Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Sacred Chased Singleness or Holy Matrimony are the only Moral alternatives for those in God's Image

We live in a hyper sexualized world in which ones lusts are given supremacy over all else. To the point we even classify people into groups based on what kind of lust you have. Using terms like homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, pansexual and so on. This is not part of God's Creation order nor Ordinance. The Word of God as found in Holy Scripture is very clear and detailed. 

We are not to identify with our Sins produced by our Total Depravity as Post Eden human beings. All lusts no matter the target gender is a form of adultery according to Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. Adultery is a very serious issue and not to be taken lightly. It is not what defines us as Human Beings, but, instead being made in God's likeness and image is. Which means we are to as Scripture says to be Holy as Our Heavenly Father is Holy. 

The creation ordinance is very simple, but, the sinful nature rebels against it wanting autonomy. Boys grow up to be Men. Men protect and provide for others and themselves. They are to leave their Family and ideally find a Woman to be their help mate or just mate. Then those two are to become one flesh in a lifelong union called Marriage. In which they are to be fruitful and multiply the Human Kind within a lifelong Family. Girls grow up to be women whom are protected by the men around them. (Men mistreating women vs protecting them is a result of the Fall into Total Depravity in the Garden of Eden.) They are to find a mate amongst the men around them and they too get married. Becoming one flesh with the man in lifelong marriage. 

However, what there is no allowance for within the Creation ordinance is sexual interaction outside of becoming one flesh for life. This was set down prior to the fall. As it is instructed to us as Adam and Eve being the first marriage with bearing children to follow. However, the relationship was ruined when Adam forsake his protective role letting Eve be deceived by Satan and then refusing to maintain order in the relationship by also eating the fruit of the tree. This means you have two options sexually as a human being in God's eyes. Either being in Chased (maintaining sexual purity and virginity) Sacred Singleness or God providing you with a member of the opposite sex to court then marry. 

What humans are not to do is to identify with their lusts and identify as a label based on them. Instead we are to mortify the flesh and die to sin. Which means that fill in the blank sexuality is not a legitimate way of identifying. Sexual sin like all sin is not to be embraced, but, fought against. I would not go around saying I identify as a thief because I was have feelings of covetousness. Likewise as all sexuality outside of marriage as defined in Scripture is adultery one should not identify as their sin. The problem in society with sexual sin goes way beyond the acceptance of deviant sexual identities. It is basing your identity on your lusts to begin with. Yes, Sodomy is an issue, but, so is heterosexual activity outside of marriage. 

We need to go deeper than just calling out the sin of identifying with SSA and acting on it. No one should be identifying with any form of sexual attraction as their core identity. As that is making a sin you are fighting namely lust your identity irregardless of the target of your lust. We need to get serious about sexual sin and its horrific nature not just with regards to those trapped in the LGBTQ community. We need to get serious about the Creation Rules for sexual activity period. Including the horrors of things like hating virginity, pornography, sensuality in ads and the list could go on and on.