Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Untax Healthcare

Make all healthcare expenditures tax-deductible, including insurance premiums and preventive measures, such as supplements and fitness clubs. 

No citizen should be taxed on any money spent for healthcare.

Make all healthcare expenditures tax-deductible, including insurance premiums and preventive measures, such as supplements and fitness clubs. 

Do NOT require a threshold to itemize. Allow me to deduct my healthcare expenses on top of my standard exemption and/or other deductions. 

Also allow people to save unlimited amounts in an HSA (Health Savings Account). 

These changes will give individually purchased insurance the same tax-treatment as employer-paid policies. Individual policies will protect people from losing their coverage when they lose their job. That will curtail the PEC problem (pre-existing conditions.) 

Be sure to make illness prevention equally tax deductible. Increased prevention will lower medical costs over time. You’ll recover the money you lose in taxes through lower expenses for healthcare.