Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, December 24, 2016

The role of Biology is right in your faces. A rejoinder to anyone that thinks we are a "Blank Slate" (even Objectivists and the MRM).

It gets very frustrating to see the role of biology in human behavior being eschewed for nonsense when the evidence is present right before your very eyes. You see this blank slate argument coming from every side of the coin. From the feminist on the left to the Objectivists on the right. I want to point out that all animals have natures something that Objectivism itself points out. I also want to point out that all animals have a biological disposition. The idea that we are separate from nature in this way is silly at best and ludicrous at worst. It is unscientific to claim that biology and evolution ends at the neck and does not extend into the brain and human mind. 

From the left you have the people that want a new Marxist man and also the feminist types. They both want to use social engineering to alter human nature due to not believing that humans have one. This is a sickening view that totally devalues human life and makes me want to vomit to be honest. Men should be able to break with masculinity because "testosterone don't do nothing." There is no biology to men being men. To men being masculine and tending to be certain ways with others and themselves. It is all nurture and nature plays no part in men being whom and what they are. It is sick and twisted to be sure. 

However, how are SOME Right Objectivists any better when they believe that free will is so absolute that we have no innate tendencies? We have no innate functions, emotions, views, predilections for this or that. That evolution does indeed stop at the neck and there is no innateness to the human. That we are all a blank slate if you will and have no human nature. Despite Objectivism saying we have one and must live by that nature. That man is qua man and cannot be anything, but, man qua man. Which means that if there is even a little bit of biology to anything it must be acknowledged and worked with in this framework. 

Evolution is real and biology is real it can be seen/studied/understood. How can it be that our biology not be a factor in the midst of our lives and choices? Of course it is and it is in the center of everything from mate selection to why we love Fast and fatty foods. The idea that we have no innateness is insane. The idea that we do not have evolved traits which helped to make our species survive and thus still survive even if buried deep is insane. I say to THESE Objectivists you are acting like cultists denying reality as opposed to letting reality be the final arbiter which is part of Objectivism itself. 

I have as much of an issue with those MRA's whom deny evolutionary reasons for various things they like to blame on other things like society. For example; it is not society that deems men to be in the most dangerous of jobs it is the biological differences between the sexes. Women could not and cannot still often times work some of the most deadliest jobs as well as men. Why? Do to their nature mainly pregnancy worries, but, also the differences in strength. The average "feminine" women and the average "masculine" man are just different in many regards to upper body strength it cannot be denied. So, jobs where lifting for example takes place will be mostly men. Construction will be mostly men and so forth. 

You will never get women taking over all the dangerous jobs; sorry, but, this is one of those Nature being a Tyrant things we will never escape. Most women just have different preferences than men. Which means that MRA's whom preach that everything is some Gynocentric Societal Construction are just as inane and loony as the feminists that preach about some Patriarchal Societal Construction against women. I have said it before and will say it again Gender Roles are the domain of nature the Tyrant and not absolute free willed choice. Unless you rewire women and men's natures we will never have "egalitarianism." The idea is against the very biology that makes our species survive and is an affront to Nature.    

All we can do is protect all individuals right to pursue their own happiness irregardless of if it is determined or absolutely free. By doing this one can act from nature, nurture or both and be safe in acting. Be safe in being whom and what they are. Be safe in being left alone instead of being a sacrifice to their neighbors needs and desires. This is what is required; the fire for the engine does not matter, but, to have a just society the engine needs to be able to run like clockwork. The fuel for that engine is irrelevant as long as it is not forced from others and is done via rational and voluntary means. The FACT that biology is a driver of many of our human actions does not alter what is moral or practical it all remains the same.