Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Glee is not all that Glorious upon a re-view of the Series.

Recently I have been thinking about the TV Series Glee and how it presents life. When I was younger I used too enjoy the series; well at least the first two seasons. Yet, there is something off in its over all worldview. Something no longer quite sits right about the show. Let us start by the portrayal of Atheism as shown through Kurt being staunchly against Religious based worship on School Grounds. He is portrayed as being a bad guy and lumped in with Jane Lynch's character over their shared dedication to the separation of Church from Public School life. The series makes it seem like this purely reasonable approach which is a Constitutional requirement of any school receiving Tax money is a bad thing. 

Let us continue with the series portrayal of Kurt during the later part of Season One. In one episode in which Kurt plays it Straight he is shown as all of a sudden switching music styles of John Mellancamp. He is shown as starting to dress in plaid and a mix of obnoxious stereotypes about gays vs straights. The truth is that he could have liked these things and not changed his orientation one bit. Yet, these are the markers prior to making out with a cheerleader of his being straight. It clearly shows that the creators have a very narrow view of what being straight means. This might come from the fact that it is so well tied to groups like G.L.A.D. (GL Anti-Defamation League.) A group which has bought whole sale into the fucked up Gender version of the Origin of homosexual desires in a person. Thus, accepts the stereotypes as legit. 

Further more anyone that does not like the idea of jumping up and down singing out of nowhere is seemed to be shown a bully. There is a serious malevolent and zero sum game world view on display in this show. Different clubs are constantly pitted against each other making so much of the show about collective conflicts between people. There is no sitting down to the meeting of the minds through reason. On the contrary breaking with reality and living in a delusion they take to singing/dancing in public as some sort of fix for real life issues. They essentially evade reason and embrace feel good emotions at any cost. Not a single once does the realistic choice between self-esteem or self-destruction show up. At least not at the level of essentials. Their idea of self-esteem is the entitled snowflake variety of safe spaces and bubble wrapped worlds.