Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Climate Diversity is Our Strength: Responding to Wynes and Nicholas (2019)

What happens to a society when children become nothing more than a carbon footprint to be avoided? Should this concept be taught in schools?
Researchers Wynes and Nicholas (2019) did a survey of climate change curricula in secondary schools in Canada. In their opinion the schools are not doing a good enough job of 'convincing' students of the 'scope and urgency' of climate change, or that 'expert agree'. They were disconcerted to find that Friends of Science materials were even referred to in some school curricula, showing examples of the 'polarized' debate on climate, which Wynes and Nicholas say does not exist. Michelle Stirling wrote a rebuttal paper that shows that not all experts agree and that Wynes and Nicholas are advocating for pink slips for teachers and humanicide for Canadians. Their previous research that suggested having one less child would 'save the planet' - particularly sad this is their view when the real polluters and emitters are things like container ships and developing nations. Container ships: Container Ship - How to reduce effect on Climate and Pollution Developing Nations: Stirling's paper: Climate Diversity is Our Strength: Responding to Wynes and Nicholas (2019) by Michelle Stirling :: SSRN