Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, December 31, 2021

Geologic Bias vs. the Witness of Fossils


Reformed Bibliology Podcast: Greek Language Project & KJV Archaisms


Is King James Onlyism a Cult?


Critical Text Advocates Confuse the Conversation for Everybody


The Textus Receptus Existed Prior to the Reformation


How do we know which laws in the Bible are we still bound to obey today?


A Resolution for every Year - Reverend Romesh Prakashpalan Sermon


Revealed Apologetics Meets the Wise Disciple


Tips For Reading The King James Version


The Last Twelve Verses of Mark Part 2


The Last Twelve Verses of Mark: Part 1, The External Evidence


Modern Textual Criticism: The Pericope de Adultera


Reformed Bibliology Podcast: Luke 2:22, Defending the Theological Method, and More!


Reformed Bibliology Podcast: Lost in Translations Episode 2 "The Authorized Version Part I"


Reformed Bibliology Podcast: Lost in Translations Episode 1 "Why This Series"


Optional Translations for TR Advocates


Reformed Bibliology Podcast: Erasmus, Which TR, Handling Textual Variants, & Critical Text Mythology


The Textus Receptus vs Bart Ehrman


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

2021-12-29 Mr Paul Flynn Midweek Service


How to Explain to your Friends that LGBTQ Is Sin


A Summary of the Book of Hosea |


What Is Biological Hierarchy? - Dr. Kurt Wise, Devotional Biology


Christ Our Captain — 12/29/2021


Christianity & Science: A Survey of Church History with W. Robert Godfrey


The origins debate is about history not science


PHOs are not tyranny and fall under Romans 13 authority.

There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to Public Health Orders. Some Christians consider PHOs as some form of tyranny which is evidence of never truly experiencing true tyranny. PHOs are clearly falling under Romans 13 which teaches to follow all laws that are not making you sin or support sin. 

Masking and distancing or temporary need to have Livestream only service are designed not to make one sin. Instead it is designed to stop the spread of COVID-19 and to protect the public Health. I contend that all Christians should be following public health rules.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Powerful Hymns of Hope and Joy Beautiful, Instrumental


Dave and Lauren – Helping People Read the Bible in the New Year


Voice of Christ - Tim Conway


God, the First Cause and His Use of Means - Dr. James M. Renihan


"The Tragedy of Compromise" - Book Review (Conclusion & Final Thoughts)


How to Get Out of the Cage Stage | WRETCHED


John MacArthur | Darkness and Light Coexisting?


Redeemer URC Worship Service Dec. 26, 2021 PM


"Heaven's Christmas Story: The Lamb And The Dragon"


Evening Worship 12-26-2021


Evening Worship, 12/26/21


Refuge Canadian Reformed Church - 3PM December 26 2021


The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand


The Christian Case for Capitalism


Jay Richards: Money, Greed & God


Godonomics: How does the Bible define capitalism?


Godonomics: Chad Hovind gives Biblical Case for Free Market Capitalism to Glenn Beck


Thinking Biblically About the Economy, Government, and Your Money (Selected Scriptures)


Was Jesus a Socialist?


Is Capitalism Biblical?


CAPITALISM AND THE BIBLE | Dr. Rocky Ramsey | Corryton Church


Socialism & Biblical Capitalism - What does the Bible say about Socialism?


Jay Richards at AEI: Christian Values and Capitalism


Are we ALL Children of God?


Christians: Don't Fall for Nihilism


Modern Textual Criticism: Review and Principles of RTC


The Comma Johanneum Defended, Part 2


The Comma Johanneum Defended


Saturday, December 25, 2021

December 25, 2021 - 10:00 AM Christmas Worship Service


Angels Rejoicing - Dr. David Mackereth Christmas Sermon


Calvin’s Critique of Charismatic Calvinists (Steve Lawson) (Selected Scriptures)


Christmas Day Worship


John Calvin - How God Works in the Hearts of Men


The Historical and Redemptive importance of celebrating Christ Jesus.

Today is the day we celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus the Lord, God among us. Today we center our thinking on the Historical and Redemptive importance of celebrating Christ Jesus.

