Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Yes, I do cry sometimes and yes I do have immense emotions deep inside me. I refuse to call that a "feminine" side.

Sometimes people can be so layered just like an onion and be a mystery to the world. Other times people can show themselves and be not mysterious at all. Other times still one can show themselves only to be deemed something they are not by those whom wish to put us in boxes. Boxes that come from a flawed misunderstanding of human natures.

I have had myself in times of severe emotion cry, and cry again. I have had myself start crying over the death of video game characters from more modern games with realistic Full Motion content. Specifically; the 1000 Words scene from Final Fantasy X-2 is especially emotional to me. As well as the Aerith/Aeris death scene in Final Fantasy 7. I have had also emotional moments of being sad out of nowhere in the past.

My being a man does not equal a lack of emotions in anyway. Far from it I can be so emotional when it is appropriate. The truth is I can be an amazingly big ball of feelings and emotions. I can be both tough and strong, but, also a ball of feels when it is appropriate to be so. It is simply that is it not always appropriate to be a feels flowing over like emotional spaghetti. There is a time for rational discourse and also a time for emotional rain-showers. Each thing has their own time and place.

Some people have said in the past it is because I am Bi that I can be so emotional. It is because I have a "gay side," or "feminine side." That it is because I have a womanly side of my mind that I can get so emotional at times; even if I do not show it always openly. Or sometimes I do show it openly even when not appropriate, but, try my best not too. It is said by some it is because I have this "fem" side to me that I am like this at times. It has also been said the reason I love so deep for my partners is also "fem."

This in that case would mean Straight Males are not able of having immense love for their partners? That straight males never have immense emotions and feel deeply in general? That straight males never weep? Never have intense feelings? Never sob? Cannot empathize with anyone anytime? Or only "fem" straights can feel these things? Total and absolute bullshit I say! Total bullshit! There is nothing inherently "fem" in feeling and emotions. Nor about being sad enough to sometimes cry openly.

Masculine men have been feeling emotions and feelings ever since our species came into existence. It is just we do not always present it the same. Or show it the same way. I would argue even crying out loud and not hiding it is also not inherently "fem." I mean why does strength/toughness have to mean lacking empathy, lacking emotions and lacking heart? Men do not accuse other men of being this way at all. It is mostly ironically women that have said these things to me.

I have had mainly women call me "fem" for having moments of intense feeling. I have never been called less than a man by other men. Women label the things which are more tender as somehow "feminine." Why? Let alone being "gay." Me being human does not make me feminine. All men are human we are not machines. All men feel and all men care deeply for things in life. Why? We are human we are not some separate species. We are a different gender/sex and we are not a different species of animals.

Why does one being sometimes emotional liken them to the opposite sex/gender? That makes no sense. Emotions and feelings are human traits we all share and not sexed/gendered ones. Even Autistic people whom are considered to have no emotions at all; totally unable to empathize with anything feel a ton. This group is one of the most "masculine, and "male" typical groups around and yet they feel. Hell, they even cry!

One can also point to how the male tear-duct works and matures. Just because the tears are not running down a mans face does not mean they do not feel the same as a woman with waterworks on full free flowing. Hell, even if a man is crying at the same rate as a woman does that mean he is less than a man? I do not think so. Different men are different and not all men are the same. We are all individuals at the end of the day and we are not a collectivist hive mind.

My sometimes in some situations balling or weeping. Or being depressed or just plain feeling deeply. This has nothing to do with me being "feminine." Or me having a "fem side." I counter to love deeply and to feel is as masculine as fighting for those that you love is. Men have always been people that feel that is to be human. To have emotions is to be human. We are highly evolved 5th apes and we are not machines. We are human beings and men have always been human even if they have been treated like utilities or parasitical threats towards women.

Women might; and some women do label these traits "feminine." This is not because they are it is because they cannot stand seeing this side of masculinity. This side of men. They want men to remain the utilities to "society," and White Knights to others with vaginas. To put down their own feelings, needs and wants as humans to live for some collective "women." A collective of  "for women," which does not exist as there is no collective "women." Only individual women and some are cunts whom deserve men to not do anything for them. Others are good people for which helping them is simple benevolence and good will.

If men; even the most Macho man is capable of this domain of feelings. Of emotions and even crying. If it is not dominated by women then we do need to think about men and their rights. We do need to think of men and their needs in our cities, Countries and world. Not because one needs to be sending out the Feels to be human. However, due to us for so long considering it a trait of those whom are capable of being hurt to also be tossing that hurt out in waterworks. This needs to stop! Even if men NEVER felt like women! We are human! We have needs, wants and desires! We are not utilities nor walking wallets.

I mean it; even if men were not able to empathize. Even if men were not emotional at all ever! We are still human! Women are only one half of this species and to single them out for having needs, for being human is cruel, unusual and vile. It is to not see men as human; literally to see them as an other that can be targeted for anything or can lack anything. To say they do not need a support system sometimes like any other human being. To say we are not human! Well; fuck that men's rights ARE human rights you man-hating cunts. Having the ability to feel and to process that in your own way is not "feminine." It is human and men have always been this. Masculinity does not equal not being human!