Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational
Friday, March 31, 2023
My story of God's Amazing Grace in ones sexuality on this dauchery visibility day.
He struck when his prey was at his most vulnerable in my case when my first girlfriend had left me. I was brainwashed by a book as well. A book by the name of "Coming Out to yourself." A book that gets you to repeat to yourself you are gay in mirrors and such mind numbing things. Essentially self brainwashing.
Having swallowed Keegan's Kool aid and also having brainwashed myself into thinking my experiences were indicative of being gay I began to affirm and live a gay life.
However, something was nagging in the back of my mind and there were numerous times I would imagine myself with a woman despite all the grooming and the continued affirmations of not being into the opposite sex.
So, I went from the G to the B once again, but, my sexuality was changing overtime. I was becoming no longer B either. Instead I was, by The Grace of God becoming totally heterosexual I became straight.
On my 30th Birthday I came out to a select group of trusted people as being neither B or G and not part of said community after all. I came out as Straight and 100% heterosexual. I am one of the many people whom had found themselves being heterosexual as I got into my 30s whom used identify as bisexual or homosexual. Through natural change overtime as we got older.
I am myself proof of the fluidity and flexibility nature of sexuality and that change from a GB to a heterosexual does happen and can happen. I am not alone by far most people in all large sized longitudinal studies of same sex attraction lose their attractions for opposite sex attraction overtime if not told to embrace their same sex attraction cross both of the sexes. Without any sort of therapeutic aspect of any kind.
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Monday, March 27, 2023
Why I use the Authorized Version/King James Bible
I decided to make a post explaining why I use the Authorized Version/King James Bible as my main Bible translation. Lest you think I hate other versions I do not. I used the NKJV for quite some time as my sanctuary Bible. I also have used the MEV and ESV for my sanctuary Bible. Yet, I have kept coming back to the KJV for my main study bible. There is a reason for this.
The language is the most beautiful and majestic form of the Textus Receptus or Traditional Text. As well, it is the translation that our Reformed Faith has used historically and confessed was an accurate English Translation of the Received Text Base. As a Confessional Bibliology proponent I hold that God's Words are persevered and kept pure in all ages. This means that I hold that our Bible that Protestants have used for ages was an accurate English translation. Not that the translation itself was inspired, but, that the text base we always had in the languages translated to the English in the KJV was preserved as His accurate words.
The AV/KJV was and still is an accurate English Translation of the Original Greek and Hebrew as found in the Traditional/Confessional Text. Unlike Modern Textual Criticism; Reformation Textual Criticism does not doubt that God Preserved His Words in the historical confessional Greek and Hebrew Text it was not corrupted. The Received Text used as the base for translations before the entrance of Modern textual criticism was Preserved by God to make sure His Word down to the very jots and titles was preserved for All Ages and Kept Pure. There is no reason to hate on the KJV as not being an accurate translation of God's preserved Received Text.
Quite the opposite of what hyper anti KJV influencers in Christian thought teach. The Received Text matches what we find in the Majority of all finds of manuscripts and papyri. Meaning God really did preserve His Word down to the jot and title in the Confessional Text Base. In fact, TR and Majority Text Bibles are the most accurate translations. Due to the text base used and its accurate translation means that the Authorized Version/King James Version is also one of the most accurate English Bibles available still. I would say anything in the TR Tradition; found in the KJV Family and MEV are the most accurate English Bibles. In addition; The Gideon's have a wonderful TR ESV that accurately translates confessional renderings missing from the other rendition of the English Standard Translation.
Modern English Versions and Gideon's English Standard Translations are harder to find. So, if you wish to use modern English renderings of the Received/Confessional text and cannot find them I would recommend to stick with the New King James Version. I am not as some extremists do saying ESV or NASB or even NIV is Satan's Bibles. ESV is the one that my church uses as a pew bible. I do not accuse them of not preaching God's Word because of using a Modern Critical Text version. Despite my issues with the translation methodology.
Friday, March 24, 2023
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Rev. Paul Flynn | Is Arminianism a Damnable Heresy?
Dr. James White | Is Arminianism a Damnable Heresy?