This season is about the Birth of our Saviour dwelling with us to accomplish his definite Atonement of those whom God Chose from Eternity passed to be adopted to be in His Heavenly family and be with him forever more.

This day is not about presents and it is not about bobbles or bells. It is about Christ Jesus; it is God's day and not ours. Christ Jesus is the King of Kings and this day is all about Him and not us Totally Depraved, Wretched Sinners. 

It is about Him and His choice out of his Sovereign Grace and Love to save those whom he wished to be with him for all time. Today as all days belongs to the Lord! AMEN! 

The Work of God and the Hearts of Men - Christmas Eve 2021 Service (Fixed)


Christmas Day - December 25, 2021


Christmas Eve Service


Thursday, December 23, 2021

A Case for Cessationism (Tom Pennington) (Selected Scriptures)


Reviewing Reasonable Faith’s Comments


Is the Earth Young or Old? Examining the Evidence


Destined for Glory! (Part 2) | Tom Pennington | Romans 8:18-25


Classic Country Gospel Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Greatest Hits Jim Reeves Gospel Songs Full Album


Looking into the Face of Christ: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul


Keep Watch in Prayer -- Colossians 4:1-6


Round Table Ep. 113: Looking at Christmas Hymns Pt. 1


The Fearlessness of Christmas Joy: Six Wonders of Christ’s Lordship


At The Cross/Country Gospel music Album By Lifebreakthrough Music


He Will Reign Forever (Part 1 of 2) — 12/23/2021


The Child of Promise


An Examination of John 3:5 — “Born of Water and of the Spirit”


2021-12-19 Rev Robert Robb Midweek Service


“This Thing That Has Happened” — Part Two


How Great Thou Art - Playlist Piano Worship by Lifebreakthrough


Can You Name All of the Ten Commandments for $100?


Night At The Creation Museum | Eric Hovind, Tim Chaffey, Dr. Danny Faulkner


Instructions Concerning Prayer - John Bradford / Christian Martyr


The Lord's Promises Come by Grace Not by Works (Genesis 16:1–16): Morning Worship (12/19/21)


How Does Thankfulness Clean Up the Mouth?


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Robert Spencer: "Evangelization and Islam"


Forgive Us Our Debts


God Forgives, Yet Consequences Remain


Conversion Therapy Bans Based on Lies? | Susan Constantine | Ruth Institute 4th Annual Summit


Church History & Apologetics w/ Dr. Gavin Ortlund


Does Gender Transitioning Kids Count as Child Abuse?


Does the Bible Contradict Itself? 1 Peter 3:18


The Reason Why Many False Christians Will Fall Away From The Faith


The Tragedy of Trendy Christianity


Following Christ is the Hardest Thing You Will Ever Do (Sermon)


Greek Battle: Critical Text vs. Textus Receptus


The Reformed View: Rapture


The Reformed View: The End Times


Why Read the NKJV?


Why Read the KJV?


Why Read the ESV?


Dr. Bryan Chapell on Infant Baptism


From Credobaptist to Paedobaptist?! Pastor Tyler Jackson's Journey to Reformed Theology


Baptism Debate: A Paedobaptist Position with R.C. Sproul


Why Do We Baptize Babies? 4/4


Why Do We Baptize Babies? 3/4


Why Do We Baptize Babies? 2/4


Why Do We Baptize Babies? 1/4


How Is Something Not Proper for Saints? Ephesians 5:3–7


This is How You Live -- Colossians 3:12-17


Old Timeless Hymns Songs Classics ‖ Old Gospel ‖ Hymns christian




Can even METHODISTS be saved???


Shame on the Trevor Project


Monday, December 20, 2021

Sermons upon the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Ephesians 4:31-5:2 - John Calvin


New Testament Reliability - Can you trust the Bible?


Perilous Times - Puritan John Owen Sermon (2 Timothy 3:1)


Christmas Program


SGOPC Christmas Litany 12/19/2021


Long Foretold: A Christmas Drama


The Great Self-deception with Real Life Consequences


Lynwood Sunday School Christmas Program 2021


Marriage: its Ethic and Religion - P. T. Forsyth




What Translation of the Bible Do I Use? - The Expositor Podcast


Dr. James White: Which Bible translation is the most reliable? Episode 1326


What is the Difference in the KJV and ESV?


