Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Not just anything goes in a Free Society

There is a mistaken understanding that you can ever have a genuinely free society without a moral standard that comes from God Himself. This is not true as this is God's World and His Rules. Absent an objective moral standard you do not have decentralized order, but, the very chaos Statists warn about.

Having a world with God Absent from our moral philosophy does not equal no masters. Instead it makes the World nothing, but, slightly 'freer in the Natural' slaves of Satan. We need to turn back to God and His ways this is the only thing that can stop the Antichrist World Governments we see today.

We are in a Spiritual War between the Children of God and the Children of Darkness. Those following God VS Lucifer and his Demons/Fallen Angels. This manifest in the ever darker world we live in and ever growing accepting of abominations.

He does not care if we have Total Freedom as long as we still use it to follow our Sinful old selves and his World System. What he does not want is for us to repent, believe and be born again. He does not want more Christians. As Christians love God's Law Word and wish to spread it as part of the Gospel far and wide. 

The joke is on him and his minions though for God Unconditionally Elects certain people to become Christians. The Evil One cannot stop God's decree of election to saving grace. Christian Soldiers will continue to be made by God and God alone until Christ returns at the End of All Things. By then it will be too late and God Himself will send The Evil along with his minions into the lake of fire we call Hell for all eternity.

A free society is only truly free if it is governed by God's Law Word and his Rule. Anyone that wants to be their own king or queen and not bow the knee to Christ is not free, but, unknowingly enslaved to The Evil One whom started the 'has God said' game in the Garden of Eden.

A free for all is simply more Satanic influence in a different shell. A society must be based on God's Law Word or it is not free which means restrictions on things against God's Law is true freedom. Not a free for all.