Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Morals are contextual absolutes and not relative.

It is often times assumed that secularism and atheism leads to a subjective form of morals that is not consistent with living a good life. However, this would be mistaken for the lack of the non-existent does not mean morals are subjective and not concretes within a given context. A moral code is a code of ethics that guide ones actions within existence. The fact that there is not some non-existent God or Supernatural dimension to existence does not mean there is no moral codes that are both secular and objective in nature.

The lack of existence of a God does not make murder, rape and so forth OK or moral. However, that is simply skimming the surface for there are laws against such things in a proper society. The fact that there are laws means that this is an area where individual rights are being infringed and not just a matter of morality, but, also of legality as well. Morals while encompassing these acts does not simply consist only of such acts either.

A moral code is not forced and cannot be forced on you by the threat of a gun to your head. That itself would be in fact immoral itself as well as illegal. Morals are neither to be forced on you and neither are they up to subjective whim of whatever you want either. It is immoral for example to not be honest with people. It is immoral to fake reality and to cut off your ability to live in the real world for the sake of living in delusion. Honesty is a commit within yourself to the integrity of your sense of reason and to living in the world as it is.

It is immoral to cheat other people irregardless of if it would be considered theft or an infringement of ones rights. It is immoral to mistreat other people and to not treat them justly. It would be immoral to be engaging in activity that is self-destructive and to not stop said activity if you are able to do so. It is immoral to be doing drugs on a regular basis and to be clouding your mind harming your rational faculties. Essentially if it is harmful to your life it is evil and if it nurtures your life it is good.

Morals are absolutes, but, also contextual. Which means that one needs to take into account a lot of things when deciding if something is immoral or moral. For example; right now I am on medication for depression. My depression could affect my sense of thinking, but, this does not make me immoral for having such an issue. This is because one has to take everything into context; Plus, the depression does not take away my ability to be as reasonable as possible. I still understand existence exists and objective reality is outside my head no matter how down I might get.

If someone was so far gone that they were not able to be reasonable that still would not make that person immoral. As one does not get judged because of an illness they might have they get judged based on their content of character. You need to put everything into context when you are talking about morals. This is the main thing to remember when discussing ethical codes the context.of what options you have at hand and those which you do not. As well as the circumstances surrounding the ethical choice or choices one can make.

The argument that a lack of the supernatural means no morals or whisy washy morals is incorrect. It simply means you get your morals from something other than the non-existent supernatural. In the end though what is most important is that no one is forcing morals on the immoral. For that would itself be an act of which it is immoral and be an act of circular logic.