The Global Glorification of the Merciful God

Cloverdale URC Live Stream 12/19/21 PM Service


Children of God (Part 2) | Tom Pennington | Romans 8:14-17


Sunday, December 19, 2021


Warning of the Reality of Hell


Jesus in the Synagogue (Luke 4:14-21) — A Sermon by R.C. Sproul


We love and worship a God who is Omnipresent - December 19, 2021 AM Service


A Given Zeal


Our Divine Savior


Bethel Canadian Reformed Church - December 19th, 2021 AM Service


Providence URC - December 19, 2021 AM Service


Sunday Gathering - December 19, 2021 AM


Athanasius of Alexandria On Luke 10 22


The Keys of the Kingdom (1400)


A Given Rule


Jesus’ Earthly Parents


The Keys of the Kingdom (1600)


"The Lord's Supper: "Remember And Believe" December 19, 2021 PM


Light for Those in Darkness


Evening Worship 12-19-21


Sunday Gathering - December 19, 2021 PM


2021-12-19 Rev Tim Donnachie Evening Service


URC of PEI | December 19, 2021 | Evening Worship Service


Preach the Gospel! - Charles Spurgeon Sermon


Saturday, December 18, 2021

Francis Chan Further Endorses NAR And Says Sorry To Bill Johnson


My God is a Cessationist - Dr David Jeremiah (5 min Sermon)


A Look At The Bible Projects Rejection Of Biblical Hell


Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer "PRAY THIS PRAYER" - Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, Paul Washer Respond


God Saves - The Sinner's Prayer Only Hurts People


Paul Washer - The Sinner's Prayer DOES NOT SAVE


Are Christians Saved by a “Magical Sinner's Prayer”?


Is Reciting "The Sinner's Prayer" Enough for a Person to be Saved?


Does The Sinner's Prayer Save? | True Repentance - John MacArthur, Paul Washer, and R. C. Sproul


Is the Sinners Prayer in the Bible?


Is there anything wrong with using the "sinner's prayer"?


Should we lead someone in “the sinner’s prayer?”


Sexual Immorality Is Not Even to Be Named: Ephesians 5:3–7


Why things like Gaydar studies and other analysts of sexually sinful adults are Anti Christian propaganda.

Often when a Christian brings up the truth that you are not born homosexual, but, become of it due to numerous factors and thus change is possible with God is childhood analysis. The person will reply I have always been this way or always felt differently. They will then use a logical fallacy that correlation equals causation to assume that their childhood behavior is evidence of their being Born homosexual.

This narrative is helped along by studies done which look at childhood behavior or feelings of isolation as due to being Born homosexual. When such behavior in numerous studies have been shown to not be evidence of anything. The truth is that there are many reasons why a young child might be not conforming to gender stereotypes that have nothing to do with their sexual sins they are tempted to in the future. 

A boy with temperament to not be as rough or to play a certain way or with certain toys does not equal being Born homosexual. Same with a girl. All it shows is that you have a certain temperament and studies done show the majority of non stereotypical or gender confused children grow up to be heterosexual sex affirming adults. All such studies are soley to show Christians are wrong about, "such were some of you." 

Why Glee was a horror show and antiChristian propaganda.

I managed to run across an older controversy while doing a Google search on Fox News calling Glee a horror show. Well, I second that analysis. Anyone whom understands Biblical Values and God's commands as sustained in the New Testament would agree. 

The show glamorizes rebellion against all God's commands. It is laced with sensuality, anti Christian sentiment, they will sing songs about the worst of sins and gives no cares. It glorifies the sin of Sodomy in teenagers and ungodly unions in Racheal having two Dads. 

