Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Come Dine With Me and assumptions of gayness.

I want to start off this article by stating that I am against bigotry and prejudice towards people based on some sort of assumed collective label one is given by society. I want no one whom reads this to think I am anyway homphobic or even biphobic. I wrote another article similar to this previously about assumptions of orientation on a game show from the UK. This too is about a series that began in the UK, but, was extended worldwide that would be the cooking/reality show Come Dine With Me. 

As much as I enjoy the series in most of its incarnations I have noticed something very annoying. The assumption of male contestants sexuality based on stereotypes and pre-existing assumptions about men in general. For some reason if a man is a "pretty boy" he is assumed to be gay. If someone is fashionable he is assumed to be gay. If a man makes the amazingly crazy decision to wear pink to the dinner he is assumed to be gay. In all of these examples each man turned out to be 100% heterosexual and in certain cases to be married with children.

Yet, each of these people were assumed to be gay based on stereotypes about maleness vs femaleness. Each of them handled the accusations of being gay very well. None of them freaked out, but, they did all assert they were straight when asked. The idea that these people was automatically gay based on their ways of expressing their manhood is very annoying. It is also very sad that people must be gay to express themselves in the way they did. 

I say every dude that is hetero, but, mistaken to be gay should declare if asked the truth in a compassionate, but, powerful way. They should not be afraid to push back assertively the truth if their truth is questioned. Do not be a douche, but, do not let people disrespect you by not accepting your orientation or preferences. Nor should a straight man be afraid to be a pretty boy or wear pink. Do not let society label you with an identity that is not true for you. Express you manhood your way and rock on.