Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, October 12, 2022



It is now beyond a shadow of a doubt that Covid and its management is pseudo science. From Masks doing absolutely nothing to stop someone from getting sick. To the Vaccination program being more dangerous than Covid itself. To the idea that ever worrying about this issue was complete garbage from the start. We could go down the Covid Rabbit hole big time if we had the time.

However, I do not want to overwhelm my audience and I do not want to make this hours long. What I will do is prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that from Wuhan to The World this was a Plandemic not a pandemic. That the very people whom clang for State power in the name of saving us were themselves intricate to the creation and release of this now proven Bioweapon on the Public.

Covid did not start in a Wet Market it began within the walls of the Wuhan Biolab of Biotechnology. It was genetically modified and made through gain of function research funded by Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins. As well as having patents made out for what would become the Vaccines long before the release of it from the lab. These two knew this and this is why they worked so hard to silence whistle-blowers.

They also knew that the production was at least being rushed on the Vaccines. Without any actual testing for safety and efficiency. Donald Trump whom many Christians literally worship in the USA helped put this into practice by his Operation Warp speed. He insisted and still does the Vaccination is a success and not a danger at all. Counter all of the evidence that Vaccinations in general contain toxic materials for the human body. Donald Trump did some great things, but, he was far from a Christian Reset to the Current AntiChrist World Governments.

It has been admitted from the CDC themselves that Vaccines poison the body and mind of those getting their Jabs. Not just the Covid ones, but, all Vaccines need to be recalled and pulled off the market. They break the commandment, "thou shall not murder." Vaccination campaigns are no less than State backed Democide on a large scale.

There are so many things allowed in the market that can kill you that breaks God's Moral Law that if I listed them all we would be all month. Vaccination are one of those things and no I have not lost my mind if anything I gained a mind of my own by researching this stuff.

There was a "reenactment or simulation" of a Covid Virus Pandemic almost a year before the so called Pandemic even started. It contained all the key players including Bill - Eugenics and Depopulation -Gates. A key proponent of Universal Coerced Vaccination Worldwide. These people including Fauci and Collins were for the longest time also in on this goal.

The Masks from the beginning were known to do nothing at all. The standing 6 feet apart also turns out to not amount to a hill of beans. This is not the first time Fauci overlooked people's poisoning and eventual death with a vaccine. Back when AIDS was breaking out in the 80s he worked on getting AZT Poison Jabs into the market claiming they too were not dangerous and beneficial. Instead they killed thousands of people diagnosed with AIDS worldwide. He never once apologized or showed remorse. 

The infamous Round Table groups started by World Domination Nutcase and high ranking Freemason Cecil Rhodes were also part of pushing the false narrative that we all needed to mask/jab or all be dying of the Noval Coronovirus.

Heather Morrison is a Rhodes Scholar and fully indoctrinated into Ungodly forms of what is appropriate use of civil magistrates. She cannot be trusted as a Health Advisor as she is entrenched into the very movements pushing universal Vaccination and locking us all down.

The Cronys in Big Pharma had a field day with the virus. This is because several members of the sector as mentioned had patents for Coronavirus already in the background in case of a future outbreak. This should strike anyone as an alert that we were being used as a way of securing certain pharmaceutical companies even more monopoly powers. 

The truth is I could talk about this all day there is so much of a Covid Truth Rabbit hole one can find if they research these things. However, I will leave it here for now with all credible sources for this episode linked along with the podcast.

Until next time may The Lord be with you all! AMEN!
