Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Anarcho-Theonomy/Theocracy VS other strands of Anarchism

Usually when people think of the political/economical views known as anarchism they think of being anti-hierarchy and not just anti ungodly States. This would not be accurate of Anarcho-Theonomy or Reformed Anarchism. The form of Anarchism that Theonomy belongs in is the broader Anarcho-Capitalism tradition. We are not against hierarchy as long as they fall into the parameter setup by God in The Holy Bible. For example; the Husband as head of the household. Nor are we against bosses or employers. The archy we are against is not hierarchy, but, instead Godless Civil Magistrates. 

Other forms of anarchism are against hierarchies in general. Which does not comport with Biblical instructions that includes orders including natural hierarchies such as in church structures. The question is, is the hierarchy God Ordained and following His Rule or not. Our end goal is a True Theocracy under God's Law Word and acknowledging His Heavenly Rule. A real Christendom 2.0 VS the flawed systems of Faux-Christendom under previous governments. Our goal is to get closer and closer to there from here. With an exact end game of nothing less than that. 

The assumption as well by other anarchists is less or even no law. While Anarcho-Theonomists want Civil Governance that enforces God's Law Word; even absent the existence of a State. Which means we would require the existence of an Objective set of Laws based on God's Moral Law. One which all people living in a Christian Community would need to abide by. The end goal being a Christian Nation by the consent of the Governed. The question of Anarcho-Theonomy or Minarcho-Theonomy is in some sense really a difference of means to a desired end. 

Anarcho-Theonomists; like all theonomists would support a Godly civil magistrate in the form of a Godly State if one currently did or comes about. Or at least most would. The support of Christian Anarchism would not come about if consistent Biblical options existed with any possibility of being elected to serve as civil magistrates.