Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Political Correctness is the new form of Organized Religion and it is killing Western Civilization/Secular Western Culture

I make no bones with people about my being an atheist and an anti-theist of the hard (not soft) variety. Which is also sometimes called Positive Atheism to use another terminology. It is the difference between saying "I lack a belief," and "there is no god or supernatural, or life after death or mystical part to the world, per all reliable best information we have from the scientific method." I fall in the later and without any regrets of being there.

Which means I also per the facts we have consider any belief in such things to be "delusional." With that in mind the secular world too has its fair share of religions. Even when no God is present you can still have mystics of the mind. You can still have cults and organized delusional fervor. One of these "religions," is feminism with its view of men as being these horrible, evil creatures that somehow run the world like Gods. Other views like this include racialism; the view that white equals evil and "whitey" runs the world like Gods.

Both of the above views fall into the Cult of Social Justice and the Organized Religion of Political Correctness; to which all "branches" of Social Justice belongs. It is a form of "egalitarianism" run amok and thinks to be treated equally under the law requires we all are the same. Which of course is the ultimate course if you believe in "equality," over freedom of the individual. It is also the den of the wolves of our society.

Like all cults and organized religions; those whom throw the first stones are the most sinful themselves. Feminism calls men, maleness and masculinity itself sexist, which is itself a sexist remark against men. Racialism makes the claim an entire group of individuals should be judged as privileged and evil due to the colour of their skin, but, not their character as long as that colour is white. These two groups have been dormant under the covers of everyday life for sometime and slowly growing their numbers in the dead of our night.

Feminism; which has existed in various wings and forms all just as Misandrist and anti-male has existed for various generations and centuries. It, however, was often seen for the anti-male claptrap that it is until the last couple of generations. Whom have all lapped it up like a cat drinks up milk and with just as little human reason as that same feline. It has grown in members as its lies have become worse and worse, and the facts stacked more against it.

Racialism; the idea that white equals evil and that specifically white males that happen to be successful are evil by nature has also existed for sometime. It existed mainly in fringe Cults about "Black Power,: like the Black Panthers. However, it has more and more come to the fore; with white people, usually males being called evil for doing nothing, but,being white. Specifically Twitter and Social Media is the hotbed of this mystical hogwash.

Yet, now these views are being helped by a new Cult. I call it the "Cult of  Sexual Identity and Gender Identity." It is the newest "branch" of the political correctness religion which managed to sneak into secular society under the words Social Justice. That is the "cult," of making everything and all things about your sexual identity. Even when it is not linked at all. If someone does not like you it must be because of your "sexual identity or gender identity." It could not be you are a douche bag that deserves to reap what you sew with other people.

Of course it is just as delusional as any "branch" of any other organized religion. Oh, and man does it have organized funding; from every Pride event to GLADD, to being unintentionally supported by most people that just want equality under the law. This "cult" is insidious and I used too be a part of it oh so long ago. I marched in their Parades and called it "Pride," when it was really a worship ceremony for their God of PC-Social Justice Warrior-ism. True "pride," no longer exists in such Parades if they ever really did.

This "cult" is all too happy to erase those whom do not follow their edicts close enough. They have no problem throwing human sexuality under the bus; when it does not lock step to their commandments. If you express yourself in a way which is counter to their "cults" traits. If you think differently from them you are dead meat and likely to be called "a bigot." This cult does not represent the true diversity of human sexuality properly at all and only wants converts.

If you bring up Gender-Identity Discordance or Dysphoria as not always being best served by jumping to surgical sex-interventions you will be called a "transphobe," even if being yourself transgendered (case in point Sophia Eris.) Ray Blanchard got called "transphobic" for stating and even sourcing the latest Diagnostic Manual for Mental illness still contains Gender-Identity-Disorder as being a real Medical condition. Even though it was mentioned in a flyer passed out specifically to have government funding of Transition operations for Transgendered people. He supported the T in the wrong way from the way "the cult"preached.

For those whom do not know Ray Blanchard is one of Canada's leading researchers into gender identity issues as well as sexual orientation. He also discovered the Older Brother effect in homosexual males. He is far from a phobe of any sexuality and does not condone the mistreatment of transgendered people. He simply stated a fact; transgenderism is a medical condition and an issue of mental health. "Feeling" you are in the wrong body is not same thing as being "in the wrong body." Some people think they are Napoleon or Jesus and "feel it." It is called sex/gender discordance or Gender-Identity-Disorder. It is a very real condition. There is accepting a phenomenon and than there is how to deal with such a thing humanly. Surgical sex-interventionism is not some minor snip tuck thing. It is a major thing and should not be taken lightly as an end all cure for transgendered issues.

I have no beef with trans people, but, I will sure as hell not believe in bullshit to placate their feelings. Trans people can be great individuals or monsters, but, good trans individuals should have no issues with being given scientific facts.They should be able to accept the truth of their issues; even if biologically driven. We accept lots of things as medical condition and mental issues, and, treat their sufferers humanly. We can do the same with trans people; accepting what is and also treating them the same under the law.

Yet, this moderate approach with both accepting the "abnormality" of the transgendered individual, but, also supporting their ability to live in peace will no doubt be called "transphobic." When all I ask for is for people to use facts and not "religion like faith." To use the scientific method and be skeptical of extraordinary claims until we have extraordinary evidence. I might be wrong, but, the best available information says I am not, not at this time at least. All I ask is people look at the evidence and not some "belief" by someone with "delusions."

In the end this is how the PC Religion works. Even if someone supports your equal rights; if they disagree with your reasoning on any issue they are evil, vile, the sinners of modern secular Western Culture. It requires a collectivization of everyone with a differing opinion to be called evil and vile and be sent to eternal torture in your own form of hell. Notice, I called religion a delusional and not every single religious person evil? That is because it is possible to be delusional in one area and a decent person in others.

Unlike the PC police I can understand the difference between wanting to educate people into proper knowledge and using force against those with whom I disagree. PC Police believe in using government edicts, speech codes, zoning laws, and other means to get their way. To call the wrong, but, innocent word sexual harassment and get a man scarred for life. To censor what others can do and tell them what they should do where they cannot get the censors at hand. PC Police do not understand how the civilized world actually works.

They are so "religious" that they are just as bad as any other Organized Religion, but, more is backed by the irreligious. Whom all seem to buy into some aspect of their bullshit and swallow it down whole. It is really sad to see so many sane and rational people be so irrational when it comes to the "cultural wars." Jumping on the side of the secular religion of Social Justice and evangelizing to the rest of the world. It is sad and disappointing; completely rage inspiring if I delve on it too much. The PC religion needs to be removed, to be educated against and to be fought against. In the words of my friend; we need to stand up and fight a war against Political Correctness. It is as insidious as any old-school Organized Religion is.