Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Monday, October 10, 2022

Christian Anarchism VS Libertarians

I am Chris Murphy; a Christian first before anything else. From there comes my political and economical views. I am therefor a Theonomist and for the continuing Validity of God's Law Word over all people and groups that individuals form. This "all people" includes the civil magistrates that exist. The civil magistrates are to punish evil and reward good; to be the sword of God on Earth not to rebel or revolt against Him. As no current civil magistrates anywhere in the World is currently a Biblically defensible form of civil governance I am an anarchist towards our current system. 

This makes me what is coined or term an Anarcho-Theonomist. Which does acknowledge that Romans 13 commands we are to submit to the State and not to call for violent revolution or revolt or overthrow of the current magistrate system. We are to use non-violent and peaceful bottom up change. To use non violent, civil disobedience against legislation that goes against God's Law Word is in line with Romans 13. However, if we had a proper Godly Government to submit completely would be our Duty to following God. 

I want a completely Christocentric society. If our current Government was punishing evil, rewarding good, and according to God's Law Word I would not be A Christian Anarchist. Instead I would be a defender of the Government of the most staunch variety. However, that is not what we have at all in the current status quoi. The current system has UnGodly and even AntiChristian States filled with at times outright Satanists and Luciferians. To support our current leaders is to not just be in The World, but, Of The World. Something we are commanded not to be as members of God's Kingdom of Light.

Libertarianism as a broader philosophy though where AnCaps usually belong is not compatible with a consistent Christian worldview. I definitely am an AnCap Theonomist, but, I tend to not affiliated with the term capital L Libertarians in anyway. Despite having views that fall under theocratic lower case l libertarians. I am not a member of any political party at this time, but, I am am Ex-CPC member. A party that is now totally corrupt and owned by secular humanistic values.