Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, December 6, 2018

From Bottom To The Top it is from Left to Right

I was given a video by a friend and fellow Objectivist dedicated to saying that the political spectrum essentially goes bottom to top. It was interesting to see that in the view of the creators it was authoritarians on the bottom and freedom at the top. The spectrum or compass does indeed go from tyranny on one end to freedom on the other. For only force or non-consent or coercion has degrees while freedom is a stable state of a specific social system. You have two options the moral social system which we call Capitalism. Or a system of levels of immorality attempted to be mixed with the moral. On the pure and far opposite end you have full on immorality with not even a shred of morality or justice left namely pure authoritarianism. It is individual rights on end and degrees of statism as you verge from it.

I disagree with the video when it claims that rightism is not an accurate way of describing that which they call the top. The right refers to the political element of the enshrining of individual rights and to the social system known as Capitalism. Capitalism is the actual name of the freedom it places at the top VS the Leftist authoritarianism it places at the bottom. Anti-Capitalism in some degree is what the Left stands for. The so-called moderates or centrists are not centered at all and in fact are unstable mixtures of the moral with the immoral. A combustible and deadly mixture of food and arsenic poisoning. A muddled and unprincipled, very much pragmatic mixture between a little bit of support for the Right social system and the wrong or evil one.

Contrary to what the video claims right vs left is absolutely the differences that matter. The right which is Capitalism; pure, true, unbridled and lassiez-faire Capitalism vs The left anti-Capitalists and the moderate muddled middle half anti-capitalists. This does not mean one could not use bottom and top as other symbols of individual rights vs statism. However, I think that even if one sees this is an alternative spectrum that does not invalidate or change the fact that what it calls the top is simply Right it is rightism irregardless of if the label is being changed. There is a right VS left that does matter and there being an alternative label does not change the content being the same. It is like saying I am straight or heterosexual. Deciding to use one label does not mean that it is not simply an interchanging of different references of the same essential. One does not remove the other.

If you define as top on the bottom to top spectrum it would be wrong to not define the essentials of and defend the right on a right vs left compass or spectrum. Capitalism is the social system of the right vs all the other compromises of the moderates and the authoritarianism of the left. The right means individual rights, individualism and the legal recognition of the mind/independent thought. The moderate middle compromises with the anti-mind and the left is the completely anti-mind and thus anti-life. Freedom is right VS varying levels of compromise with unjust force and authority up to the level of actual tyranny. The right belongs to the morally right, to the justly right and the socially right. To the only moral and truly humane social system. Capitalism equals rightism and rightism equals Capitalism.