Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, April 29, 2022

I cannot support the mainstream "right-libertarian\economy only conservative" agenda because God's Law matters.

The rightists in Canada and across the World are broken into three different factions. One group the one I am within is conservative across the board socially not just fiscally. The other two are fiscally conservative and amoral on social issues. Or the third one is the mainstream libertarians whom are for legalizing everything peaceful and separating all markets from any government intervention. Essentially; they are the Politics of supporting the Non Aggression or Coercion Principle which is a non starter in the real world. 

In the real world Governments will always use Coercion that is what makes a government a government. That it is to use the sword to enforce legitimate laws; laws are coercive by nature. If you cannot coerce someone it is no law. It is a suggestion not a law. That is what God constituted Government for is to coerce those whom wish to break just laws into acting legally or punishing those that go ahead and break them. God created Government to bear the sword for a reason and that was not just against anything non voluntary. There are lots of voluntary agreements and actions that are peaceful quote un quote and yet need to be stopped. 

That is because God intends his Governments to rule according to the general equity of His Laws as set out in Holy Scripture. Specifically using the general equity of the Ten Commandments and the Decalogue reiterated in The New Covenant/Testament. The Biblical Principle of General Equity means that the Decalogue is still the bases or supposed to be the bases of the Laws of the Nations on Earth. Which is at minimum the second table of the Ten Commandments and any laws that should exist due to those commandments. The Belgic Confession also includes enforcing the first table originally. Through making sure that nothing the Government does pushes anti Christian principles.

What all Historical Protestant Reformed confessions share in common, however, is the general equity of the second table of the Ten Commandments. This is why I cannot climb aboard either the amoral fiscal conservative train and especially not the libertarian train. Which commandments must be enforced? The following parts of the Decalogue at minimum should be behind all laws of The Nations;

  • You shall not kill.
  • You shall not commit adultery.
  • You shall not steal.
  • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  • You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
  • You shall not covet your neighbor’s good
You shall not kill means any sort of removal of life outside of killing in self defense. This would include everything from needing to put something around areas that are of a height to prevent falling right to the obvious forms of killing. It also includes making criminal any feticide which we currently call Abortion. With the exclusion of when the life of the Mother is at risk. It would also include things like laws against distracted and drunk driving as the reasoning behind them is the general equity of not harming others. God also instituted the Death Penalty for murder following Noah's Flood and that is reiterated in the New Covenant. Which means actual murderers should be executed by The State for their crimes. Where this does not exist life imprisonment without parole will suffice.  

You shall not commit adultery means removing the ability for no fault divorce. Instead working on keeping all marriages intact when there is no fault or proper reason for a divorce. It would mean removing sex ed from schools and the desexualization of our culture. It means that those that commit sex offenses get put too death ideally, but, life imprisonment in Countries without a death penalty. By sex offences I mean anyone that molests, rapes, et cetera or in any sexual way abuses someone. However, adultery according to Christ includes lusting. Which means any sexualization in ads and of course the sex industry itself should be outlawed. With ways for sex workers to go into a non sexual job. As well as outlawing public nudity and public sexual displays of any kind. It means making Marriage Biblical again, one man and one woman only. It means not using public funds to support things like Pride Events. As well as supporting the Biblical Family. Reversing the Gender Ideology Agenda. 

You shall not steal means just that; that includes no stealing by the government itself. Including not tackling inflation and high unjust taxes. Wasting tax payers money and so on. Also, this backs Copyright and Intellectual Property Laws. 

You shall not bear false witness means no lying about them. So, this would include laws against defamation and slander. It would mean that there needs to be beyond a reasonable doubt evidence in the courts.

You shall not covet would include all laws pertaining to theft. It would also include divorcing your wife or husband for the purpose of marrying someone else's now ex wife or husband. As that is coveting someone's spouse. It would also include things like destruction of others property. 

As you can see Governments actually following God's Laws for Nations would not be libertarian, nor would they be fiscally conservative while ignoring social issues. Only a consistent Christian Theological Conservatism truly represents God's Law to the world and that is what we are to vote in favor of. So, wherever possible Christians should vote for laws compatible with God's Law. This is not an endorsement of "the Theonomy Movement," which states we should go back to Mosaic Punishments for breaking the Mosaic law. However, it is a reminder that God's Law should define the Laws of the Nations.