Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Historical and Redemptive importance of celebrating Christ Jesus.

Today is the day we celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus the Lord, God among us. Today we center our thinking on the Historical and Redemptive importance of celebrating Christ Jesus.

This season is about the Birth of our Saviour dwelling with us to accomplish his definite Atonement of those whom God Chose from Eternity passed to be adopted to be in His Heavenly family and be with him forever more.

This day is not about presents and it is not about bobbles or bells. It is about Christ Jesus; it is God's day and not ours. Christ Jesus is the King of Kings and this day is all about Him and not us Totally Depraved, Wretched Sinners. 

It is about Him and His choice out of his Sovereign Grace and Love to save those whom he wished to be with him for all time. Today as all days belongs to the Lord! AMEN!