Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, March 27, 2020

Not ashamed to be a Evangelical Christian Universalist

As I lay here in my bed isolated from social recreation people in my past come to mind. People whom would think I am gone mad. When the shoe is on the other foot I realize how biased against Faith I used too be.

I would like to address my beliefs for readers in some detail. I believe The Bible is the authoritative, inherent, infallible Word of God. However, English is not the languages of the original scripture and misconceptions/miscopies exist. This is why one needs to know the exegesis of the Bible to know what is truly being said by God in his word.

This makes me an Evangelical Christian, but, I am also a Universalist as well as mentioned in previous posts.
I take seriously God's Word that Jesus paid all the price for sin on the cross. Everyone when they pass on from here are purified through Jesus work on the cross and will end up reconciled to God in his kingdom which we call Heaven.

However, some would say there is no evidence for any of my views. I disagree it was the depth of evidence which I overlooked as an atheist that shows me I am right. Call me having gone bonkers I do not care. Jesus Christ is all of ours Lord and Savior even if you call his followers nuts.