Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Why Glee was a horror show and antiChristian propaganda.

I managed to run across an older controversy while doing a Google search on Fox News calling Glee a horror show. Well, I second that analysis. Anyone whom understands Biblical Values and God's commands as sustained in the New Testament would agree. 

The show glamorizes rebellion against all God's commands. It is laced with sensuality, anti Christian sentiment, they will sing songs about the worst of sins and gives no cares. It glorifies the sin of Sodomy in teenagers and ungodly unions in Racheal having two Dads. 

It makes light of serious issues and God's existence and authority are scoffed at all the time. I know this because during my own time of sexual confusion I watched this wretched show and it was filled with nothing, but, serious breaking of God's Law and spitting in His face. It is garbage and it is Anti Christian Propaganda made by a sexual deviant homosexual man to defend his lifestyle. It in later seasons glorifies gender identity issues by having a character with gender Dysphoria and making it look OK.