It makes light of serious issues and God's existence and authority are scoffed at all the time. I know this because during my own time of sexual confusion I watched this wretched show and it was filled with nothing, but, serious breaking of God's Law and spitting in His face. It is garbage and it is Anti Christian Propaganda made by a sexual deviant homosexual man to defend his lifestyle. It in later seasons glorifies gender identity issues by having a character with gender Dysphoria and making it look OK.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Can you BELIEVE this is happening in the CHURCH


True Meaning of Christmas - Thursday


Telling the Truth in a Post-Truth World (John MacArthur)


The Cost of Not Following Christ - Paul Washer


Do You Bear Fruit? - Paul Washer (John 15)


Paul Washer: Assurance of salvation


10 Indictments Against the Modern Church in America - Paul Washer


He Drank Your Hell - Paul Washer


Paul Washer | The True Servant of Christ Pt. 3 | Paul Washer


How to Abide in Christ - Paul Washer


Puritan Thomas Watson Sermon - The Soul's Malady and Cure


Jesus Taught That Few Find Eternal Life (Matthew 7:13-14) - Tim Conway


Paul Washer | 1 Thessalonians 4:1-3 | Abstain from Sexual Immorality | 2014-04-10


Why you can believe the Bible - Voddie Baucham


Paul Washer: God's holiness and man's depravity


Biblical Tests of True Faith - Paul Washer


A Warning to Not Stray from the Gospel - Paul Washer


Churches are Using Carnal Methods to Attract Visitors (Paul Washer)


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

True Meaning of Christmas - Wednesday


Gives Us This Day Our Daily Bread


The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: Making Everything Else Moot


The Spirit of Christ In Us (Part 3) | Tom Pennington | Romans 8:5-13


Wonderful Counselor (Part 3 of 3) — 12/15/2021




“This Thing That Has Happened”


2021-12-15 Rev Robert Robb Mid-week Service


Cultish: Gwen Shamblin & The Remnant Fellowship, Pt. 2


God & Human: The War Of Autonomy and Default Natures


Jesus is God in the Flesh -- Colossians 2:9-15


Are You In Darkness Or In The Light in 2021?


Sermon: “A Refutation of Baptismal Regeneration”


A Peek Inside the Atheist Playbook | Eric Hovind & Tony Ramsek


Is Abortion Better Than Adoption? - Answers News: December 15, 2021


Summary of the Book of Daniel Outline of Daniel


Paul Washer | The Results of Selfless Love | Christ Church Radford


Paul Washer | The True Servant of Christ Pt. 1 | Christ Church Radford


Is the Seventh Day Adventist church Christian?


Mercy for Those Who Doubt | Theocast


Discovering God’s Will: The Basics of the Christian Life with Sinclair Ferguson


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Why I fully embrace being A Reformed Fundamentalist

Does that sound like an oxymoron to you? That should not be so. I am Reformed and 110 Grade Calvinist. I am so because Calvinism/Reformed Theology is The Gospel as presented in The Bible. The Canons of Dortecht and its proceeding articles on Unconditional Election, Total Depravity, Limited or Definite Atonement, Irrisistible Grace or Effectual Calling and Preservation of the Saints are all taught straight from the Bible. 

This does not mean one is not Saved if they are not Reformed as we do not get saved by being Reformed we get saved as Reformed Theology teaches through God's unconditional election to salvation. Which happens all the time to non Reformed Christians. However, the Reformed Theology is the correct one 110%. The Non-Calvinist can be saved just as much as the Calvinist despite Calvinism being the 
natural outworking of The Biblical Truths. 

I am also a Fundamentalist as I am totally opposed to Modernism and False Gospels of liberal theology. I refuse to compromise on the fundamentals of true Christianity. Fundamentalism as I am using the term is a 20th-century anti-modern/liberal orthodox Christian movement. This definition is drawn from the history of the movement, from its inception in the early part of the 20th-century until the present. Though many fundamentalists also hold other beliefs such as King James Only or believer’s baptism, I do not include those beliefs here, for that would exclude men such as John R. Rice (not KJV Only) and J. Gresham Machen (Presbyterian), both recognized leaders of fundamentalism.

To understand fundamentalism one must first understand its opponent: theological liberalism or modernism. The core of liberalism is its reliance on experience over doctrine. Thus the liberal will maintain that the Bible is not necessarily true doctrine but merely information about people’s experience with God. A liberal will appeal to the individual experience of a Christian as the basis of authority. The power of liberalism comes from its use of Christian language with a new definition. Since they reject the objective truth and rely on experience, then words such as ‘salvation,’ ‘Christ,’ and ‘resurrection’ are not taken from the Bible but redefined in a subjective or modern sense. This new definition is formed using modern principles of criticism, science, and philosophy. Thus liberalism is an experience-based theology, that rejects the inerrancy of Scripture in favor of subject personal relationships and modern scientific methods. Though some would define it differently, to do so would reject the writings and arguments of the vast majority of fundamentalists over the past century.

