Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Friday, January 14, 2022

Why LGBTQ stereotyping is mentally harmful to those whom are experiencing changes in desires.

My views on SSA are laid out in my gigantic social views/values article. For those whom do not want to scroll through the original article I have a solidly Biblical view of sexual immorality and thus cannot affirm ever acting on SSA (same-sex attractions.)

This does not mean that people adhering to Bible sexual norms never end up acting out in sexually sinful ways. We are all constantly in a Warfare with the immorality in The Flesh, The World and The Devil. If one does though and has a repentant heart confessing their sins to the Lord in Heaven he will forgive them for you. The righteousness of a Christian is the righteousness of Christ whom covers all our sin before the Holy Court of The Father.

Part of our Warfare with our spiritual enemies is the World trying to impose additional labels on top of the Christian. Attempts to make you identify as something on top of or in place of your identity in Christ. Indeed the World is filled with boxes that it will try to put you in. The flesh and the devil will strive to make you feel pulled to identify with your desires vs identity in the finished work of Christ.

Part of the tug of the world is externally identifying or labeling you based on stereotyping. This is bad for people in general, but, super damaging for those experiencing changes in desires and attractions. Some people think that part of not giving into SSA is to have to constantly be on the alert for markers of being LGB. 

The expectation or assumption that an intrinsic part of living a Biblically sexual life means you will not ever have any mannerisms or traits associated in stereotyping with LGB individuals is not true. Never let others make you feel like sexual change is not happening, if it is, based on stereotypes. Nor let the world convince you that you need to stop living a sacred single chased life due to stereotyping either. 

That also includes Christian Councilors as well. If your councilor makes too big a deal over your traits that is also an issue. It concentrates less time on how you can live a fully satisfying life without acting on any unwanted SSA. For those looking to live Biblically consistently in their sexuality there is already much stigma and they do not need to have more added onto their plate.