Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Christian Conservatives need to grow a spine and defend Our Christian Heritage

Right now the Conservative Party of Canada is undergoing a leadership race and the options for Christians unafraid to defend their faith are increasingly small. The CPC has been sadly unable to understand that a great deal of their base are Born Again Christians. The people running seem to not care. The CPC helped pass the so called Conversion bill unanimously and that includes the current candidates for the new leader.

Pierre Polivier is a defender of the LGBTQ2S+ agenda against God's Laws and the very creation order itself. Leslie Lewis is good on the Life issue and willing to bring in incremental steps against legalized fetuscide (abortion). All the others running are running on things related to COVID-19 restrictions. Which is opposition to the current governmening party on this issue, but, it is still throwing their base under the bus 

The Conservative Party of Canada has been at the behest of classical liberalism for sometime now. Instead of being the bastion of traditional Conservative values and virtues that conservativism should be standing for. Traditional values are Judo-Christistian values and not compatible with a Party compromised by the Neo-Liberal/Globalism values that have overthrown the party. Neo-Liberal economics is like economic Libertarianism which is not conservatism. 

Neo-Liberalism has no room for anything above Globalism and it's proponents. It is also anashamedly liberalism and not conservative on social issues in anyway. It is essentially Capitalism at all costs no matter the costs to society. Brush over the destruction of the family or the Church in the name of economic progress. Or simply throw out, "Mah private businesses get over it." When people are being mass cancelled by their employers for standing on their faith and censorship is done by Big Tech.

Conservatism is supposed to conserve, but, for sometime now all it is conserving is the previous liberalism of previous generations. As opposed to working to conserve the truly traditional Judo-Christian values and society that made Canada what it was as a Nation. What makes this worse is that lots of Born Again Christians are part of the Conservative Party of Canada and are no longer willing to speak up. Exemplified in the fact that none of them voted against the Bill C-4 on so called Conversion.

The Conservative Party of Canada needs to be made Conservative again. Christians need to stand up within the party and express their opposition to the Neo-Liberal/social liberalism and Globalism take over of the Party. They need to fear God and not the men in leadership of their party. They need to resurface their classical Christian Conservatives values. To stand for Family, Faith, Freedom and all with an aim of putting Canadians First. Not Multinationals and Antichristian/Anti Canadian Globalization interests. Whom look at Canadians as just a widget in the process of Unfettered Global Cronyism.