Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, March 25, 2022

"Provisionism," A Dangerous and Fatal False Gospel

In this article I wish to explain why Leighton Flowers views are outside of The True Gospel. His views which combined are known as Provisionism are completely outside of Historical Christianity. It is, to borrow from Sonny Hernandez, A Cheap-Grace, Gospel-less Heresy.

To further borrow from Brother Hernandez. Provisionism is a foul heresy! No prophet of God, nor Paul, nor Christ, ever proclaimed this semi-Pelagian, cheap grace gospel that is powerless to save because it is no gospel at all. It completely denies Original Sin and any need for even an originating Grace of God to be saved. It denies God's Sovereignty and Providence. 

How do you get saved in this false Gospel?

Easy you simply naturally work up your own faith and simply decide to choose God's Provision of Unlimited and Universally provided Salvation for every person ever born. You have totally unbounded Libertarian free will without any internal inclination towards anything good or evil. You are, in fact all people are naturally not depraved totally or even partially. 

You can always have counter casual options and Predestination does not exist at all. Not even the Ramonstrants Arminianism view of looking through the corridors of time or foreseen Faith. Predestination does not mean that God has a Decree. It is simply the word for being predestined to eternal life through libertarianally choosing to do what is right and obeying God's command to repent/believe. Emphasis on the libertatianally free as in without any determination of God at all.

What does God Know? 

Not much really with no real cohesive view of God's attribute in regards to knowledge of the future. 

Do you need to repent and believe?

No, you will be judged upon the light that you have. Other words Provisionism does not preach The Christian Message that you need to be In Christ to have eternal life. You can have knowledge of God's general creation and believe in Jesus without knowing you do. 

Can you Obey the Commands and Laws of God perfectly?

Sure you can all you need to do is to continually make the right free will decision. 

Does God harden hearts? 

Nope, people grow callus and harden their own hearts. God never intends evil either even for a greater good or his Glory.

What if he is wrong and Calvinism or pre-regeneration depravity or inability is right?

Then God is a horrendous Monster unworthy of Worshipping!

He made a God in his own image and left the True Christian Faith for a free will idol of his own making. Upon doing so he wants to drag as many people away into his False Gospel as he can. Leighton Flowers is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Is he hellbound and outside of the Kingdom? Unless he gets truly Saved and comes back to the Faith he will be going to eternal destruction for his False Religion. He should not be considered among the Church.