Dr. James White: “…consistent, full-on Arminianism I do believe leads, inevitably and consistently (please note those terms), to a non-saving, man-centered system of religion. No question about it. But there is all the difference in the world to confess that and, at the same time, to recognize what I have often called the “blessed inconsistencies” of our Arminian, or more accurately, synergistic, brothers and sisters in Christ. I have met very few consistent Arminians—I have met many who have firmly extolled truths that have no place in a consistent Arminianism, and yet they are unaware of how their system is self-contradictory. I was one of those—every Calvinist that came to the Reformed position through prayer and study of the Word knows what I mean. But I was not saved the day I asked John Calvin into my heart. I was saved when I trusted in Jesus, and He faithfully led me, by His grace, to an understanding of His truth. In His time. In His fashion.”
(some) “tell God He has no right to draw a straight line with a crooked stick. It is straightforward: until you embrace all of Calvinism (I wonder just how much of that they really believe, or just how perfect their own understanding actually is?), you are lost. Unsaved. Enemy of God. Only Calvinists are saved. Pretty blunt, but there it is. Hyper-Calvinism in all its theological snobbery and perfectionism, never realizing that God works with sinners over time, in His own way, to cause them to GROW in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. I was an heir of grace before I ever heard of John Calvin, ever heard of particular redemption, ever heard of many elements of Reformed theology. Once you start making the definition of the gospel more strict than the Spirit did in the Word, you have walked out of grace and into the realm of error yourself. Mark these men, keep an eye out for them! Few things can kill a Reformed church faster than graceless hyperism.”
RC Sproul | Are Arminians Christian? Yes, despite their Theological Heresy. As Christ Saves not Reformed Theology.
Free-Will Debate: Hernandez & Zachariades vs. Flowers & Pritchett
(Consistent) Arminianism: A Cheap-Grace, Gospel-less Heresy (Br. Sonny Hernandez)
"If we sum up the evidence that has been given, we shall find its amount to be, that (Consistent/Remonstrant) Arminianism came from the Church of Rome, and leads back again to the pit whence it was digged." - Augustus Toplady
(Consistent/Remonstrant) Arminianism is a foul heresy! No prophet of God, nor Paul, nor Christ, ever proclaimed this semi-Pelagian, cheap grace gospel that is powerless to save because it is no gospel at all. The Canons of Dort refer to Arminianism as a “novel idea,” an “invention of the human mind,” “or gross error,” that “…contradicts the Holy Scripture.” This theological essay will explain a few reasons why Arminianism is a foul heresy and not an inconsequential doctrine that Christians can ignore.
I. WHY IS CONSISTENT ARMINIANISM (As Historically Originating in the Remonstrant at Dort) HERESY?
Arminianism teaches that human beings are not totally depraved because they can exercise their frail and fickle free will to save themselves. This is contrary to Holy Scripture––which teaches that sinners are conceived in sin, dead in sin, slaves to sin, and are servants of sin––that are totally polluted in all faculties and parts of the body and soul. To argue that a sinner can come to Christ by exercising their free will is to falsely assume that they have the “desire” to do this, which is clearly antithetical to the teachings of Paul (Rom. 3:10-18).
Free will is the great idol of fallen men who elevate their gross decisions above God’s decree. This is commonly known as contra-causal freedom, or libertarianism––which is a subterfuge that cannot save, nor has it ever saved anyone––because presumed free-will can only send people to hell, and none to heaven. There are several problems that arise from this sophistry:
If God justified a man because he made himself differ from other men with his libertarian freedom to accept Christ, this would make God a respecter of persons, which clearly contradicts Scripture (Acts 10:34). Only a boastful man would dare argue that he is the co-savior or captain of his soul because his decision to be saved was more profitable than someone else’s when both had the same grace extended to them.
No one can rescue themselves from God’s wrath, or come to Christ on their own terms or timing, because God has decreed before the foundation of the world that all things––including the salvation of individuals––whatsoever shall come to pass.