To understand fundamentalism is to place it in its proper context, namely 20th-century America. Fundamentalism’s anti-modernist nature necessitates that there exist modernism for it to oppose. Thus before the late 1800s and early 1900s fundamentalism could not exist because liberalism did not exist, at least not as a movement or theology. To attempt to find fundamentalism in the centuries prior is impossible, though you may find individual aspects of it, such as doctrinal purity or separatism. Only when Christianity was mixed with modern methods of science, history, and theology would there be a need for a group to oppose it. This is the movement we call fundamentalism.

The most basic aspect of fundamentalism is its adherence to the inerrancy of Scripture. This can be defined as a belief in the inspiration of the Scriptures by God that completely rules out any possible error in the transmission, so that what the writers penned on paper was completely true: doctrinally, historically, and scientifically. This view is not a strictly fundamentalist view, as other conservative denomination and groups have also ascribed to it, but it is an essential part of its doctrine. Along with the inspiration of Scripture, fundamentalist hold to four other doctrines, collectively entitled “The Five Fundamentals of the Faith:”
1) Inerrancy of Scriptures
2) Virgin Birth
3) Christ’s Substitutionary Atonement
4) Christ’s Bodily Resurrection
5) The Second Coming of Christ
While many individual would hold more than these, no fundamentalist could hold less. For instance, dispensationalism would later become a hallmark of fundamentalism, but was rejected by J. Gresham Machen, leader of Presbyterian Fundamentalism, and Williams Jennings Bryan, who fought evolution in the Scopes Monkey Trial.
The guiding principle in fundamentalist thought is that the inerrant Bible is foundational to knowledge, and that modernism, with its accompanying ideas of subjectivism, Darwinism and higher criticism, is to be rejected.

The final mark of fundamentalism is its willingness to separate from liberalism. This was evidenced in various leaders of the movement: Machen left Princeton and founded Westminster Theological Seminary, J. Frank Norris left (or was kicked out) of the Southern Baptist Convention, John R. Rice separated from the Southern Baptist Convention and then later from Billy Graham when he associated with liberals. While these men did not categorize these groups as liberal, they believed that they were tolerant of such, and thus separated to defend doctrinal purity.

As J. Gresham Machen put it so well, "if the disjunction is between "Fundamentalism" and "Modernism," then I am willing to call myself a Fundamentalist of the most pronounced type." 

" w/ Evangelist Dwight Smith


Fundamentalism, Modernism & Neo Evangelicalism: Compared and Contrasted (Names named!)


Fundamentalism/Modernism/Neo-Evangelicalism Explained


The Modernist/Fundamentalist Controversy


Is "Fundamentalist" a Bad Word?


J. Gresham Machen's Fundamentalism


True Meaning of Christmas - Tuesday


The difference between fundamentalism and legalism

In another article I confessed to being a J. Gresham Machen fundamentalist and this is a follow up to explain the difference between fundamentalism and legalism. 

Fundamentalism, for the purpose of this article, is a movement within the church that holds to the essentials of the Christian faith. In modern times the word fundamentalist is often used in a derogatory sense.

The Fundamentalist movement has its roots in Princeton Theological Seminary because of its association with graduates from that institution. Two wealthy church laymen commissioned ninety-seven conservative church leaders from all over the Western world to write 12 volumes on the basic tenets of the Christian faith. They then published these writings and distributed over 300,000 copies free of charge to ministers and others involved in church leadership. The books were entitled The Fundamentals, and they are still in print today as a two-volume set.

Fundamentalism was formalized in the late 19th century and early 20th century by conservative Christians—John Nelson Darby, Dwight L. Moody, B. B. Warfield, J. Gresham Machen and others—who were concerned that moral values were being eroded by modernism—a belief that human beings (rather than God) create, improve, and reshape their environment with the aid of scientific knowledge, technology and practical experimentation. In addition to fighting the influence of modernism, the church was struggling with the German higher criticism movement, which sought to deny the inerrancy of Scripture.

