Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Friday, May 15, 2020

I am an Evangelical Christian and I am not ashamed.

Many people misunderstand Evangelical Christians and mistake them as the same as a fundamentalist Christian. This is not correct as fundamentalist Christians differ from evangelical Christianity.             

Fundamentalist Christianity for one believes the Universe is only 6000 years old and insists on everything said in the Bible being literal. They do not realize the different types of ways God teaches in the scriptures. Metaphors and symbolism is all over God's word and there are different types of genre within The Holy Bible.

In addition, fundamentalist Christian's do not allow within their views of the existence of restoration or Biblical Universalism. They claim an exclusive God that only saves those that take everything literal in the Bible. However, Evangelical Christianity includes many multitudes of restoration and Universalist views of the Cross/afterlife.

There is also a much broader range of views on various controvercial issues like marriage definitions within the Evangelical and Born Again movements. Whereas the issue is not up for discussion among fundamentalists.

Finally, fundamentalist Christians see the world as filled with supernatural evil and that the second coming is always around the corner. They also tend to believe in New World Order conspiracies seeing Satan everywhere.

For more differences between Evangelical or Born Again Christians and fundamentalists see this link from PBS.