Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Ringing in a New Year: Do not be afraid to have Shameless Pride in 2017 it is beautiful!
This passed 2016 is leaving us and 2017 is about to begin. It is time to go out with the old and in with the new. A time for saying to goodbye to whom we were and hello to whom we are now. A time to let the past go and embrace the now, our future. For me removing the old year and beginning a new includes saying goodbye to an unauthentic me. It includes ringing in the real me and presenting it in an authentic manor to all I meet. It includes forgiving ourselves and giving ourselves unlimited self--compassion. With letting things become a water under a bridge.
Tonight I was told I am the most kind-hearted person one of my co workers ever met. I must admit it touched me on a very personal level. We are going into the New Year and to know this made me very happy to know it. It showed me that indeed I am the man of value I prize myself on being. It helped to cement within my mind that I am that great man I always pride myself on being. It gives me even more practical confidence to expand my positive attitude even more. As this year gets under way I plan on ringing it in right. With a huge dose of shameless Christopher Pride!