Arminianism elevates human decisions above God’s decree. It subjects God’s decree to man’s decision in lieu of subjugating man’s decision under God’s decree. Thereby, Arminians will argue that God’s election and reprobation are contingent upon foreseen faith or disbelief, that is, whether a depraved sinner is going to either accept or deny Him. This is not language from heaven; this is a lie from hell! What are the problems with this argument?
If God has to foresee whether a sinner will either accept or deny Him––this would mean that God would have to see something in the sinner that He must laud, and not loathe. God sees absolutely nothing in anyone that He must praise, since our best works do not merit His favor, but His wrath. Also, if God must foresee whether the sinner will either accept or deny him, then God is not transcendent. The all-knowing God does not need to foresee; He already knows from all eternity, and that is so because He has ordained everything that comes to pass.
Arminianism is diabolical because it teaches that the vicarious and atoning death of Christ was made universally for all, even to include those whom the Father has consigned to everlasting torment in hell. Does this mean that Christ actually redeemed or just made sinners redeemable? If Christ died for all––this would mean that Christ only made sinners redeemable. Therefore, because the application of His death is contingent upon the mere will of men to either accept or deny Him, this cannot be the glorious gospel of grace.
Arminianism distorts the teachings of God’s free grace. If God’s grace is contingent upon man’s decision, then God's grace is not free, and salvation would have to be ascribed to man and not God. Also, if the will of man precedes the will of God, or if the power of God in the gospel is only possible if men cooperate, then Paul would be a liar because he said that “it is God that works in us to will and to do” (Phil. 2:13), and he called the gospel the power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16). This is why advocates of semi-Pelagian popery are teachers of their own righteousness, and despisers of free grace.
Arminianism will contradictorily teach that regenerate saints can fall from the faith that they once previously accepted. Unlettered men or women will denounce this necessary conclusion, and will posit that not all Arminians will agree with this notion. Despite these conjectures or opinions of men or women, Arminians can never have assurance of their salvation because if they have the free will to be saved, then to be logically consistent, they will have the ability to lose it also. On the contrary, regenerate Christians can have assurance of their salvation, since God’s decree is unchangeable, eternal, and absolute.
"Provisionism," A Dangerous and Fatal False Gospel! Beware Leighton Flowers is a dangerous Heretical False Teacher!
In this article I wish to explain why Leighton Flowers views are outside of The True Gospel. His views which combined are known as Provisionism are completely outside of Historical Christianity. It is, as to borrow from Sonny Hernandez, A Cheap-Grace, Gospel-less Heresy.
To further borrow from Brother Hernandez. Provisionism is a foul heresy! No prophet of God, nor Paul, nor Christ, ever proclaimed this semi-Pelagian, cheap grace gospel that is powerless to save because it is no gospel at all. It completely denies Original Sin and any need for even an originating Grace of God to be saved. It denies God's Sovereignty and Providence.
How do you get saved in this false Gospel?
Easy you simply naturally work up your own faith and simply decide to choose God's Provision of Unlimited and Universally provided Salvation for every person ever born. You have totally unbounded Libertarian free will without any internal inclination towards anything good or evil. You are, in fact all people are naturally not depraved totally or even partially.
You can always have counter casual options and Predestination does not exist at all. Not even the Ramonstrants Arminianism view of looking through the corridors of time or foreseen Faith. Predestination does not mean that God has a Decree. It is simply the word for being predestined to eternal life through libertarianally choosing to do what is right and obeying God's command to repent/believe. Emphasis on the libertatianally free as in without any determination of God at all.
What does God Know?
Not much really with no real cohesive view of God's attribute in regards to knowledge of the future.
Do you need to repent and believe?
No, you will be judged upon the light that you have. Other words Provisionism does not preach The Christian Message that you need to be In Christ to have eternal life. You can have knowledge of God's general creation and believe in Jesus without knowing you do.
Can you Obey the Commands and Laws of God perfectly?
Sure you can all you need to do is to continually make the right free will decision.
Does God harden hearts?
Nope, people grow callus and harden their own hearts. God never intends evil either even for a greater good or his Glory.
What if he is wrong and Calvinism or pre-regeneration depravity or inability is right?
