING men and women from using conversion therapy. It is not under the proper rubric of stopping fraud as the treatment is BS, but, instead is focused on stamping out the very idea of sexual flexibility.
Ideas and the mind itself is under threat by the mystics of muscles. Pro-life is an idea as is sexual fluidity and flexibility. If you can attack one idea it gives permission to attack any ideas. We are training a generation to be brainwashed Authoritarians against any sort of disagreement that is too strong. We are making wussies that need safe spaces every where because the world does not revolve around ones own thinking. Due to others not being mind controlled zombies that agree and follow the precepts of their neighbors. Someone having a view that is different from you on a subject does not mean you get to use initiation of threats and force on those people with other views.
Notice that I did not say sexual orientation changing over time is BS, but, repairing and conversion therapy is fraudulent BS. This is because sexual orientation fluidity and flexibility among same-sex attraction is a very real thing and we have very good data on this not based on religious BS psychotherapy. Very few exclusive homosexual humans have existed over our history and still do not now. Most people with same-sex attractions are on a scale/grid/spectrum. They are some form of bisexual. Thus the rise of the Mostly Straights among the same-sex data in America. This does not mean you can force someone to change. You cannot and it would be immoral to do so
The point being that ideas need to be free to be debated and discussed. One cannot silence debate as all information needs to be heard. All the facts need to be out there to find out what facts are true and which are BS. We need to be able to have bullshit be shut down through public discourse, so, real bad ideas will not be followed. So, the real Nazis and real haters can be heard to shoot them down intellectually not with bullets or violence. Pro-Choice people should let pro-lifers at school so they can argue and debate peacefully. The side with reason and real truth on its side will win out. Actual evil is impotent in the face of truth.
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