Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Why things like Gaydar studies and other analysts of sexually sinful adults are Anti Christian propaganda.

Often when a Christian brings up the truth that you are not born homosexual, but, become of it due to numerous factors and thus change is possible with God is childhood analysis. The person will reply I have always been this way or always felt differently. They will then use a logical fallacy that correlation equals causation to assume that their childhood behavior is evidence of their being Born homosexual.

This narrative is helped along by studies done which look at childhood behavior or feelings of isolation as due to being Born homosexual. When such behavior in numerous studies have been shown to not be evidence of anything. The truth is that there are many reasons why a young child might be not conforming to gender stereotypes that have nothing to do with their sexual sins they are tempted to in the future. 

A boy with temperament to not be as rough or to play a certain way or with certain toys does not equal being Born homosexual. Same with a girl. All it shows is that you have a certain temperament and studies done show the majority of non stereotypical or gender confused children grow up to be heterosexual sex affirming adults. All such studies are soley to show Christians are wrong about, "such were some of you."