Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, March 27, 2022

A Christian case for Public Funding without State ownerships or control.

Often two different things are tied up together that need not be. The idea is that if the Government provides public taxpayers funding for services it must also take ownership and thus control over said service. I see this as a false dichotomy as classically Christian Democracy has supported generous public funding of things like schools or healthcare while also protecting that organizations and individuals funded have their essential human rights to act on their deeply held Christian Values.

It would be possible for their to be generous public funding, but, having it tied to the person instead to a particular school for example. This would be done by the funding following the child to wherever the parents decided to enroll their children into. I am a big proponent of education choice. This would make us able to provide more choices as the State no longer would no longer need to run the education system to provide education funding. 

The something can be done with healthcare. The funding could be attached to the person, or family, so, no matter which hospital or Drs office or other clinic is used the money goes towards that choice. It also would mean we could get the State out of way of medical innovation and grant more healthcare choices to our citizens. Similar to education the State can gradually get out of the running of Healthcare. 

Essentially, we can remove the State from the ownership or control of all kinds of areas of life while continuing to provide a safety net and minimum standard of living. Letting them become Non Governmental Organizations while not leaving our citizens in the lurch. We can continue to help our citizens while giving them an increase in freedom of choice. We can let there be more choices for people and even gradually move State run industries into Non Governmental industries and providers. While still providing citizens with funds needed for said needs.

One way could be having Public Savings Accounts that taxpayers funds get put into for each of your needs. Education Savings, Health Savings, et cetera which then you can use to pay for whichever organization you wish to pay for the services from. These could be setup, so, you can access each account at time to pay for the services rendered based on what type of organization you are dealing with. For example schools could be setup to have access to your education account which would contain the funds given you for that purpose. You can also have said accounts be able to be paid into from your main savings account allowing non tax money also be saved voluntarily as wished. 

This would differ from The libertarian idea of Private Savings accounts which would replace Public Financing of said services. As you would get public financing/taxpayer financing of these accounts on top of voluntary contributions. 

Alternatively we could have a guaranteed minimum income, but, tie it to work. Then go ahead and gradually remove State control and ownership of schools, hospitals, the post office, et cetera. While making sure the Citizen had support to pay for the now Non Government owned and operated organizations. 

If the government guarantees as many people as possible have enough money to live on, a minimum standard of living, we can go ahead with privatizing many now government owned and operated industries and services letting them have competition for providing the best service without it affecting one's minimum standard of living.

For example; if the government guarantees that we have enough for paying for education by having a minimum income it's citizens will not fall under it does not need to then have any input or undue influence on what is taught. Thus we can have true education choice and privatize the entire school system while still having a robust safety net. The same goes for many other areas currently under government backed monopolization. 

This provides the choices and freedom citizens should have without worrying about those in need being ran over by those whom are wealthy. I think that finding a solution that has this freedom with funding for a safety net is a worthwhile pursuit for Christian conservatism.