Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

No, Jennifer Objectivism does not endorse taxation in any forms

Recently I watched a video on Facebook entitled "Objectivism and Libertarianism better together." It was a plea that libertarianism and objectivism were not counter one another and could work together. For the most part I found it a somewhat interesting stream, but, ultimately I found it wanting to say the least. In fact, I found some parts of it downright deceptive. Which is nothing new for the current head of The Atlas Society.

It was not that long ago that Jennifer G. was making a plea to reach out to the religious for support in spreading Ayn Rand's ideas to the masses. A pure contradiction as Objectivism is an atheistic philosophy and more even than that is a reason/reality based philosophy with no room at all for the supernatural period. It is a departure from Objectivism itself and turns her philosophy away from being Objectivism as such at all.

This was the worry for those whom argued against David Kelley and his selling of Objectivism as an open system decades ago. It was not just that he talked to libertarian audiences, but, also that he argued Objectivism was an open system like a complete school of thought. However, this is incorrect Objectivism is Objectivism as A is A. Objectivism is the philosophy discovered and named by Ayn Rand as it was discovered and given said name. You cannot add to it nor subtract from it as switching A to B makes it B and not A. It is closed and was closed with Ayn Rand's death and cannot be altered while maintaining the name she gave it.

This is not dogmatic, insular or intolerant it simply says you can be an Objectivist and believe anything extra you want on top of it. However, the other things you support outside of the virtues, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology and politics of your Objectivism is not Objectivism it is your additional views built on top of your Objectivism. This does not make these extra things wrong it can be totally in accordance with reality, but, it is not the philosophy that you used to get there. Objectivism is the philosophy the actual outcome of its application is not Objectivism it is the outcome.

Objectivism is Objectivism and because of this it cannot be allied with anyone on the Religious Right period. Objectivism is also against all forced confiscation of wealth AKA all taxation. In replacement there are a ton of different voluntary forms of payment and fees possible outside of confiscating peoples income for use for the government. However, Jennifer G. specifically said Objectivism was not against taxation in her interview. This is dead wrong Objectivists are against taxation all taxation and wish to replace it with voluntary payment systems. If you support taxation as an end as opposed to the least offensive forms as a band-aid towards a gradual removal of all taxation you are not an Objectivist.

In doing the interview Jennifer was revealed to be actually not an Objectivist at all. Instead a libertarian already and one of the more vicious kind that says taxation is not to turn people into surfs. That says taxation is not exploitation, expropriation, theft, extortion and also a form of social engineering. Instead that forcing a gun to peoples head at the end of a long sting of attempts to get their money by force and throw you in a prison for tax evasion is a just act. While it is anything, but, and taxation is anti-Objectivist and anti-Objectivism.

However, there is even more as she failed to denounce in the highest degree Jefferey Tucker whom is an anarchist for presenting an immoral and unjust worldview as legitimate. Anarchism is not a liberty ideal it is a no holds barred, no laws, no rules chaos ideal. It is the creed of those whom think that in a state of nature others will all just take stock and refuse to infringe peoples rights. It is the blank out and evasion of a people whom cannot tell a bottle from a jar. Government is a necessity in a civilized society. To quote Paul McKeever, "to be pro-reason is to be pro- (rights respecting) government." Anarchism is an unreasonable and irrational callback to a time of animals playing a dangerous game of might makes right and winner takes all. Anarcho-Capitalism is the doctrine of the uncivilized brute.

Jennifer Grossman is not an Objectivist at all from what I can see. She is an anarchist and theist neutral libertarian scoundrel of the highest order. Whom has no right to use that term for defining her own views that are not part of Objectivism at all. She refuses to denounce mystics and she refuses to denounce brutes whom would cause the world to go to hell in a hand-basket if their views ever got power among the mainstream. She praises the likes of Laura Ingram as being an A-OK Gal. Someone whom would have a Theocracy if she could. A Fundamentalist Christian nutcase of the highest order. Whatever The Atlas Society is peddling under Jennifer it is not Objectivism it is Grossmanism in disguise and it is disgusting.