Fundamentalism is built on five tenets of the Christian faith, although there is much more to the movement than adherence to these tenets:

1) The Bible is literally true. Associated with this tenet is the belief that the Bible is inerrant, that is, without error and free from all contradictions.

2) The virgin birth and deity of Christ. Fundamentalists believe that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary and conceived by the Holy Spirit and that He was and is the Son of God, fully human and fully divine.

3) The substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross. Fundamentalism teaches that salvation is obtained only through God’s grace and human faith in Christ’s crucifixion for the sins of mankind.

4) The bodily resurrection of Jesus. On the third day after His crucifixion, Jesus rose from the grave and now sits at the right hand of God the Father.

5) The authenticity of Jesus’ miracles as recorded in Scripture and the literal, pre-millennial second coming of Christ to earth.

Other points of doctrine held by Fundamentalists are that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. 

There are multiple streams of fundamentalism. I am in the stream that disagrees with Dispensational Theology and its' form of premillenialism. However, those that belong to the Dispensational stream are no less Fundamentalist and we hold to the same Fundamental Orthodox Christian Doctrines. We are all Brothers and Sisters in Christ and will be in Heaven together. 

The Fundamentalist movement has often embraced a certain militancy for truth, and this led to some infighting. Many new denominations and fellowships appeared, as people left their churches in the name of doctrinal purity. One of the defining characteristics of Fundamentalism has been to see itself as the guardian of God's Biblical Truth. At that time of the rise of Fundamentalism, the world was embracing liberalism, modernism, and Darwinism, and the church itself was being invaded by false teachers. Fundamentalism was a reaction against the loss of biblical teaching.

The movement took a severe hit in 1925 by liberal press coverage of the legendary Scopes trial. Although Fundamentalists won the case, they were mocked publicly. Afterwards, Fundamentalism began to splinter and refocus. The most prominent and vocal group in the USA has been the Christian Right. This group of self-described Fundamentalists has been more involved in political movements than most other religious groups. By the 1990s, groups such as the Christian Coalition and Family Research Council have influenced politics and cultural issues.

Like all movements, Fundamentalism has enjoyed both successes and failures. The greatest failure may be in allowing Fundamentalism’s detractors define what it means to be a Fundamentalist. As a result, many people today see Fundamentalists as radical, extremists who want to establish a state religion and force their beliefs on everyone else. This is far from the truth. Fundamentalists seek to guard the truth of Scripture and defend the Christian faith, which was “once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 1:3).

The church today is struggling in the postmodern, secular culture and needs people who are not ashamed to proclaim the gospel of Christ. Truth does not change, and adherence to the fundamental principles of doctrine is needful. These principles are the bedrock upon which Christianity stands, and, as Jesus taught, the house built upon the Rock will weather any storm (Matthew 7:24-25).

The word "legalism" does not occur in the Bible. It is a term Christians use to describe a doctrinal position emphasizing a system of rules and regulations for achieving both salvation and spiritual growth. Doctrinally, it is a position essentially opposed to grace. Those who hold a legalistic position often fail to see the real purpose for law, especially the purpose of the Old Testament law of Moses, which is to be our "schoolmaster" or "tutor" to bring us to Christ (Galatians 3:24).

Even true believers can be legalistic. We are instructed, rather, to be gracious to one another: "Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters" (Romans 14:1). Sadly, there are those who feel so strongly about non-essential doctrines that they will not even allow the expression of another viewpoint among fellow believers. That, too, is legalism. 

The apostle Paul warns us of legalism in Colossians 2:20-23: "Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules: "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!"? These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence." Legalists may appear to be righteous and spiritual, but legalism ultimately fails to accomplish God's purposes because it is an outward performance instead of an inward change.

To avoid falling into the trap of legalism, we can start by holding fast to the words of the apostle John, "For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ" (John 1:17) and remembering to be gracious, especially to our brothers and sisters in Christ. "Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand" (Romans 14:4). "You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat" (Romans 14:10).