Then God is a horrendous Monster unworthy of Worshipping!
He made a God in his own image and left the True Christian Faith for a free will idol of his own making. Upon doing so he wants to drag as many people away into his False Gospel as he can. Leighton Flowers is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Is he hellbound and outside of the Kingdom? Unless he gets truly Saved and comes back to the Faith he will be going to eternal destruction for his False Religion. He should not be considered among the Church.
Why I fully embrace being A Reformed Christian Fundamentalist
Does that sound like an oxymoron to you? That should not be so. I am Reformed and 110 Grade Calvinist. I am so because Calvinism/Reformed Theology is The Gospel as presented in The Bible. The Canons of Dordrecht and its proceeding articles on Unconditional Election, Total Depravity, Limited or Definite Atonement, Irresistible Grace or Effectual Calling and Preservation of the Saints are all taught straight from the Bible.
Monday, March 13, 2023
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Why I use the Authorized Version/King James Bible
I decided to make a post explaining why I use the Authorized Version/King James Bible as my main Bible translation. Lest you think I hate other versions I do not. I used the NKJV for quite some time as my sanctuary Bible. I also have used the MEV and ESV for my sanctuary Bible. Yet, I have kept coming back to the KJV for my main study bible. There is a reason for this.
The language is the most beautiful and majestic form of the Textus Receptus or Traditional Text. As well, it is the translation that our Reformed Faith has used historically and confessed was an accurate English Translation of the Received Text Base. As a Confessional Bibliology proponent I hold that God's Words are persevered and kept pure in all ages. This means that I hold that our Bible that Protestants have used for ages was an accurate English translation. Not that the translation itself was inspired, but, that the text base we always had in the languages translated to the English in the KJV was preserved as His accurate words.
The AV/KJV was and still is an accurate English Translation of the Original Greek and Hebrew as found in the Traditional/Confessional Text. Unlike Modern Textual Criticism; Reformation Textual Criticism does not doubt that God Preserved His Words in the historical confessional Greek and Hebrew Text it was not corrupted. The Received Text used as the base for translations before the entrance of Modern textual criticism was Preserved by God to make sure His Word down to the very jots and titles was preserved for All Ages and Kept Pure. There is no reason to hate on the KJV as not being an accurate translation of God's preserved Received Text.
Quite the opposite of what hyper anti KJV influencers in Christian thought teach. The Received Text matches what we find in the Majority of all finds of manuscripts and papyri. Meaning God really did preserve His Word down to the jot and title in the Confessional Text Base. In fact, TR and Majority Text Bibles are the most accurate translations. Due to the text base used and its accurate translation means that the Authorized Version/King James Version is also one of the most accurate English Bibles available still. I would say anything in the TR Tradition; found in the KJV Family and MEV are the most accurate English Bibles. In addition; The Gideon's have a wonderful TR ESV that accurately translates confessional renderings missing from the other rendition of the English Standard Translation.
Modern English Versions and Gideon's English Standard Translations are harder to find. So, if you wish to use modern English renderings of the Received/Confessional text and cannot find them I would recommend to stick with the New King James Version. I am not as some extremists do saying ESV or NASB or even NIV is Satan's Bibles. ESV is the one that my church uses as a pew bible. I do not accuse them of not preaching God's Word because of using a Modern Critical Text version. I do have issues with its translation methodology. I would prefer they use the NKJV for modern English renderings.
Friday, March 10, 2023
Take Two on Mark Jones article.
This is a second take on Mark Jones recent article about Pastoring during a Pandemic. Previously I addressed how some have come across to those on the other side in their replies to Mark Jones. I must admit I read through Pastor Jones' article very speedily when I first read it. Having reread it slowly I noticed quips with it myself too be honest.
My issue is not with trying to present the Romans 13 means Obey the government interpretation. As I have said I know lots of Christian Brothers and Sisters that have and still do believe it teaches just that. Where I had issues was with not addressing the reason the resist Government side had for holding their view. There was no showing the reasons that resisters view the Bible as teaching what happened was an over reach to be resisted.
