Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Jab story no one talks about.

With all the talk of Covid Jabs a lot of people are forgetting the previous incidents of vaccine democide. In this episode we will go into details about one of those incidents. No, I do not mean the MMR Vaccine, but, the first major AIDS Jab known as AZT.

I mentioned this briefly in my previous podcast and will explain what happened in this one. Let us do a time warp in our minds back to the 80s and AIDS is running rampant. Which itself was the result of a Polio vaccine created from infected Chimpanzees. Also, something denied by the AIDS industry to this day.

When the results of the previous vaccine toxin was raging resulting in HIV and AIDS in folks the answers pushed for were of course more of the same. This is because folks like Robert Gallo and Anthony Fauci have been covering up the origins of this deadly disease being inserted into the human population. They themselves have high stakes in the Vaccines are not dangerous narrative.

So they released AZT stating it was of course safe and effective. However, just like the Covid Jab is poison in a needle so was this product. A fire starm was started as people receiving it to deal with AIDS ended up dying from the vaccine as opposed to their AIDS.

It was pushed over the years down the memory hole and out of the mainstream media. Yet, when it was a recent accrance it was all over the newspapers and news broadcast. Much like old Swine Flu shots killing people was once allowed on mainstream media.

The truth is all the major players in the Covid strategy to forced Vaccination and control grid knew Vaccines killed. As they have had plenty of real world experience okaying deadly shots. AZT is simply one you can still find information on archived online for proof of the facts.

I have included sources once again proving everything I said in this episode is totally factual and not paranoia. The truth is the Cronies currently entrenched into the State have their own alternative motives for what they are doing. Namely, big profits from pushing disease cures that cause more disease or even death.

It is called The Hegalian Dialect or, "problem, reaction and solution." Either make or allow a horrible thing to than be able to rush in as a pseudo savior. It is an AntiChrist agenda to set themselves up as God instead of Christ Ruling as we speak from heaven. This entire Covid Control Grid system that has been attempted to be setup is nothing less than an attempt to be as God. Falling for the lie of the devil.

Until next time..May the Lord be with you and may you accept Christ as Lord and Savior! AMEN!!