A word of caution is necessary here. While we need to be gracious to one another and tolerant of disagreement over disputable matters, we cannot accept heresy. We are exhorted to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints (Jude 3). If we remember these guidelines and apply them in love and mercy, we will be safe from both legalism and heresy. "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1).

What is Apostasy? - A. W. Pink / From Studies in the Scriptures


Bible Summary & Quiz | 1 Samuel Overview


The Temptations of an Evangelical Theologian: ETS Presidential Address 2021


Overcoming the World - A. W. Pink


"What Is This?" Insane Christmas Productions at Church


Brightest and Best (Official Music Video) - Keith & Kristyn Getty, Ricky Skaggs


End of the Year Livestream: Debunking Christmas Myths + Q&A


Sharing Faith | HOPC Morning Sermon 12/12/2021


Grief and Forgiveness | HOPC Evening Sermon 12/12/2021


The Lord Confirms His Covenant with Abram (Genesis 15:1–21): Morning Worship (12/12/21)


Knowing The Lord More Through Suffering - Mark Summers


"Jesus Our Daily Bread." Exodus 16:1-21. 12/05/2021 Pastor MacLaren, First Church OPC Perkasie, PA


Gender Incongruence: Not Born In the Wrong Body | Laura Haynes | Ruth Institute 4th Annual Summit


Monday, December 13, 2021

Agros Church Interviews Pastor Truelove on the Text and Canon Conference


Pastor Robert Truelove responds to Todd Friel and KJV Onlyism


NKJV vs ESV, Part 2


NKJV vs ESV, Part 1


King James Version (KJV) Vs The English Standard Version (ESV) (Comparison)


The King James Bible vs. Modern Bible Versions


F4F | Eschatology 101


4 Point Calvinists - Dr RC Sproul


Steve Anderson vs The Bible


Carol of the Bells(Christmas Carols); God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen


No matter how much censorship you use The Lord knows Change is Possible!


Leviathan Spirit??


True Meaning of Christmas Sunday


True Meaning of Christmas Monday


URC of PEI | December 12, 2021 | Evening Worship Service


Living as the Chosen of God


A Parkside Christmas — 2021


Preaching the Unfathomable Riches of Christ


Following Christ is the Hardest Thing You Will Ever Do (Sermon)


Fear and Trembling


Evening Worship 12/12/21


Cloverdale URC Live Stream 12/12/21 PM Service


The Best of R.C. Sproul - Reformed Funny Moments


Paul Washer | Observable Evidences of True Conversion


URC of PEI | December 12, 2021 | Morning Worship Service


True Meaning of Christmas


Christmas Cantata


Are Affirmations Biblical? My Thoughts


Proof that Progressive Christianity is new age heresy


"Why I left Elevation church," explains former volunteer leader


Over the Rainbow: From "Born This Way" to "Born Again"


"Why our church no longer plays Bethel or Hillsong music," Pastor explains false teachings


New Age, Charismatic, Prosperity "Gospel" and Word of Faith Movement with Melissa Dougherty


Why Law of Attraction, Oneness, Universalism, Mysticism, and Religious Pluralism aren't Christian


What is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Have You Committed it?!


Are Mormons Christians? What's the Difference Between Christianity and Mormonism?


The Meaning of Faith Without Works, and How We're Saved: Looking at James 2:14-26


Is Bethel's SOZO Mentally and Emotionally Damaging? Thoughts From a Mental Health Professional


A Biblical Critique of Joel Osteen's Teachings


What to expect when you leave the new age to follow Jesus


The MegaChurch Mega-Mess


Roman Catholicism: Contending for the Faith


Being Politically Incorrect to be Correct: Men Are Awesome and Demi Lovato is Still a Woman


Is your church teaching New Age Ideas? With Melissa Dougherty


Test the Spirits? What Does That Mean? How Do We Do This?: Breaking Down 1 John 4:1-6


6 MAJOR Religious Groups Compared to Biblical Christianity with Mike Winger


When Heaven Invades Earth: An Honest Look at Bill Johnson's Teachings... And Why it Matters


How a Christian Can Have New Age Beliefs and Not Even Know it


Is it new age or Christian? How to tell the difference.