Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Some US Conservatives are ignorant about the COVID-19 crises.

I have been seeing some US Conservatives spreading tin foil theories about the virus. Also, they are thinking that they are more important than everyone else or the society that conservatives so want to well conserve.

During a pandemic the government should quarantine the sick to stop the spread to others. It is in fact their non intervention ways that helped make The Sianush Flu of 1918 take so many lives. As government did not crack down on what people could do and thus a shit ton of death was spread and society was thrown into chaos.

Also, during a crises like this is when the government needs to stimulate the economy and help people because they have no way to get an income through working. It is not as some US Conservatives have said just tossing out free money. It is a totally appropriate role for the government in this time of need to provide people with various things it is a worldwide crises.

The idea that if the government would stop interfering and let people just do whatever they wanted. Or that the market would figure out without a public/private partnership how to heal our world of the virus is not only immoral it is deadly to society as a whole.

As conservatives we are supposed to understand we live and die as a society. Thus Conservative to conserve a certain kind of society and to carry on its blessings to the future society. We are supposed to care about not only ourselves, but, also our families, communities, and our Country/Nation as a whole. US Conservatives whom act more like selfish Libertarians are forgetting what being a Conservative actually is all about. If all of society and its safety can be tossed away what do you have to conserve in this crises.. nothing.

If all you care about is that individuals get to do what they want society be damned then quit calling yourself a Conservative and call yourself the greedy, antisocial, selfish and hedonistic Libertarians you are.