As someone whom is on the resist side of this, but, does not talk about it often let me present the other side. Romans 13 not only mentions obeying the government. It also states that The Government is to be rewarding the good and punishing evil. There is only one source to know what is good or evil. That is The Holy Bible. Which means you get what the State is supposed to be doing from The Bible. There is nowhere in The Bibles mandate for a Civil Government where it gets the ability to tell The Church what to do. Such as telling them what to wear or not in Worship (masks). Or whether it can be open or not (lockdowns).
According to The Belgic Confession (Article 36); The Government has a duty to protect The Churches ability to do Her part in society.
"Their office is not only to have regard unto and watch for the welfare of the civil state, but also to protect the sacred ministry,* that the kingdom of Christ may thus be promoted. They must therefore countenance the preaching of the Word of the gospel everywhere, that God may be honored and worshipped by every one, as He commands in His Word."
This would mean that The Civil Magistrate cannot tell The Church how to do Her business in society. Such as mandating them to lockdown or mandating a Churches congregation to wear a mask. Or force its members to take a vaccine to attend the Church building. All of the very things Protestant Resistance Theory promoters were against the Government doing and refused to obey. The resist side is not a new thing in Protestant History that just came about because of Covid. It has long sense existed as an Orthodox view of the Reformed Faith as well as within Presbyterian History. If anything, the Covid stuff simply helped bring to the surface what was already there lingering.
My two cents on the replies to Mark Jones
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Monday, March 6, 2023
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
There is an entity behind all world events. God! Our Heavenly Father!
God sovereignly ordains all that has and all that will come to pass. He is in Charge of His Creation. Evil entities that might exist, exist on a leash and cannot get away with anything God has not ordained for His purposes.
All people and institutions are nothing, but, the clay in the hands of the Potter. He gets to ultimately decide what will happen with His Clay. We do not live in a random universe and chance or coincidence does not truly exist.
God for ordains all that has and will come to pass while at the same time allowing for free agency. Yet, even free agency is not free from God's Decree and Sovereign Rule. He does not coerce or force people to desire certain things nor is He the author of sin or evil.
Both things come from within the creature (even supernatural evil only works because of the fallen human nature) and are not forced or pushed into the creature by God. However, He did ordain and decree that Evil exist for His own purposes. Yet, He did not take part nor never can due to his nature in Evil or sin. Yet, He can and does use it within His Eternal Decree.
Some Christians have forgotten that God is Sovereign over all things. That he Decreed all that would and will happen from Eternity Past. They get so wrapped into the evil that is around them and how very evil it is forgetting God Is the One In Charge from Heaven and not any other entities.
The way this Creation works according to Biblical exegetics is wonderfully worded as follows in The Westminster Confession of Faith;
• God from all eternity did by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass; yet so as thereby neither is God the author of sin; nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures, nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established.
• God, the great Creator of all things, doth uphold, direct dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge, and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy.
• Although in relation to the foreknowledge and decree of God, the first cause, all things come to pass immutably and infallibly, yet, by the same providence, He ordereth them to fall out according to the nature of second causes, either necessarily, freely, or contingently.
• God, in His ordinary providence, maketh use of means, yet is free to work without, above, and against them, at His pleasure.
• The almighty power, unsearchable wisdom, and infinite goodness of God, so far manifest themselves in His providence, that it extendeth itself even to the first fall, and all other sins of angels and men, and that not by a bare permission, but such as hath joined with it a most wise and powerful bounding, and otherwise ordering and governing of them, in a manifold dispensation, to His own holy ends; yet so, as the sinfulness thereof proceedeth only from the creature, and not from God; who being most holy and righteous, neither is nor can be the author or approver of sin.
This means no matter what or how evil things in our World are or are getting or have been since the Fall of Adam God is still in Control of all things in Heaven and on Earth. Often God will use others evil for his own Godly ends. AKA Joseph and his brothers.
It is very possible the reason God has used some of things that have been going on lately and in the near future is as a judgment and punishments against the reprobate. As well as discipline for His Children a chiding for some purpose. Or it could be anything really, but, we know it is all in His Hands as the old song says. "He's got the whole world in His Hands."